I found something interesting about translated versions of the game and I need your feedback. I downloaded the enGB and rolled back to 2.0.5 being able to play hots campaign. Because I'm Italian I've also tried to do the same thing on my local version of the game. At first I lazily searched for someone who has done the job before me, but everyone was working with the enUS or enGB versions, not itIT. I've tried to add the itIT**.SC2data and the other Italian files then changed language in variables.txt, but the game started to gone mad about the 100% download. I was using the enGB version for this. I've tried to rename the itIT files to match the enGB ones, but same result. Then I saw something weird... I've seen an enUS file inside the Italian folder of SC2, so I realized that my localized version was an US translated in Italian by blizzard. So I've done this:
Placed the Italian version back and started normally Login first time with starter dummy account Exit the game Run the keygen Add the rules to the firewall to stop Internet connection of the game Started the game and login in offline mode Try to load the HoTS savegame and getting the license error Exit the game Used the enUS files of the 1st page to roll back to 2.0.5 backing up original files Placed back in the update folder my itIT folder and deleted the enUS/enGB ones Deleted the 2.0.6 file in the itIT update folder Started the game again Enjoy HoTS campaign from the savegame in my 2.0.5 itIT SC2
Me pueden decir por favor como usar los archivos del Downgrade 2.0.5 enUS para mi versión en español de 2.0.6.
Tuto in english for downgrade 2.0.5 in version esMX.
Eliminates post. Sorry
Ya le cale de todas las formas. Cambiando los archivos esUS por esMX y nada. Tal vez es por la versión en español latino y no la español europea.
Lo intentaré luego. La verdad que me da hueva hacer todo este entramado.
Ok. De alguna forma tiene que funcionar.