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  • Not going to do this in any particular way; from what i've heard most people already have it and I would like to give it to someone who does not

    Sooo, I guess just reply and say you want it.. Mebbe the reason why lol? Iunno! Got something to give in return mebbes!?!? =p

    I will be giving away an EU Beta ACCOUNT not KEY.

    Reason for this is, I preorded SC2 to get the beta key, and when I received my key I entered it into a Battle Net account that once had an EU World of Warcraft account on it (transferred off) -- strangely enough when I added the SC2 Beta Key, it automatically made the SC2 beta an EU account -- i'm from the US so I am cancelling my old preorder and... re-preordering =)

    The Battle Net account is mine, and it is actually a US Battle Net account, not an EU one -- although there is an EU SC2 beta on there. I have absolutely no reason for this -- I noticed a tad bit of latency annnd i dun liek tht! =P

    So tomorrow when I get on the computer i'll check the replies, and PM whoever.. I choose I guess -- Can't think of a better way to do it! =P

    You can take ownership of the account just by me changing the email from mine to yours I believe -- i'll have no need for it anyway, so if you want it; REHPLY! =)


    Hay, i'd like to add it would be a plus if you actually attempted to make some sort of custom (non-melee map with TEH TRIGGRERS) map whilst awaiting some lucky way for you to get into the beta and posted it on Nibbits.. Soh if you did let me know =) I'd love to give this to a mapmaker. Tower Defense maps are meh favorite so I get to beta test it if you are making a TD! =P

    cias again.

    [u][i]Xfire:[/u] [i]Heretician[/i] [b][u]AIM:[/u] Heretician420 [b][u]MSN:[/u][/b]
    Heretic / 967
    North America

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