@ terran58, I could never get interested in Prince of Persia. I think the controls and running up the sides of walls and jumping around was too much like Tomb Raider for me.
i never play action or first person games
i point to that just because its one of the first games i played
i just interested in strategies games
warcraft ,starcraft ,c&c ,lord of the rings RTS, age of empires,civilizations,total wars ,...
all i can say is that there is work in progress ccT i think just had a move to take care this week, thats why and he is offline, but he is working on.
c on we cant force people arround that are doing us a favor by providing as free tools and AI to play, to work more and more faster.
btw i am going to play some games, yestarday i played my 1st matches online and i suck, i had 2/4 wins, i dont know the damn units! even our AI at easy kicks my ass! lol
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
I do look forward to the RTM of Starcraft 2 so that I can play a fair AI.
Though on the plus side, we should all be super good at the end.
The best I ever did was 3 v 1, 3 Zergs v 1 Protoss and I had to establish an initial defense and then break out to resource mine.
I am rather good at defense establishment now, but I don't think that is how to play the game. :P
At first I couldn't understand it. I had like 3 Marines and was thinking I was doing well and then suddenly, from a base on the other side of the map a swarm of Zergs attacked.
At medium level which would be like "are you fecking mad?" level with the retail Starcraft 2!
I lost soooooooooooooooooo many times before I started to win games semi regularly.
let me share with you some of the things that are allready implemented to my internal build AKA your next version my Beta testers will get there build tommorow probably.....(and you RunTheZergs...oh i forgot you changed it :P, are in that list and terran58 as well ;-) actually Cry17 isnt speaking at all and i dont knwo if he is interested or not :( he is the silent force, just help no replies Lol...
Work in progress.... v9.4.4
Fix a bug when selecting Team VS Team gametype and set close one player slot it still had its Team Box visible.
Add Messege when a player uses Resource Cheating to inform all other players, for prevent players to cheat later on-line.
Add StarCrack AI Editor, that will allow you to save and use 1 custom AI difficulty level.(later on will be more profiles supported)
Small U.I changes on how the player slots appear when its set to "Closed". No more empty black background.
Fix a bug when sellecting game type "Use Map Settings", previous start locations was visible to the minimap.
Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the Windows Font DPI Settings. If is different than the default 100% the tool will give a warning and will not start.
Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the existance of the required font Verdana. If missing the tool will give a warning and will not start.
about the last DPI check, i am able to even force windows to change that, but i thought i would do that if the users didnt know about it, some prefair old fonts :( so i just warn them and let them change it back (to learn windows as well :P )
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
playing against SC-AI is very different from playing real online game with humans.
SC-AI game is just for you to practice your build-order for opening game/early game.
you should not compare playing against AI with playing against real humans.
the SC-AI Easy mode now just rushes "cheese", they do stuff like 6 or 7 pool..
real starcraft games usually don't have crappy cheese like that...if you do it, it's a bad way to win and will no work or help you when you get 'higher ranked players'..and if u also follow the AI and do early rush like 7 pool, if you fail, you will be at a very very very bad position (economy/army size) in the game and will definitely lose at the end.
if you win because you find a technique to defend the early rush (cheese) from AI, that doesn't mean you are good starcraft player. The AI rushes early, but if u can survive that, 99% chance you can continue to push out to overrun the AI, the AI does not know how to respond/continue into late game.
you actually need to learn to counter builds, scout good, macro and micro, and maintain high-APM from start to finish in a real human game.
offline-AI game like this is to practice your hotkeys, multitasking/macroing, build order for opening game minutes.
The map editor is a pain to use. I played my first game, my map, your editor a few minutes ago!!!
I wish there was a proper tutorial to learn how to use the map editor. I've looked but trial and error seem the best way.
The default "Player Properties" for a default new map are WRONG! They will give an error message and need to be adjusted. Talk about a "stupid" default, where default causes errors.
Anyway, I lost the above map, but I can re-create it. Or even improve on it. Designing it is no problem. Getting it to play is. Only because I am left to teach myself.
Still the good news is, if I don't make a mess of it, your launcher may be able to include a custom map designed for use with your launcher ... value adding.
Only if my map is good enough and you and others will be the judge of that.
It is a bit of a challenge to adhere to the high Blizzard standard of a mirrored map and yet meet all the other criteria.
The biggest challenge was making a map that loaded in the launcher to be played and that I just did.
Not sure when my first map will be ready. Within the next 72 hours or so for a preview.
It will be like the image map above, but even better designed.
what gives so much hard time about map properties?
just have start locations in English, and player slots 1 always if iremember correctly is an observer and the rst are users. but anyway take a map from your maps folder, rename it to sc2map and put in the map\custom directory open your map editor and load that renamed map, see how blizzard has its start location and player slots and make it similar.
the rest of the info are also readable by the allin1.
do not worry about any triggerlibs script my too make them all for you before launch.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@ vernam7, yeah I did look at some Blizzard maps. That is how I found that the default new map setting for Player Properties needed to be changed. Once changed, the map loaded in the launcher and I was able to play.
Start locations weren't a problem. Player slots (Player Properties) don't work by default. They need adjusting.
I won't do anything fancy with the map script wise. What I really want to focus on is the design, the artwork. That is where my talent is.
You will be the first to know when the map is ready!
@vernam7 very accurate fixes ,i wish that sc2 still in beta for more time so we can keep this enthusiasm ( damn its hard for me to find this english words :D )
and if ccT could complete his project ,its can be perfect i mean you are going forward but there is no good AI for incorporation ....but wait a minute ..i know he working on it and it will be release soon. i just have impatience !
@Charlemagne your map has a beautiful design but i thing you must add more resources (or maybe they are 50k?)for long skirmish game
it seems we have perfect offline sc2 set, but in online i personally have a lot of problems i was play online and i was near to victory but suddenly something happened and i disconnected from net , and after i checked my profile there was another loss for me :D
As of yet, the only blizzard AI is an AI that essentially does nothing at all, until they release a better AI, which is likely only going to be on the game's release, we probably arent going to know. Anyway, the AI and launcher are different things that simply work together, should be posted in the AI forums.
Alpha screenshot, underwater volcano with water bursting eruptions while a constant flow of lava pours into the lake.
Now that my map loads in the launcher it is time to really get creative.
To do:
* Whilst keeping the Starcraft 2 standard of symmetry, make the map appear more natural. * Create a natural expansion. * Create choke points. * Create a central mega rich field that will focus battles. * Create strong initial base defenses. * Enable various tactical options to be played, with reference to the main theme of the map. (Safe bases but you need to get to the super rich center to get the best resources).
The map is small for fast action. Your base is mineral rich, enough to allow a solid defence, but the richness of the central resources will allow wave after wave of attacks on a base dedicated to defense.
terran58@Charlemagne your map has a beautiful design but i thing you must add more resources (or maybe they are 50k?)for long skirmish game
Thank you for your feedback. I like games where one can build a strong defense, if one chooses, so that is definitely part of the plan.
The map is about a first alpha at this stage but I am developing it for exclusive first release with the launcher ... in other words it will first be released right here!!! Then added to nibbits.
It is to compliment the launcher and so it is tested to function perfectly with that.
Oh and I also like the idea of a one unit path. For stealthy play. All this is possible I am sure.
vernam7, let me know if you would rather I start a new thread.
Anyway, here is the latest.
Here is the starting base with a two tier level for optimum defense.
Here is the upper most defense with a view out to a fast expanse.
Here we are at the Central Highlands, rich with resources, natural environments like the underwater volcanic explosions and elevated line of sight.
Control the central highlands and you could win, as long as the cost of victory isn't too high!
Here we see the secret passage. Only large enough for a single unit, this is ideal for that special ops mission or with team play, sending reinforcements to an allie along the Xel'Naga trail.
This map will be available for beta testing within the next 48 hours and will be formally released at the same time as vernnam7's next launcher release.
@ vernam7, thanks. Feedback is always welcomed! The preview map is generated by default. I am unsure how to manually override that, but it is on my to do list.
I will release this to the StarCraft 2 ALLin1 team on Friday, so one question vernam7, who is on the team? lol I will PM a link to play test the beta and I will release it when you release the next launcher.
I have tried a few times to play different maps but they always have one error or another so I gave up. This map works with the launcher and it is the first non Blizzard map I have played.
@ Syryuu, cheers. I think a map needs to look good, play good and have some story behind it in order to offer the most to a player. That is what I am aiming at.
It is symmetrical where it needs to be and random where it doesn't. So each of the four starting locations provide an equal fixed and variable chance at success.
Hey guys, @Charlemagne your map looks visually brilliant. It does seem the high yield minerals are in a rather small choke or so it would seem in the pictures above. i love the main's defensive positions, though the minerals seem a bit bunched up and far away. How is that working probe wise? Can they mine in peace? All in all, cant wait to play it. Gj
@vernam7 Must commend you in your programming skills. :) Thanks for the launcher and the great work you and your team mates have done. Without sounding like a complete douche i love watching replays and i am missing watching tlo stomp faces on the latest patch. How is the progress on getting the latest patch replays working going? or is that fixed and just doesn't work for me?
i never play action or first person games
i point to that just because its one of the first games i played
i just interested in strategies games
warcraft ,starcraft ,c&c ,lord of the rings RTS, age of empires,civilizations,total wars ,...
wheres v10 ai ... ):
-waits patiently-
all i can say is that there is work in progress ccT i think just had a move to take care this week, thats why and he is offline, but he is working on.
c on we cant force people arround that are doing us a favor by providing as free tools and AI to play, to work more and more faster.
btw i am going to play some games, yestarday i played my 1st matches online and i suck, i had 2/4 wins, i dont know the damn units! even our AI at easy kicks my ass! lol
play against AI and against player have big difference
i can defeat the AI on hard but player ...!?!?
vernam check your pm box
Tell me about it! lol
I do look forward to the RTM of Starcraft 2 so that I can play a fair AI.
Though on the plus side, we should all be super good at the end.
The best I ever did was 3 v 1, 3 Zergs v 1 Protoss and I had to establish an initial defense and then break out to resource mine.
I am rather good at defense establishment now, but I don't think that is how to play the game. :P
At first I couldn't understand it. I had like 3 Marines and was thinking I was doing well and then suddenly, from a base on the other side of the map a swarm of Zergs attacked.
At medium level which would be like "are you fecking mad?" level with the retail Starcraft 2!
I lost soooooooooooooooooo many times before I started to win games semi regularly.
let me share with you some of the things that are allready implemented to my internal build AKA your next version
my Beta testers will get there build tommorow probably.....(and you RunTheZergs...oh i forgot you changed it :P, are in that list and terran58 as well ;-) actually Cry17 isnt speaking at all and i dont knwo if he is interested or not :( he is the silent force, just help no replies Lol...
about the last DPI check, i am able to even force windows to change that, but i thought i would do that if the users didnt know about it, some prefair old fonts :(
so i just warn them and let them change it back (to learn windows as well :P )
If it is a problem I could always change it back! ;)
Cry17 is updating his FAQ which is looking better all the time. I would think he isn't replying because he doesn't get your messages.
I left him a note in my notes section at the Manual & FAQ.
The updates sound like a lot of work and very good.
Strange about verdana not being present on some systems, as it is arguably the easiest to read web font.
playing against SC-AI is very different from playing real online game with humans.
SC-AI game is just for you to practice your build-order for opening game/early game.
you should not compare playing against AI with playing against real humans.
the SC-AI Easy mode now just rushes "cheese", they do stuff like 6 or 7 pool..
real starcraft games usually don't have crappy cheese like that...if you do it, it's a bad way to win and will no work or help you when you get 'higher ranked players'..and if u also follow the AI and do early rush like 7 pool, if you fail, you will be at a very very very bad position (economy/army size) in the game and will definitely lose at the end.
if you win because you find a technique to defend the early rush (cheese) from AI, that doesn't mean you are good starcraft player. The AI rushes early, but if u can survive that, 99% chance you can continue to push out to overrun the AI, the AI does not know how to respond/continue into late game.
you actually need to learn to counter builds, scout good, macro and micro, and maintain high-APM from start to finish in a real human game.
offline-AI game like this is to practice your hotkeys, multitasking/macroing, build order for opening game minutes.
thats exactly what i am doing now :P
Sneak Preview!!!!!!!!!!
A StarCrack ALLin1 exclusive preview!
Completed so far:
* Basic layout, symmetry, resources, starting positions.
Yet to do:
* Iron out script errors.
* Correct path finding.
* Enhance map with doodads.
This is my first ever map and it is a bit of a challenge to do this without a tutorial or reference guide.
WOW very nice man! KEEP IT UP!!!
for a momment the way you presented was like the laucher was creating this kind of map preview 8-) and i thought, wtf? how he did that ? LOL
p.s what happened did yo learned your starcraft history lessons? :P i will examine you LOL
i just Found the new Way to make shortcuts (like gridkeys) to WORK 100%!
and above all for ALL StarCraft Localizations!!!!
i man i love this feeling... :P
The map editor is a pain to use. I played my first game, my map, your editor a few minutes ago!!!
I wish there was a proper tutorial to learn how to use the map editor. I've looked but trial and error seem the best way.
The default "Player Properties" for a default new map are WRONG! They will give an error message and need to be adjusted. Talk about a "stupid" default, where default causes errors.
Anyway, I lost the above map, but I can re-create it. Or even improve on it. Designing it is no problem. Getting it to play is. Only because I am left to teach myself.
Still the good news is, if I don't make a mess of it, your launcher may be able to include a custom map designed for use with your launcher ... value adding.
Only if my map is good enough and you and others will be the judge of that.
It is a bit of a challenge to adhere to the high Blizzard standard of a mirrored map and yet meet all the other criteria.
The biggest challenge was making a map that loaded in the launcher to be played and that I just did.
Not sure when my first map will be ready. Within the next 72 hours or so for a preview.
It will be like the image map above, but even better designed.
what gives so much hard time about map properties?
just have start locations in English, and player slots
1 always if iremember correctly is an observer and the rst are users. but anyway take a map from your maps folder, rename it to sc2map and put in the map\custom directory open your map editor and load that renamed map, see how blizzard has its start location and player slots and make it similar.
the rest of the info are also readable by the allin1.
do not worry about any triggerlibs script my too make them all for you before launch.
@ vernam7, yeah I did look at some Blizzard maps. That is how I found that the default new map setting for Player Properties needed to be changed. Once changed, the map loaded in the launcher and I was able to play.
Start locations weren't a problem. Player slots (Player Properties) don't work by default. They need adjusting.
I won't do anything fancy with the map script wise. What I really want to focus on is the design, the artwork. That is where my talent is.
You will be the first to know when the map is ready!
@vernam7 very accurate fixes ,i wish that sc2 still in beta for more time so we can keep this enthusiasm ( damn its hard for me to find this english words :D )
and if ccT could complete his project ,its can be perfect i mean you are going forward but there is no good AI for incorporation ....but wait a minute ..i know he working on it and it will be release soon. i just have impatience !
@Charlemagne your map has a beautiful design but i thing you must add more resources (or maybe they are 50k?)for long skirmish game
it seems we have perfect offline sc2 set, but in online i personally have a lot of problems
i was play online and i was near to victory but suddenly something happened and i disconnected from net , and after i checked my profile there was another loss for me :D
I wonder which AI will be better starcrack insane AI or blizzard insane AI..
As of yet, the only blizzard AI is an AI that essentially does nothing at all, until they release a better AI, which is likely only going to be on the game's release, we probably arent going to know. Anyway, the AI and launcher are different things that simply work together, should be posted in the AI forums.
Alpha screenshot, underwater volcano with water bursting eruptions while a constant flow of lava pours into the lake.
Now that my map loads in the launcher it is time to really get creative.
To do:
* Whilst keeping the Starcraft 2 standard of symmetry, make the map appear more natural.
* Create a natural expansion.
* Create choke points.
* Create a central mega rich field that will focus battles.
* Create strong initial base defenses.
* Enable various tactical options to be played, with reference to the main theme of the map. (Safe bases but you need to get to the super rich center to get the best resources).
The map is small for fast action. Your base is mineral rich, enough to allow a solid defence, but the richness of the central resources will allow wave after wave of attacks on a base dedicated to defense.
Thank you for your feedback. I like games where one can build a strong defense, if one chooses, so that is definitely part of the plan.
The map is about a first alpha at this stage but I am developing it for exclusive first release with the launcher ... in other words it will first be released right here!!! Then added to nibbits.
It is to compliment the launcher and so it is tested to function perfectly with that.
Oh and I also like the idea of a one unit path. For stealthy play. All this is possible I am sure.
Anyway I will post here as the map progresses.
vernam7, let me know if you would rather I start a new thread.
Anyway, here is the latest.
Here is the starting base with a two tier level for optimum defense.

Here is the upper most defense with a view out to a fast expanse.

Here we are at the Central Highlands, rich with resources, natural environments like the underwater volcanic explosions and elevated line of sight.
Control the central highlands and you could win, as long as the cost of victory isn't too high!

Here we see the secret passage. Only large enough for a single unit, this is ideal for that special ops mission or with team play, sending reinforcements to an allie along the Xel'Naga trail.

This map will be available for beta testing within the next 48 hours and will be formally released at the same time as vernnam7's next launcher release.
This map is StarCrack ALLin1 compatible!
WoW! thats some serious artistic stuff dude! very nice!
1 more think, try to imrove your minimap, its a kind too small now and doesnt look well with startlocation
hopy you can improve that.
@Charmelagne: good job with your map! :)
@ vernam7, thanks. Feedback is always welcomed! The preview map is generated by default. I am unsure how to manually override that, but it is on my to do list.
I will release this to the StarCraft 2 ALLin1 team on Friday, so one question vernam7, who is on the team? lol I will PM a link to play test the beta and I will release it when you release the next launcher.
I have tried a few times to play different maps but they always have one error or another so I gave up. This map works with the launcher and it is the first non Blizzard map I have played.
@ Syryuu, cheers. I think a map needs to look good, play good and have some story behind it in order to offer the most to a player. That is what I am aiming at.
It is symmetrical where it needs to be and random where it doesn't. So each of the four starting locations provide an equal fixed and variable chance at success.
Hey guys,
@Charlemagne your map looks visually brilliant. It does seem the high yield minerals are in a rather small choke or so it would seem in the pictures above.
i love the main's defensive positions, though the minerals seem a bit bunched up and far away. How is that working probe wise? Can they mine in peace? All in all, cant wait to play it. Gj
@vernam7 Must commend you in your programming skills. :) Thanks for the launcher and the great work you and your team mates have done. Without sounding like a complete douche i love watching replays and i am missing watching tlo stomp faces on the latest patch. How is the progress on getting the latest patch replays working going? or is that fixed and just doesn't work for me?