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    vernam7zerg need more power!

    Vernam7: You're kidding me, right? Everyone but Zerg is getting seriously nerfed in 1.1

    because ZERG need that extra boost! right now the get fucked up retty nicly :P

    imho terrans are the most powerfull because they compine in lots of units air and ground attack at once!

    zerg do not have that in the more powerfull units :(

    imagin if zerg had an Ultralisk like units able to attack both air and ground! like thor!
    i understand that this is the buty of the game 3 different races, but one thing is deferent an other thinkis the unfair balance and hight gas cost of the zerg units! for 1 thor Zerg player need 2 other units to build that take caps limit AND hell of a GAS!

    zerg should be a little more cheap on gas...

    i am not a veteran sc2 player but that what i feel right now.

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