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  • it will be a great game when it finally comes out in 3054...That's my predicted date by the way 3054 -April"

    Yeah I'm going to have to agree with that. Too bad we will all be trying to survive underground from the coming ice age - i suspect it wont leave alot of time for sc2.

    I definately liked sc1's Zerg sound effects better- they sounded much more dark and violent. The new Zerg voices sound like I would imagine a creepy playground stalking pedophile rather than a hostile alien warrior.

    Also , I'm really not crazy about the cartoon style graphics as I cant see why they require so much more system speed than the old ones. I guess its the new 3-d engine like everyone says. I like the turrets on top of the terran command center - and alot of the new units for every race. The new maps with the space station floating out in space and the planets visible from certain angles..i really like that


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