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  • Terran Vs Terran

    The big thing is its a battle for tank vision (they shoot farther than they see).

    You can use the watchtowers, scans, air superiority, flying buildings and stealthed units to get the vision range. The ai should abuse these things as much as possible.

    Legendary is right that it often boils down to wanting air superiority.

    That said, I believe you can have a bunch of TvT commanders.

    The standard opening is a 1-1-1. Then the fast viking.

    The main alternative opening would be 3-4 barracks given marines can shoot air.

    After that it can diverge quite a bit. I've seen every unit but battlecruisers involved in pro games.

    Anti-tank builds:
    Thor-Medivacs-Maurader (some vikings as needed).

    Other ideas.
    Fast banshees with stealth. Into tanks, thors, ravens.

    The Terran versus Protoss commanders all might have some success too after a standard TvT opening (no ghosts). Keep in mind Legendary's post when tweaking them.

    TvP and collosi
    I agree with Yucie. If you had to choose between tanks and vikings (aka a build with neither), go with the vikings.

    Commander Green (Mech play) is the flavor of the month.
    I'd warn that Zerg can switch between units much more easily than Terran. So definitely try to upgrade and stick to one Commander as much as possible, having that commander simply adapt which of his units he is leaning toward.

    Suddenly switching commanders and adding a whole new set of unit-producing structures and upgrades won't work very well. Gradually diversifying while pumping out the most appropriate units currently available would be better.

    Registered User

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