DO READ the installation tips BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! Most of your questions are already answered here or in our FAQ section!
Warning for Virus/Trojan and fake clones Be adviced, that ONLY this is the original and official webpage for downloading my Tool, any other site that have my tool for download may be dangerous to use! lots of websites/torrents have repacked my tool with effected .exe virus/trojan, and will damage your system! the only way to be 100% sure is to download any latest version from THIS (nibbits) web-site or from the auto-update system from the tool when available! This tool should have only one (1) executable file when installed and one (1) more while running! so anything else is fake! dont run any other exe besides the sc2allin1.exe
EULA Info Retail crks has nothing to do with this tool! so don't confuse them! dont ask them here! This Launcher Tool was primary made for Training reasons been able to play offline when WAN its not evailable, load custom maps very easily and test them and Demonstrate-Promote StarCraft II only! Not replacing it in any part or cracking it directly. Cracks may be used with your own responsibility.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
1. SC2 with latest patch 2. SC2Allin latest version 3. Latest map packs
Vernam7's SC2Allin1 lets you play your retail bought StarCraft II game - single player custom maps versus the AI, with all options at start of gameplay.
Installation Procedure
Important * Windows XP sp3, or Windows 7 sp1 (32bit/64bit) with full administrative rights enabled. * .Net Framework 4 full sp1 installed. dotNETInspector Portable: * StarCraft 2 properly authenticated. * Verdana Font installed.
How to install SC2Allin1 1. Install as "administrator" - see screenshot below. 2. Turn off your anti-virus during the installation. 3. Program problems may be resolved by a clean re-installation of sc2ALLin1, and or usage of the StarCraft 2 repair tool (see below in this post), and or re-installation of the game.
Updating SC2Allin1
Delete the folder, eg C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\SC2ALLin1, and then install the new version.
StarCraft II Maps
Maps go here: C:\Users\username\Documents\StarCraft II\Maps
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)(will be updated when needed)
If you are trying to launch the game with the launcher but you have NOT bought and activated the game OR you do NOT have a crack for it, you will get this error: Unable to validate SC2 license
When you instal the launcher on win 7 or vista you must instal it as administrator and launch it as administrator!
Q: Help?! Crack not working?! Launcher not working with the cracked game?! A: No support for cracking or making the crack work period.
Q: I am getting this error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. A: Delete all your StarCraft 2 maps and use only the ones provided on our main page and in the Dummies guide. Also if this did not work right click the sc2allin1 folder go to properties than choose the security tab and make sure your current user/group of users have acces to read and write and also you can try turning off your anti-virus.
Q: I am getting this error: Could not find a part of the path C:\Program Files\StarCraftI\Versions. A: Check the Troubleshooting photo below.
Q: I am getting this error: Could not find GameStrings.txt A: Delete all your StarCraft 2 maps and use only the ones provided on our main page and in the Dummies guide.
Q: I am getting a blank map, no units, no bases, no nothing.What is wrong? A: You are trying to use a custom AI which you have not properly installed. To fix this make sure the "Use custom AI" box on the main window of the launcher is unchecked. This will allow you to play with Blizzard AI untill you fix your custom AI installation path. If this is not the case try a different map and only maps from our main download page and the dummies guide.
Q: I am getting this error: Conversion from string"" to type 'Integer' is not valid. A: Delete all your StarCraft 2 maps and use only the ones provided on our main page and in the Dummies guide.
Q: Is this launcher compatible with the retail version of StarCraft II? A: Older versions than v10.3.3 are not compatible with the retail version of the game! v10.3.3 or later are compatible!
Q: Do i need new retail maps to play with the launcher v10.3.3 or later? A: Yes! Those maps are available for download from the tool's download page or can be auto installed from the launcher button called "Add Maps from Server", located in the Maps Tab.
Q: I am missing some of the map elements, what should I do? A: Your maps are probably outdated or corupt. Use the latest game maps which can be downloaded from the launchers main page or you can find download links in the Dummies guide.
Q: Is this launcher legit? A: Somewhat, yes, it is. You can use it without worring Blizzard will ban you or anything. Q: When I run the launcher the User Interface seems "off place" (borders, buttons, etc.) what is wrong? (e.g. "Off place" UI) A: You have set your Windows Font DPI settings over or under 100%. The launcher works only with fonts set at 100% DPI! Use google for information on how to change your DPI.
Q: Can I play the game with this launcher without an internet conection? A: If the game starts without an internet connection.Yes, you can.(Blizzard’s offline mode has some problems)
Q: Can I play custom maps? A: Yes you can as long as they don't have triggers (besides the default) and are made like the blizzard maps.So if you want to make your own map to launch it with this launcher, first load in the editor an official map and study it. For any other maps you want to try out load it in the map editor and press the "Test Document" button.
Q: I get an error messsage "file not found" every time I try to launch a game why? A: Your Antivirus / Firewall / UAC / or Windows Rights are preventing the tool for running correctly and create the files needed! Even worse those file may be deleted automatically or blocked by your AV software! Turn them all OFF and reinstall the launcher and run it as Administrator!
Q: I am pressing the Launch button but nothing happens! No error, nothing, the game just doesn't start up! Why? A: It is possible the game is "stuck" running in your memory. Press ctrl+alt+del to open Task-Manager locate "sc2.exe" process, and END TASK it, or just restart your computer.
Q: I downloaded some map files but i don't know where to place them. A:Simply use from the Launcher's Map Tab, the button ”Add maps from folder”
Q: I am getting this error:The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). A: You need to instal .NET 3.5 SP1
Q: How can I add a custom AI? A: The only custom AI available is the G.T. AI (Green tea AI) which can be found here along with ”How to use videos”:
Q: I am getting this error: Cant load your settings! You may have deleted my default directories! Delete the settings file and retry, or reinstall the application! A: Just do what the error says and don’t forget to launch the instal as administrator and the launcher after it is installed as administrator also.
Q: I am getting this error: Acces to path ’(path here eg : program files\StarCraftII\SC2Allin1\ map.SC2Map)’ is denied A: Turn off the antivirus or add the sc2allin1 folder to its exception list and make sure you are starting the launcher as administrator.
Temporary moved FAQ content
Q:My replays wont work, why? A:Replays should work properly, try deleting the cache files, make sure its a replay made in the latest game version(or whatever game version you have) and if that does not work try reinstalling the game. Also they might not work because blizzard does something to them when the game patches to a new version.
Extra notes
For people that are having this error: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\StarCraftI\Versions. The instal path of your game is wrong in the registry. You have to edit them like in the photo below or if you do not know how to do this and are afraid you might damage your computer, wait for a new version of the launcher that will solve this problem.
This post is up to date as of: Thursday, Apr 21, 2011
Our beloved Supporters are creating an amazing detailed new Installation guide and a FAQ section!
if you are a noob or not before asking make sure you read this First!
There is a new Installation Guide and F.A.Q , so make sure you take a look there before posting any questions!

DO READ the installation tips BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS! Most of your questions are already answered here or in our FAQ section!
ONLY use the latest versions
1. SC2 with latest patch
2. SC2Allin latest version
3. Latest map packs
Vernam7's SC2Allin1 lets you play your retail bought StarCraft II game - single player custom maps versus the AI, with all options at start of gameplay.
Installation Procedure
* Windows XP sp3, or Windows 7 sp1 (32bit/64bit) with full administrative rights enabled.
* .Net Framework 4 full sp1 installed.
dotNETInspector Portable:
* StarCraft 2 properly authenticated.
* Verdana Font installed.
How to install SC2Allin1
1. Install as "administrator" - see screenshot below.
2. Turn off your anti-virus during the installation.
3. Program problems may be resolved by a clean re-installation of sc2ALLin1, and or usage of the StarCraft 2 repair tool (see below in this post), and or re-installation of the game.
Updating SC2Allin1
Delete the folder, eg C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\SC2ALLin1, and then install the new version.
StarCraft II Maps
Maps go here:
C:\Users\username\Documents\StarCraft II\Maps
Blizzard Maps
Nibbits Community Maps
AI Path - optional Green Tea
C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\SC2ALLin1\ai\GT AI 0.82\TriggerLibs
ESSENTIAL: You NEED vernam7's latest version sc2ALLin1 in order to play maps offline against the AI.
Blizzard made the decision not to implement LAN into StarCraft II. If you wish to have LAN included with StarCraft II, please contact Blizzard.
StarCraft 2 installation repair tool
Checks and repairs your installation:C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support\Repair.exe
StarCraft 2 errors and possible solutions
Error message: "Your installation of Starcraft 2 must be optimized before you can play ..." etc and this doesn't work.Possible solution: Delete the Battle.Net and the Blizzard folders here, Windows 7, C:\ProgramData\
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)(will be updated when needed)
When you instal the launcher on win 7 or vista you must instal it as administrator and launch it as administrator!
Q: I got the following error when starting the game: Unable to validate StarCraft 2 license.
A: You need to have either bought the game and logged in or have it cracked properly. If you have not bought it this is all I can do to help you:
Q: Help?! Crack not working?! Launcher not working with the cracked game?!
A: No support for cracking or making the crack work period.
Q: I am getting this error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
A: Delete all your StarCraft 2 maps and use only the ones provided on our main page and in the Dummies guide. Also if this did not work right click the sc2allin1 folder go to properties than choose the security tab and make sure your current user/group of users have acces to read and write and also you can try turning off your anti-virus.
Q: I am getting this error: Could not find a part of the path C:\Program Files\StarCraftI\Versions.
A: Check the Troubleshooting photo below.
Q: I am getting this error: Could not find GameStrings.txt
A: Delete all your StarCraft 2 maps and use only the ones provided on our main page and in the Dummies guide.
Q: I am getting a blank map, no units, no bases, no nothing.What is wrong?
A: You are trying to use a custom AI which you have not properly installed. To fix this make sure the "Use custom AI" box on the main window of the launcher is unchecked. This will allow you to play with Blizzard AI untill you fix your custom AI installation path. If this is not the case try a different map and only maps from our main download page and the dummies guide.
Q: I am getting this error: Conversion from string"" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
A: Delete all your StarCraft 2 maps and use only the ones provided on our main page and in the Dummies guide.
Q: Is this launcher compatible with the retail version of StarCraft II?
A: Older versions than v10.3.3 are not compatible with the retail version of the game! v10.3.3 or later are compatible!
Q: Do i need new retail maps to play with the launcher v10.3.3 or later?
A: Yes! Those maps are available for download from the tool's download page or can be auto installed from the launcher button called "Add Maps from Server", located in the Maps Tab.
Q: I am missing some of the map elements, what should I do?
A: Your maps are probably outdated or corupt. Use the latest game maps which can be downloaded from the launchers main page or you can find download links in the Dummies guide.
Q: Is this launcher legit?
A: Somewhat, yes, it is. You can use it without worring Blizzard will ban you or anything.
Q: When I run the launcher the User Interface seems "off place" (borders, buttons, etc.) what is wrong? (e.g. "Off place" UI)
A: You have set your Windows Font DPI settings over or under 100%. The launcher works only with fonts set at 100% DPI! Use google for information on how to change your DPI.
Q: Can I play the game with this launcher without an internet conection?
A: If the game starts without an internet connection.Yes, you can.(Blizzard’s offline mode has some problems)
Q: Can I play custom maps?
A: Yes you can as long as they don't have triggers (besides the default) and are made like the blizzard maps.So if you want to make your own map to launch it with this launcher, first load in the editor an official map and study it. For any other maps you want to try out load it in the map editor and press the "Test Document" button.
Q: I get an error messsage "file not found" every time I try to launch a game why?
A: Your Antivirus / Firewall / UAC / or Windows Rights are preventing the tool for running correctly and create the files needed! Even worse those file may be deleted automatically or blocked by your AV software! Turn them all OFF and reinstall the launcher and run it as Administrator!
Q: I am pressing the Launch button but nothing happens! No error, nothing, the game just doesn't start up! Why?
A: It is possible the game is "stuck" running in your memory. Press ctrl+alt+del to open Task-Manager locate "sc2.exe" process, and END TASK it, or just restart your computer.
Q: I downloaded some map files but i don't know where to place them.
A:Simply use from the Launcher's Map Tab, the button ”Add maps from folder”
Q: I am getting this error:The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135).
A: You need to instal .NET 3.5 SP1
Q: How can I add a custom AI?
A: The only custom AI available is the G.T. AI (Green tea AI) which can be found here along with ”How to use videos”:
Q: I am getting this error: Cant load your settings! You may have deleted my default directories! Delete the settings file and retry, or reinstall the application!
A: Just do what the error says and don’t forget to launch the instal as administrator and the launcher after it is installed as administrator also.
Q: I am getting this error: Acces to path ’(path here eg : program files\StarCraftII\SC2Allin1\ map.SC2Map)’ is denied
A: Turn off the antivirus or add the sc2allin1 folder to its exception list and make sure you are starting the launcher as administrator.
Temporary moved FAQ content
Q:My replays wont work, why?
A:Replays should work properly, try deleting the cache files, make sure its a replay made in the latest game version(or whatever game version you have) and if that does not work try reinstalling the game. Also they might not work because blizzard does something to them when the game patches to a new version.
Extra notes
For people that are having this error: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\StarCraftI\Versions. The instal path of your game is wrong in the registry. You have to edit them like in the photo below or if you do not know how to do this and are afraid you might damage your computer, wait for a new version of the launcher that will solve this problem.
This post is up to date as of: Thursday, Apr 21, 2011