I really look forward to the feedback so I can improve it.
I am sure there must be many things to make it better.
So what I really look forward to is hearing how to improve it. That is Friday about 35 hours away.
I need tomorrow just to check and check again that it works. It starts in the launcher but not all options are functioning with some settings.
FFA 4 player works fine.
Tomorrow will also give me some time to create a mini back story. Since vernam7 got me to read so much about Starcraft, I may as well put some of that knowledge to use.
Though I have only watched the Terran overview missions on Youtube. I will have to check out the Protoss and Zerg too.
Vernam7's idea about adding scripts sounds very interesting and promising.
I WANT THIS NOW!!!!!! when are we gona have it??? is it ready???? where is the LINK to download ??????
ok few notices
1) notice, why in the 1st screenshots you have this doodads that are Hight tech like metropolis map, in a map with ancient ruins???? doesnt feet IMHO that much....dont know yet...:(
2) i dont like that you did the resources gas and mins too much symmetrical! nature isnt symmetric ;-) and that the beauty of it, try make it a little bit more random and the gas not like "farms" one next to the other, leave a small free space for possible drops from behind the minierals, you now more like the official maps
generally i love the atmoshere you have created! the clouds the lava and the water is amazing!!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
sry vernam, i dont agree with 1 of the point of ur lastest change log: - Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the Windows Font DPI Settings. If is different than the default 100% the tool will give a warning and will not start.
the check is good to advice the user that the graph issue is not a bug but why prevent to start the tool?
IMHO: i use custom DPI for some reason that force my setting and i ll not change it. Moreover the graph issue is just an annoyance, not more....now, why do you force me to no longer use your great tool?
Phoenixsry vernam, i dont agree with 1 of the point of ur lastest change log: - Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the Windows Font DPI Settings. If is different than the default 100% the tool will give a warning and will not start.
the check is good to advice the user that the graph issue is not a bug but why prevent to start the tool?
IMHO: i use custom DPI for some reason that force my setting and i ll not change it. Moreover the graph issue is just an annoyance, not more....now, why do you force me to no longer use your great tool?
because it will look like that! and then the user will say "hey there is a bug the buttons are in the wrong place!"
i would rather have NO TOOL rather than BAD ui tool! isnt that bad, jsut switch your DPI to normal and load the launcher and when closing it back to your custom, i could do that my self automatically BUT the cases are rare and the dpi chages require logoff
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
yes that is the problem and i can understand your point of view, but IMO i prefer to look tool in this way instead of going in settings 3, 4, 5 times at a day to set and reset DPI, with logoff and so on(hard useless work...but it is just a personal opinion).
with other word, I just try to say that an "advice" is almost necessary to understand(for the noobies...) that isn't a tool "bug", BUT let me chose if i want to have a tool with this aspect or if i want to continuosly re-set my setting or if want something else... (....allowing the tool to open) and do not impose any way to act.
in this way no-one can blame the tool (because is clearly a user's issue...) and users can choose the better personal solution without contraints.
maybe i will just ask the user if he insists in loading the tool, anyway in the v10 skin i am tryng to minimize this symptoms and keep it cool at the same time... its hard...
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
why dont you just upload it in rapidshare and PM me the link?
i will do all the quality tests need it for that.
this week you will also get your next internal build version.
Because now i dont have enough space for decals, i am just thing to make 1 default for terran and 1 default for zerg and 1 default for protoss race.....we will see
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@vernam7: about the font issue, i agree with phoenix. a warning message like...
"Warning! Windows font DPI settings not set too 100%. Launcher UI may appear distorted. It is advised to have the font DPI settings at default (100%) for the best possible appearance. Do you still want to continue?"
Please PM me a junk email account so I can email the map to you tomorrow.
So to recap, terran58 and Cry17 I need junk email addresses please, pm me, so I can send you the map.
@ Maisa, you have an excellent eye for detail and grasp of game play mechanics and you communication such clearly. So your input would be a great benefit to the quality of the map.
General comment.
I can design maps, if it is any good (you need to be the judge of that) easily enough.
What I lack however is a background with Starcraft. My experience of Starcraft basically started just before I first posted here about 3 weeks ago.
I have since read the back ground lore from the Starcraft manual (thanks again Vernam7) and watched game overviews of Starcraft Terran campaign on Youtube.
The map status is as follows:
* Vernam7 has a copy of the 1.000 version of the map. To verify launcher compatibility and any limitations. This is of paramount importance, that the map fully works with the launcher.
* Vernam7 has also raised the question of doodad theme purity. So I await feedback as to what needs to be edited out.
* Besides a workable layout a map needs hand rendered artwork. So that is what I will be concentrating on before Friday. The little things, that wherever you are in the map, it just doesn't look like a paint flood tool has been used. For example, the paths are multi textures! So I didn't just lay down a path. I imagined usage, terrain, weathering and the like.
* The map is a work in progress and will continue to be developed until it meets the high standards present here.
* Another thing a map needs is a background story and I will also do that by Friday. A player needs to know what the story is.
Well the story so far is along the following lines...
Shelak Xel-Naga
Map and story by Charlemagne.
In the region of Bel'Shir a Protoss orbital probe picked up an unusual rapidly escalating anomaly. What at first registered as a volcanic event quickly became an ominous phenomenon.
A massive Shelak symbol began to form violently, as the earth quaked, pushing up ever higher cliffs, while far below larva erupted, belching forth within.
Weather patterns in the region became erratic, unpredictable and severe. Then as if out of no where, four Xel'Naga multi structural complexes materialized.
The Protoss response was immediate.
Meanwhile on the surface, a nearby Terran exploration detachment began picking up ever more numerous erratic instrument readings. Nothing made sense. They headed towards the source.
Climbing up a rise, they stopped in awe, staring out at the Xel'Naga structures in the distance. They radioed to HQ.
A few moments later they marched forwards, their orders were clear and urgent. To secure and hold the Xel'Naga complex until the dispatched reinforcements arrived.
Far away in a different part of this region everything became suddenly silent. The wind stopped. Clouds passed heavily overhead, and an atmosphere of foreboding filled the land.
Just then, a spine chilling, terrifying screech broke out and tore across the land as out of the ground a massive creature forcefully clawed itself upwards onto the land. The Zerg had arrived.
You can play as either race. Each has it's own story line mission.
Protoss - investigate the Shelak symbol and discover the reason for its appearance the the meaning it conveys.
Terran - hold and secure the Xel'Naga structure until the reinforcements arrive. Set perimeter defenses. Investigate the Xel'Naga buildings for intel and secure any alien technology and artifacts.
Zerg - wipe out the Protoss and Terrans.
Scripts have not been added to the map. This map is a work in progress.
@ vernam7, excellent work man, but please, get some sleep! Your have too much dedication for your own good, and are too harsh on yourself. Humans needs sleep!
Fix a bug when selecting Team VS Team gametype and set close one player slot it still had its Team Box visible.
Add Messege when a player uses Resource Cheating to inform all other players, for prevent players to cheat later on-line.
Add StarCrack AI Editor, that will allow you to save and use 1 custom AI difficulty level.(later on will be more profiles supported)
Small U.I changes on how the player slots appear when its set to "Closed". No more empty black background.
Fix a bug when sellecting game type "Use Map Settings", previous start locations was visible to the minimap.
Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the Windows Font DPI Settings. If is different than the default 100% the tool will give a warning.
Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the existance of the required font Verdana. If missing the tool will give a warning and will not start.
Add new option to load custom HotKeys based on .TXT script files.
Launcher will include US-GB GridKeys Hotkeys from this version.
Add Color Black to the available colors, after lots of requests.
Fix a bug where maps with start location IDs greater than 255 was crashing the application or giving wrong ingame positions.
Add new uniqe default Decals for all races automaticaly by the tool.(in next major version user would be able to select). This will fix the Blizzard bug where Zerg or Protoss was using the Terran Decals.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@ terran58, thank you.
I really look forward to the feedback so I can improve it.
I am sure there must be many things to make it better.
So what I really look forward to is hearing how to improve it. That is Friday about 35 hours away.
I need tomorrow just to check and check again that it works. It starts in the launcher but not all options are functioning with some settings.
FFA 4 player works fine.
Tomorrow will also give me some time to create a mini back story. Since vernam7 got me to read so much about Starcraft, I may as well put some of that knowledge to use.
Though I have only watched the Terran overview missions on Youtube. I will have to check out the Protoss and Zerg too.
Vernam7's idea about adding scripts sounds very interesting and promising.
i will act like a noob now....
I WANT THIS NOW!!!!!! when are we gona have it???
is it ready???? where is the LINK to download ??????
ok few notices
1) notice, why in the 1st screenshots you have this doodads that are Hight tech like metropolis map, in a map with ancient ruins???? doesnt feet IMHO that much....dont know yet...:(
2) i dont like that you did the resources gas and mins too much symmetrical! nature isnt symmetric ;-) and that the beauty of it,
try make it a little bit more random and the gas not like "farms" one next to the other, leave a small free space for possible drops from behind the minierals, you now more like the official maps
generally i love the atmoshere you have created! the clouds the lava and the water is amazing!!
tell me in PM what is not waring fro you maybe i can help
sure but DONT do it before i change the way my tool works or all your map script will be deleted when game launches! so for now don't do any trigger.
just the basic (look an official existed map)
@ Vernam7, thanks for the feedback. I will be making changes to the map from the feedback I get.
A lot of good feedback so far.
change of topic
here is the latest additions
Decals: i have allready made them work in my internal build ;-)

and here is the Black Color.

black or white (in the memory of michael jackson )
and now you want to release patch 12 for Decals by yourself :D
Charlemagne, your map is awesome, can't wait to try it out.
sry vernam, i dont agree with 1 of the point of ur lastest change log:
- Add a new check on Launcher's startup for the Windows Font DPI Settings. If is different than the default 100% the tool will give a warning and will not start.
the check is good to advice the user that the graph issue is not a bug but why prevent to start the tool?
IMHO: i use custom DPI for some reason that force my setting and i ll not change it. Moreover the graph issue is just an annoyance, not more....now, why do you force me to no longer use your great tool?
because it will look like that! and then the user will say "hey there is a bug the buttons are in the wrong place!"
i would rather have NO TOOL rather than BAD ui tool!
isnt that bad, jsut switch your DPI to normal and load the launcher and when closing it back to your custom, i could do that my self automatically BUT the cases are rare and the dpi chages require logoff
yes that is the problem and i can understand your point of view,
but IMO i prefer to look tool in this way instead of going in settings 3, 4, 5 times at a day to set and reset DPI, with logoff and so on(hard useless work...but it is just a personal opinion).
with other word, I just try to say that an "advice" is almost necessary to understand(for the noobies...) that isn't a tool "bug", BUT let me chose if i want to have a tool with this aspect or if i want to continuosly re-set my setting or if want something else... (....allowing the tool to open) and do not impose any way to act.
in this way no-one can blame the tool (because is clearly a user's issue...) and users can choose the better personal solution without contraints.
maybe i will just ask the user if he insists in loading the tool, anyway in the v10 skin i am tryng to minimize this symptoms and keep it cool at the same time... its hard...
@ vernam7, decals!!!!!!!!! Never noticed before. Very interesting and cool!
I can send you Shelak Xel'Naga_1.000.SC2Map now, but I have no means to do this.
If I upload here, I have just been testing with a blank map, it automatically shows up to all.
Do you have a throw away email account so I could email the map to you?
Also terran58 and Cry17 please pm me with a junk email account so I can send you the map tomorrow, thanks.
I think this may be the easiest way to share my map.
@ vernam7 if you could quality check the map loading with your launcher, that would be great, thanks.
I will release the map here for all on Monday.
yea....an option, maybe only at first start, can be good....
eheh, anyway your work is always hard....but done excellently.... :)
why dont you just upload it in rapidshare and PM me the link?
i will do all the quality tests need it for that.
this week you will also get your next internal build version.
Because now i dont have enough space for decals, i am just thing to make 1 default for terran and 1 default for zerg and 1 default for protoss race.....we will see
@ vernam7, rapidshare gets indexed.
I'll use the junk email method.
i pm you, its late here i need to go :P
later guys
Map sent, please check your email account.
@vernam7: about the font issue, i agree with phoenix. a warning message like...
"Warning! Windows font DPI settings not set too 100%. Launcher UI may appear distorted. It is advised to have the font DPI settings at default (100%) for the best possible appearance. Do you still want to continue?"
...will be enough. just my opinion.. :)
Is DPI really that much of an issue?
If it is, an error message could be:
"This launcher requires a DPI setting of 100%".
a true issues is a serious bug i found now that was caused by your map, it will help me to improve the loading method,
if i selected all the player slots with locations colors races etc the launcher crashed.
i am on to it thought for fix..
i am trying to see what you made different to original maps to cause that....
nothing yet...i like mysterious bugs, there are given you a great taste of wining when you find the cause and figure a fix :P
Offer accepted.
Please PM me a junk email account so I can email the map to you tomorrow.
So to recap, terran58 and Cry17 I need junk email addresses please, pm me, so I can send you the map.
@ Maisa, you have an excellent eye for detail and grasp of game play mechanics and you communication such clearly. So your input would be a great benefit to the quality of the map.
General comment.
I can design maps, if it is any good (you need to be the judge of that) easily enough.
What I lack however is a background with Starcraft. My experience of Starcraft basically started just before I first posted here about 3 weeks ago.
I have since read the back ground lore from the Starcraft manual (thanks again Vernam7) and watched game overviews of Starcraft Terran campaign on Youtube.
The map status is as follows:
* Vernam7 has a copy of the 1.000 version of the map. To verify launcher compatibility and any limitations. This is of paramount importance, that the map fully works with the launcher.
* Vernam7 has also raised the question of doodad theme purity. So I await feedback as to what needs to be edited out.
* Besides a workable layout a map needs hand rendered artwork. So that is what I will be concentrating on before Friday. The little things, that wherever you are in the map, it just doesn't look like a paint flood tool has been used. For example, the paths are multi textures! So I didn't just lay down a path. I imagined usage, terrain, weathering and the like.
* The map is a work in progress and will continue to be developed until it meets the high standards present here.
* Another thing a map needs is a background story and I will also do that by Friday. A player needs to know what the story is.
Well the story so far is along the following lines...
@ vernam7, excellent work man, but please, get some sleep! Your have too much dedication for your own good, and are too harsh on yourself. Humans needs sleep!
I look forward to your feedback in your morning.
@Charlemagne tnx for them map made me find a Start Location bug, that would appear in custom maps sooner or later.