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  • The progress of science and technology among the scientific disciplines of mutual penetration and mutual integration between industries, an endless stream of new structures, new materials, new technologies and new processes, extensive application of mechanical and electrical integration, and automatic control technology, a strong promotion of lead zinc ore beneficiation production line equipment innovation and energy efficient.

    New gold ore beneficiation process, beneficiation use physical gold series equipment, this device is the latest foreign technology and domestic production of the selected gold the best combination. Digestion and absorption the advantages of advanced gold mines of ore beneficiation equipment in South Africa, Canada, Russia and other countries, optimization the selected gold process, greatly reduce power consumption and equipment wear and tear. The new technology can output the final concentrate and tailings. The year-over-year old technology, save 50% or more, save 30% manual work, to make gold production process realize a non-polluting and energy-efficient.

    In fact, the development of lead-zinc mineral processing equipment and beneficiation process synchronization process is dominant, the device is the foundation. The birth of a new type of mining equipment, tend to bring about changes in the beneficiation process. Mining equipment technical level not only is the premise of the level of technology, but also directly affect the smooth flow of the production process and application. These lead-zinc beneficiation production line manufacturer of mineral processing equipment increasing requirements to promote mineral processing equipment to keep the development of bigger, better and efficient energy-saving direction. 1% iron ore concentrate, for example, concentrate grade progress, blast furnace pig iron output rose by 2.5%, coke rate decreased by 1.5%, the effect is significant.

    Currently, gold ore beneficiation plants commonly used mixed with mercury, flotation, cyanide gold ore beneficiation process. But the prevalence of the larger environmental pollution, it is difficult to reach discharge standards, polluting the environment and harming children and grandchildren. Moreover, the larger gold toxicity of chemicals in the production process, serious damage to the gold trade union body. Among them, such as the mixed mercury method used mercury, is the famous 'liver killer'.


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