hi all, i'm searching a way to customize the hotkey of sc2. the previous way i used is to put the gamestring.txt file in the root folder of sc2. this is not working for patch 10.
There is a new tab under the sc2 menù called HOTKEY but i can only select fixed profile. the better for me is "grid" but i want to change something (i.e. attack button mapped to T suck imo :( ).
i have also tried to open and extract infos from my MPQ files, tried to search all web but i can't solve.
do someone use hotkey here? any suggestion? I REALLY NEED HELP, it isn't funny to play in this way.... tnx
P.S: maybe the hotkey can be a good extension of this already great tool....
i have a grid system support but i didnt enable it because i was not sure it will work with the latest game version...
beside that that was a fixed qrid system no edit. there is a tool arround that i dont remember nwo from a russian guy that allow you to customize all the keys from a gamestring.txt file, but as you said by simple place this into the games folder will not load.
i know a way to make that work but i dont have time to make AND a key editor....so if you know how to edit gamestring.txt with or withouta tool, i will enable my option to allow you import that new kes to the game you play and load corectly.
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yes, that is exactly my problem! I have a gamestring.txt already configured (hard work with text editor hehe :) ) but it not work now. you will make me so happy if u can enable this option on the next release :) !!!!!
btw, if that don't take much work/time for you, can you explain me how to make it work? i want to learn and i ll try to do myself...
Phoenixyes, that is exactly my problem! I have a gamestring.txt already configured (hard work with text editor hehe :) ) but it not work now. you will make me so happy if u can enable this option on the next release :) !!!!!
btw, if that don't take much work/time for you, can you explain me how to make it work? i want to learn and i ll try to do myself...
sorry impossible to explain, you will need the tool to do that for you, its a chain of actions that need to take place, and i cant actually tell you the source code, to the end user there is a potential risk by testing stuff around in patch files etc and pmq files cause corruption and size increasing can be easily appear!
but i will add it to my 9.4.4 version this week, so plz PM me the file that you have made to test it.
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ok sry for triple post....but u have edited ur original post. :) i m at work, i cant now.
basically i had download the gridkey modification here and done some work that i dont remember(i.e. attack button, burrow button...). i also found a bug with the upgrade for terran's barrack: reactor and tech was placed on the same key...don't know if some1 had already post this for the fix.
Phoenixok sry for triple post....but u have edited ur original post. :) i m at work, i cant now.
basically i had download the gridkey modification here and done some work that i dont remember(i.e. attack button, burrow button...). i also found a bug with the upgrade for terran's barrack: reactor and tech was placed on the same key...don't know if some1 had already post this for the fix.
anyway when you can pm this file to me and you know you can register and edit your posts dont triple post :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
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yay! patch 11 already... i hope all the AIs compatible with patch 10 still works. got to get home early..hehe @vernam7: since going legit, your launcher (theoretically) won't be having problems with later patches! great job as always! :)
@vernam7: sorry if i have to ask again but its a bit unclear. when you say "needs tweaking" you mean that it works (does more than just mine) but needs to be updated with new functions/features? sorry for being so persistent, i'm just feeling anxious coz i still have about 9 hours of work before i can go home. :(
there is no mining issues any more dont worrry tweak means that for example now that few upgrades moved or units changed statistics the ai msy not perform 100% all its strategies and tsctics but hell it plays like charm and the units and upgrades are patch11
no serious problems its all about build times and tacticts that the ai will try too perform
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
ow i see! that's great then! all we have to do is wait for the new AIs then. maybe by the time i get a new lcd monitor (standard->wide), the new AIs will be live. :)
@vernam7: your tool and the AI work perfectly! :) @berrykeey789: just be patient. in less than three months WOL will be on shelves. just enjoy what vernam7 and the ai team has to offer you atm. :)
Syryuu@vernam7: your tool and the AI work perfectly! :) @berrykeey789: just be patient. in less than three months WOL will be on shelves. just enjoy what vernam7 and the ai team has to offer you atm. :)
hey did yo see my comments competion i give a cd-key in the next 3 hours to someone from europe and level 2 register user!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
hi all, i'm searching a way to customize the hotkey of sc2. the previous way i used is to put the gamestring.txt file in the root folder of sc2.
this is not working for patch 10.
There is a new tab under the sc2 menù called HOTKEY but i can only select fixed profile. the better for me is "grid" but i want to change something (i.e. attack button mapped to T suck imo :( ).
i have also tried to open and extract infos from my MPQ files, tried to search all web but i can't solve.
do someone use hotkey here? any suggestion?
I REALLY NEED HELP, it isn't funny to play in this way.... tnx
P.S: maybe the hotkey can be a good extension of this already great tool....
i have a grid system support but i didnt enable it because i was not sure it will work with the latest game version...
beside that that was a fixed qrid system no edit.
there is a tool arround that i dont remember nwo from a russian guy that allow you to customize all the keys from a gamestring.txt file, but as you said by simple place this into the games folder will not load.
i know a way to make that work but i dont have time to make AND a key editor....so if you know how to edit gamestring.txt with or withouta tool, i will enable my option to allow you import that new kes to the game you play and load corectly.
yes, that is exactly my problem! I have a gamestring.txt already configured (hard work with text editor hehe :) ) but it not work now. you will make me so happy if u can enable this option on the next release :) !!!!!
btw, if that don't take much work/time for you, can you explain me how to make it work?
i want to learn and i ll try to do myself...
sorry impossible to explain, you will need the tool to do that for you, its a chain of actions that need to take place, and i cant actually tell you the source code, to the end user there is a potential risk by testing stuff around in patch files etc and pmq files cause corruption and size increasing can be easily appear!
but i will add it to my 9.4.4 version this week, so plz PM me the file that you have made to test it.
i understand and i agree.
so....will you enable this features in the next release?
i'm always more thankful for your hard work. CAN'T WAIT!
ok sry for the question arrived 4 minute late, i was writing. :)
ok sry for triple post....but u have edited ur original post. :) i m at work, i cant now.
basically i had download the gridkey modification here and done some work that i dont remember(i.e. attack button, burrow button...).
i also found a bug with the upgrade for terran's barrack: reactor and tech was placed on the same key...don't know if some1 had already post this for the fix.
anyway when you can pm this file to me and you know you can register and edit your posts dont triple post :P
OMG incredible new incoming features. i can only be quiet and wait to your developements.
Blizzard must give you a job in its studios!
-- Matchet
ok, i m registered now, but seem i can't attach a file to the PM. how can i send this file to you....?
by the way i have fixed a bit the file, restoring some experiment and correcting the techlab issue.
you cant attach just uploadit to rapidshare and send me the link
check pm...
yay! patch 11 already... i hope all the AIs compatible with patch 10 still works. got to get home early..hehe
@vernam7: since going legit, your launcher (theoretically) won't be having problems with later patches! great job as always! :)
AI was not working 100% and untill the AI team fix it i made a small upgrade to it add also some new stuff and fixes and just uploaded 9.4.0....
basically yes my tool was 100% compatible with patch 11, just the AI needs tweeeking.
9.4.0 will work good read change log!

sneak peak
@vernam7: sorry if i have to ask again but its a bit unclear. when you say "needs tweaking" you mean that it works (does more than just mine) but needs to be updated with new functions/features? sorry for being so persistent, i'm just feeling anxious coz i still have about 9 hours of work before i can go home. :(
there is no mining issues any more dont worrry tweak means that for example now that few upgrades moved or units changed statistics the ai msy not perform 100% all its strategies and tsctics but hell it plays like charm and the units and upgrades are patch11
no serious problems its all about build times and tacticts that the ai will try too perform
ow i see! that's great then! all we have to do is wait for the new AIs then. maybe by the time i get a new lcd monitor (standard->wide), the new AIs will be live. :)
no need to wait read the change log
@vernam7: the file for download doesn't have an extension. :)
this apear to be happening to other users as well, i see perfectly the extension in the site and in download,
something like antivirus or your brawser doesnt recomend you save an .exe file....i dont know i cant to anything to prevent that....
:( still havent gotten a key... still playing with the AI... still beating it everytime... Can anyone spare a key? :)
@vernam7: your tool and the AI work perfectly! :)
@berrykeey789: just be patient. in less than three months WOL will be on shelves. just enjoy what vernam7 and the ai team has to offer you atm. :)
hey did yo see my comments competion i give a cd-key in the next 3 hours to someone from europe and level 2 register user!
FireBat Burned a post for asking support "suggestions"- questions ;-)
specially the ones Blizzard should answer ;-)