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  • Ofc APM is not mayor factor that tells that this one is PRO and other is noob
    The following was what I wrote in the first post - "but as what I got, to win a game in a as low as possible APM is my favourite. Anyone agree?", did I mention any so called pro/noob there? You and others keep on telling someone else that I am jealous of those "gaming pro", isn't it?
    But ofc ppl that have perfect timing but will not be able to get high APM (depends on what you call high) when they need ( not spam but good mikro/makro/multitasking) will be not able too keep up on high lvl games.
    I think you may prefer a "Human macro player" or a robot. Have you seen the film "The Bourne Ultimatum"? Did you know the meaning of what Bourne told the hitman was?
    quite often you use more lines of code that necessary to make code more clear, flexible and so on
    According to what you said, this was the difference between a pro/hacker and noob/script kiddie.
    Some ppl prefer spaming from the begging
    Who are begging there? I guess it is "beginning", better to hope that this is just a mistake but not an insult. I am not pro in black english.
    to keep up when they will need high
    Exercises always lead to perfect.


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