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  • i usually just go random.
    worst race? probably all of them tbh, lol.

    terran is a little easier this time around as we dont have micro intensive metal builds and medivacs can heal easier (instead of medics goin to the rine and healing them they can just heal in the air).

    zerg is probably the hardest, imo. they are awesome tho. mutas are strong. so are roaches. overlords only detect cloaked units as overseers btw.

    toss is pretty similar to the old feel. they've got mobility now and that chrono boost is nice little ability to keep it more macro-ey.

    tbh, game feels a lot like the old one, but with better a.i. like isntead of all templars casting storm, only one will now. units dont move all clunky and actually move smoothly. shift commands are godly. feels easier than sc1 for sure.


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