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  • Anyone seen this yet? EXTREMELY informational read; check out the summary (first paragraph)

    In an effort to better explain changes being made within the StarCraft II beta, we wanted to establish the Situation Report in which we take the time to share a little more insight into the balance choices we make and how we believe these changes will play out. We are incredibly dedicated to bringing you the quality and high standards that you expect of a Blizzard game and StarCraft II, and hope that by sharing more of our thoughts with you, that we can continue to both receive great feedback, but continue to see great matches within the game.

    Yum yum balance choices, it seems one will be posted for each new patch -- keep updated =P The entire 2 posts (and I presume every patch will be this way) is Blizzard explaining their reasoning behind the Patch, IE: Changes to units, structures, balance (for instance, splash damage - the first listed)

    Awesome to see Blizzard rationalize their patches.


    [u][i]Xfire:[/u] [i]Heretician[/i] [b][u]AIM:[/u] Heretician420 [b][u]MSN:[/u][/b]
    Heretic / 967
    North America

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