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any feedback so far?
im currently adding in player start locations to the player class, game type(ladder, custom), game speed, map file size, image (this will need another dll as well, probably devil or paloma)
as i said in my previous post mplib is slow, the rest are working nice
now about the tga conversion i use devil and its super fast!
hmm maybe ill switch mpqlib, what do most ppl use? i was under the impression i needed mpqlib to interface in .net (didnt think stormlib worked in .net)
i use another way of aproching extraction etc and works for me great but now its too late i will pm you tommorow if you are interesting in my method
going for some sleep and rest
Aight guys imma hit the sack, heres the latest version to mess around with
its got image support now, player start location support (as a percentage of 100 ie, 38% from the left, 42% from top)
map size, game type (ladder, etc) speed, etc, etc
lemme know whats busted and what should be added
(i know, i know, still no non-english support for races)
Good job Prometeus, looks like your parser will be finally what we were looking for and with Newbiz help you both can make the greatest parser so far!
I dont know how in SC2 it should be cause I see players get lwoer APM but it is like that in war3:
Under 100 = newb
100-140 not very good
140-200 - Very good
200-250 High and enough
250-300 Perfect
300++ Insane
I play vs AIon SC2 but without playing war3 cause in SC2 it's faster and when I get back to war3 I get 230+ in war3, just the fast speed in SC2 makes me do so. Yet in Sc2 I can barely go over 120. And Im a player who has played lots of tournaments and leagues in war3 vs pro players.
Again, PLS DONT USE RAPIDSH**.... Why not MediaFire..
Are you gonna release an application of this parser these days, so that we can open replays with whatever it currently offers. Cause right now I see more features than any other, especially better than the WARP Java one. I cant wait to have something to open replays.
How do you open replays atm? How do you use these files
this isnt a program, its not what you think it is.
this is the library that parses replays which programs can then use to give you what you want
Yeah I see it is the library. But you are using a program from the screenshots and my question is, is there a program atm that you created or any that using that library can open replays? And ofc would you share that program on the screenshot?
i would prefair this to stay as a library not a tool!
any programmer can make his own software.
maybe use a small demo when the library gets stable in .net, but i like the way its right now, just a programmers tool!
oh, my bad, yah that screenshot is the program im using to check the dll
sorry this thread started before i even knew i was gonna make a dll =P
yah when i do my first dll release version ill release a simple program like that to use as an example
ok questions cause i dont see any sample arround
1)what exactly the players return?
i look into a replay and say the array Players() is nothing! can this be possible?
2)replay leght?? how it counts? 534 returns and my replay in 8:53sec i did 534/60 but nop
can you gave us a sample?
The length is in seconds
534/60 gets you your 8 minutes
534%60 gets you 54 seconds
also the property players returns an array of struct player which contains player info
it is only possible for this to be empty if an error occurred
I'll release some API docspecs and an example in a few days
ok i got the duration but you need to remove one second i do it manually and the parsing duration is exactly as the ingame now
here is my code:
Dim Mins = Split(RP.Length / 60, ",")
Dim Secs = Split((RP.Length Mod 60) - 1, ",")
Me.LabelReplayDuration.Text = "Duration: " & Mins(0) & ":" & Secs(0)
Me.PictureBoxReplay.Image = RP.Image '''this works ok
'''so far ok but the next loop returns nothing! am i doing something wrong here?
Me.LabelReplayRaces.Text = ""
For i = 0 To RP.Players.Count - 1
Me.LabelReplayRaces.Text &= RP.Players(i).Race & Environment.NewLine
also would you like a replay of mine cause i don't get the player structure, its empty.
btw we are talking about replays with team hack and starcrack AI 7 in use!
if you want my opinion eneble the XML support in your .net dll project and by typing 3 ''' comments above your fanction you are able to write a very details inlibrary systax demo! no need for other file!
and you could easily explain to us what gametype 0 is and what 1 is etc etc

if you need any help with the comments or enything else in code let me know.
ive added AI support for players, etc in the latest build
but you have to remember, the AI actions and stuff arent stored in replay files, so most of it's data will be empty (even start location, which i havent yet found for ai)
so what can i take from the AI?
can you give me a small syntax example?
p.s i may have found a way of identifying if its a starcrack AI or original!
but i have to check it first and then share ;-)
OK, here is ReplayLib v1.0 WITH the .net xml syntax support.
Also contained in the file is an example replay viewer utilizing the dll.
now you are talking ;-)
i will try it tnx could you tell me whats new in v1.0.0?
compaired to the previous one?
tnx a lot
p.s BUG: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. crash error in some replays!
still a few bugs im working out... its hard cuz no one is testing it lol
i think the only 2 ppl who care are us 2 =P
plz dont say that!
the truth is that most of the developers out there whait fro the ready and easy to use solution they dont care about helping out! i do!
i have am using v1.0.0 in my 5.7.0 launcher i released yesterday and people really like it, there are some bugs here and there but nothing to critical.
keep up dude!
hi all
am new in this website but am an old sc gamer.
now im developing some web app in php.
before i used a php library for sc1 replays but now am looking for one for sc2 replays.
i couldnt found any good library. any help?
i really thanfully to you
You guys thinking also about a parser for php ?
The known project by ZetaTwo is dead ;/
I've built a rudimentary php parser based on a lot of other people's work, feel free to check it out at https://code.google.com/p/phpsc2replay/.
It's open source and should work for all replays from patch 9 onwards but it's still missing a lot of documentation.
Hey guys, what's up? Is there a new version of your lib? Or does others library exist? This post is old so...
Is there any progress in replay parsers?
I would like to extract the complete unit count of each player at any time during the game. But haven't found anything that would help me with that...