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  • Second Protoss Race:

    Vs Zerg:

    + Son, High Templar
    + Viet, Dark Templar
    + Hai, Void Ray
    + Duy, Colossi
    + Thanh, Immortal

    so there are some variety and surprise for the player, but this time will try to build very fast. So then won't spend money to much on product units like previous version.

    The key is switching commander, if too much Roach, switch to Thanh, to much Hydralisk, switch to Duy.

    Vs Protoss & Terran:


    Finally Zerg Race.

    The Zerg have an advantage, can easily switch to other strategy and change unit, so instead, we will change to 3 group : Early, Mid and Late:

    Early: this is for variation in early:

    Rat : 6 pool
    Mouse : 10 pool
    Mole : 14 pool 15 ex
    Cat : Overpool

    Mid, the early commander will switch to these commander when in mid game ( Lair )
    Snake : Hydralisk
    Cat : Baneling
    Dog : Roach
    Bat : Multalisk

    ofcourse will switch depend on enemy composition in each Race.

    Late ,
    Eagle : BroodLord
    Elephant: Ultralisk

    All these commander will add some Infestor in some situation : Vs 3M, Collosi, Battle Cruiser, Thor.

    That the basic idea of how it work. But we need some of your advice :)

    To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
    GT Creator

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