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  • Most tvst games are air vs air.

    Some T user try to rush with tank and some rines

    but what you can see in most reps , who make first 2 startport and air units win.

    There aren't so many opening in tvst..

    anyway.. normal opening is always 15 orbital for all mu .

    For protoss, u can add some nice push, like WhiteRa push in PVZ .. vs T..... 4 gate + robo or startport.. one of most used opening, but anyway it need a good use of force field and sentry for defend .

    Most Z user like to rush with banelings against Terrans, u can see DImaga Style for understand..

    If you have no idea, watch some reps and copy it.

    if u need i upload some reps for you no problem.

    Colossus Are needed for Protoss, cuz they are the best on ground, in mid-late if P had some colossus is very strong for T and Z , vs Z colo + field + some other units.. vs T Colo + zea + Storm (Do a lots of damages )

    my just 2 cent


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