WHAT IS NEW IN 1.001 Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
Time to showcase some of the new artwork details.
Firstly thank you again to all who gave feedback.
Here you will notice that resources are now more natural. Crystals clump together but not always. There are odd crystals here and there!
Also no more gas farming. Gas erupts where the planet crust is weakest.
Here we see some more detail. The entire map is detailed similarly! Various bodies of water form an integral part of this map.
The term bridgehead really has meaning. Can you advance on an enemy held bridge position? Can you defend your bridge from an enemy assault?
One of the four bridges.
As I posted before, this isn't a resource battle map. Each player has adequate resources very close to base.
That said, for those who like the resource hunt, there are two open expansions. Here is one of them - again, as all good Starcraft maps, everything essential is mirrored!
Finally, in the following screenshot you see nothing! That is because there are some surprises in game with the features and it will far more fun for you to explore and find these out for yourselves!
So to the release date.
Those who have consistently been helping vernam7 here at this forum, will get the map tomorrow.
Vernam7 I just sent you the lastest map build. Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
terran58, Cry17, Maisa, please check your PMs. If you would like to beta test the map, then please PM me with a junk email address so I can send it to you. Thanks.
Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
* Please note any path finding problems. * Please note any doodads, (ingame object), that is either not showing correctly or is out of place. * You can choose your race but the other settings must be random at this time.
Thank you and enjoy beta testing this!
NB Yes I know it isn't Friday yet, but I finished some important milestones and the map is ready to be play tested! :D
If you are interested in the background story of this map, here it is, reprinted:
Shelak Xel-Naga
In the region of Bel'Shir a Protoss orbital probe picked up an unusual rapidly escalating anomaly. What at first registered as a volcanic event quickly became an ominous phenomenon.
A massive Shelak symbol began to form violently, as the earth quaked, pushing up ever higher cliffs, while far below larva erupted, belching forth within.
Weather patterns in the region became erratic, unpredictable and severe. Then as if out of no where, four Xel'Naga multi structural complexes materialized.
The Protoss response was immediate.
Meanwhile on the surface, a nearby Terran exploration detachment began picking up ever more numerous erratic instrument readings. Nothing made sense. They headed towards the source.
Climbing up a rise, they stopped in awe, staring out at the Xel'Naga structures in the distance. They radioed to HQ.
A few moments later they marched forwards, their orders were clear and urgent. To secure and hold the Xel'Naga complex until the dispatched reinforcements arrived.
Far away in a different part of this region everything became suddenly silent. The wind stopped. Clouds passed heavily overhead, and an atmosphere of foreboding filled the land.
Just then, a spine chilling, terrifying screech broke out and tore across the land as out of the ground a massive creature forcefully clawed itself upwards onto the land. The Zerg had arrived.
first off all let me tell you i have not any map editing ability like you so i just can test the game play and report the bugs to you for improve the efficiency in final map and joy of playing this beautiful map.
well start locations are main problem ,in start location (1), player will captive on the hill and cant even collect resources, also minerals and gass have very bad positions so i think its necessary to change start locations and resources locations (something like blizzard maps)
and SCVs jump over the hill wall for collecting resources and backing to base(they must cross the gate) in start location 2 at least.
@Charlemagne the bug that i say i have fixed is the one your map brought to surface. now in my build works perfectly!
ok here is my feedback after few matches for v.1.000
1)i love with what you did in the center! now you see me now you dont, i would not say more because is a spoiler but i love it!
2)the mineras and Gas as Terran58 say are in a very bad location causing pathfinding issues! how to fix that? just bring the minneras closer and not so tided together into the starlocation and take them away from the wall! like this draw i made you to understand perfectly what do i have in mind.
3)what do you mean the gas it will explode if the ground is too thin?
Feeedback on the v1.001
1)i like the natural new expansions 2)i dont like that in the middle of the "road" you have few miners spread here and there.... 3)i havent play it yet i hope you have fixed the starting locations resourses problem in that or i would wait for next version.
p.s dont try to fix the path finding issues with invisible walls etc, just do the above schema and it would look perfect and it will work perfect!
p.s2 v1.0002 never arrived :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
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but position of main base is very important for sc2 players and even AI
main base must have enough space for building main structures near it and must have mineral and gas near it like semi-circle
maybe you should move the main base one step down and arrange resources near it better and with good space(its really important for good play)
and manage some locations for expanding , not little resources here and there ,good position of resources will make the map cleaner and faster and messy of resources even can cause low performance
you can set all players to computer and see the result when its like this and when you fix it
you are talking to me, but do you ever sleep as well? LOL
i havent played 0.3 (thats how you should name the map version, untill you release something everything is 0.x ;-) but i dont like the gas placements! why in the entrance? it is a easy target for the enemies and takes lot of time for my workers to get there! why dont you try the layout i painted for you (with al my MSpaint super wow skills :P ) this is inho the best, or bring the gas closer, now you have the minerals spread in a cyrlce in the starting location, that prevents normal base building again imho, i am not sayingits bad, just confusing!
but gas its far away in in a bad possition!
now about the into the launcher release, we will see, we have to consider the size growing, that i will be forced to have a mp folder and the user will get confused and place his maps in there! lots of issues!
i think the perfect solution would be for us to make an ALLin1 Map Pack that you will run the project of that and get the credits-support, and i can upload it in my Tools Downloadpage as recomended Bonus maps ;-)
just saw the last screen, i insist the main gas is very wrong and the minerals are exposing the drones to attacks very very easy!
also the natural expansion has (sorry) very bad mineral placement! you have to do it a half cyrle as i told you before! not just a bunch of minerals the workers will try like crazy to gather throught there and eventually they will stuck in path-finding issues!!! trust on that!
remember half circle resources thats the trick to a perfect start location. and get the expansion gas away fro the entrance points! you are closing the map that way! attacking units will act like crazy..open it up!dont over do it!!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
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I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will copy and paste Blizzards minerals and gas. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly. I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
well team location no need to be configured unless you leave it on random :P
but in map editor there is a menu command Team Location (basic) or something that in case of random you can assign where the allies will spwn.
i dont care about that, random should be random! allies even if its in the other side of the map is fine.
btw guys i am pm in few min an internal build of ALLin1 v9.4.1 (all fixes besides AI editor :P) that will alow you to test this glorious MAP with the bug fixed.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
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why almost? 1 tiny think for advice though, take "mid mad expansion "minerals and place them to the same side as the gas and (like the 1st expansionnear the base wich is perfect mineras in the midle gas at the corners!), not in the middle of the road as it is now, and this Map is READY tO GO!
cant wait for those updated :) p.s you didnt answer did you sleep? :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@ Vernam7, excellent work there!!!
Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
Time to showcase some of the new artwork details.
Firstly thank you again to all who gave feedback.
Here you will notice that resources are now more natural. Crystals clump together but not always. There are odd crystals here and there!
Also no more gas farming. Gas erupts where the planet crust is weakest.
Here we see some more detail. The entire map is detailed similarly! Various bodies of water form an integral part of this map.
The term bridgehead really has meaning. Can you advance on an enemy held bridge position? Can you defend your bridge from an enemy assault?
One of the four bridges.
As I posted before, this isn't a resource battle map. Each player has adequate resources very close to base.
That said, for those who like the resource hunt, there are two open expansions. Here is one of them - again, as all good Starcraft maps, everything essential is mirrored!
Finally, in the following screenshot you see nothing! That is because there are some surprises in game with the features and it will far more fun for you to explore and find these out for yourselves!
So to the release date.
Those who have consistently been helping vernam7 here at this forum, will get the map tomorrow.
On Monday, it will be released at nibbits.
Have you been able to fix it?
Also I know I say this a lot, and I don't want to lose any of the meaning, but really good work vernam7!!!
Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
Is available if you want it. It is basically just more artwork. However, if you look at the map in the editor you are really spoiling it for yourself.
Much better to play the map!
Edit update.
Now THAT sounds like the bug I noticed a few times! Well done on fixing it!
Vernam7 I just sent you the lastest map build.
Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
terran58, Cry17, Maisa, please check your PMs. If you would like to beta test the map, then please PM me with a junk email address so I can send it to you. Thanks.
Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.001.SC2Map
* Please note any path finding problems.
* Please note any doodads, (ingame object), that is either not showing correctly or is out of place.
* You can choose your race but the other settings must be random at this time.
Thank you and enjoy beta testing this!
NB Yes I know it isn't Friday yet, but I finished some important milestones and the map is ready to be play tested! :D
If you are interested in the background story of this map, here it is, reprinted:
Shelak Xel-Naga
In the region of Bel'Shir a Protoss orbital probe picked up an unusual rapidly escalating anomaly. What at first registered as a volcanic event quickly became an ominous phenomenon.
A massive Shelak symbol began to form violently, as the earth quaked, pushing up ever higher cliffs, while far below larva erupted, belching forth within.
Weather patterns in the region became erratic, unpredictable and severe. Then as if out of no where, four Xel'Naga multi structural complexes materialized.
The Protoss response was immediate.
Meanwhile on the surface, a nearby Terran exploration detachment began picking up ever more numerous erratic instrument readings. Nothing made sense. They headed towards the source.
Climbing up a rise, they stopped in awe, staring out at the Xel'Naga structures in the distance. They radioed to HQ.
A few moments later they marched forwards, their orders were clear and urgent. To secure and hold the Xel'Naga complex until the dispatched reinforcements arrived.
Far away in a different part of this region everything became suddenly silent. The wind stopped. Clouds passed heavily overhead, and an atmosphere of foreboding filled the land.
Just then, a spine chilling, terrifying screech broke out and tore across the land as out of the ground a massive creature forcefully clawed itself upwards onto the land. The Zerg had arrived.
@ Charlemagne Hi
first off all let me tell you i have not any map editing ability like you so i just can test the game play and report the bugs to you for improve the efficiency in final map and joy of playing this beautiful map.
well start locations are main problem ,in start location (1), player will captive on the hill and cant even collect resources, also minerals and gass have very bad positions so i think its necessary to change start locations and resources locations (something like blizzard maps)
and SCVs jump over the hill wall for collecting resources and backing to base(they must cross the gate) in start location 2 at least.
i will test it more ,thank you
@ terran58, thank you for your early feedback!!!
I am play testing the map too now.
I have already made a lot of changes to improve things.
I am unsure how to stop the wall jumping. I am putting invisible blockers up in the hope that will help.
I have adjusted the starting positions and mineral/gas.
I will email you Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.002.SC2Map within the next hour. You should notice some improvements.
Edit update:
I've just emailed you Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.002.SC2Map.
I think I might have fixed the wall jumping. Though I might have missed some problem areas.
I have redesigned the first base layout slightly, fixed an unfavorable deployment of a base and bolstered the minerals and gas.
I have also increased the visual size of the map. One should see more of the land now.
hi all,
@Charlemagne the bug that i say i have fixed is the one your map brought to surface. now in my build works perfectly!
ok here is my feedback after few matches for v.1.000
1)i love with what you did in the center! now you see me now you dont, i would not say more because is a spoiler but i love it!
2)the mineras and Gas as Terran58 say are in a very bad location causing pathfinding issues!

how to fix that? just bring the minneras closer and not so tided together into the starlocation and take them away from the wall! like this draw i made you
to understand perfectly what do i have in mind.
3)what do you mean the gas it will explode if the ground is too thin?
Feeedback on the v1.001
1)i like the natural new expansions
2)i dont like that in the middle of the "road" you have few miners spread here and there....
3)i havent play it yet i hope you have fixed the starting locations resourses problem in that or i would wait for next version.
p.s dont try to fix the path finding issues with invisible walls etc, just do the above schema and it would look perfect and it will work perfect!
p.s2 v1.0002 never arrived :P
ok much better (v1.0002)
but position of main base is very important for sc2 players and even AI
main base must have enough space for building main structures near it
and must have mineral and gas near it like semi-circle
maybe you should move the main base one step down and arrange resources near it better and with good space(its really important for good play)
and manage some locations for expanding , not little resources here and there ,good position of resources will make the map cleaner and faster and messy of resources even can cause low performance
you can set all players to computer and see the result when its like this and when you fix it
good luck
Quick update before I reply:
Here is the new layout, mineral/gas wise. Screenshots taken as an observer just to see that the AI would start to build and it does.
@ Vernam7 - thank you for taking the trouble to create the image and your feedback.
Please check your email for the latest build 1.003.
@ terran58 - Thank you for your feedback and
please also check your email for the latest build 1.003.
To do.
1. Address the near base natural expansion mineral and gas layout.
Edit update:
@ Vernam7, if you want, you can package this map with the next release of your launcher!
So that upon installation, a map is installed. That would make your launcher even more awesome! ;) lol
Shelak Xel'Naga version 1.004.SC2Map
Fixed (hopefully) all the minerals and gas.
This is the starting base.
This is the near base natural expansion
The is the center (left and right) competitive expansion.
* No more random minerals/gas ... unless I missed deleting some :P
* All minerals and gas are perfectly mirrored (copy and paste lol) and grid mirrored (as close as possible).
Vernam7 and terran58 I will send you the latest build now.
you are talking to me, but do you ever sleep as well? LOL
i havent played 0.3 (thats how you should name the map version, untill you release something everything is 0.x ;-) but i dont like the gas placements! why in the entrance? it is a easy target for the enemies and takes lot of time for my workers to get there! why dont you try the layout i painted for you (with al my MSpaint super wow skills :P ) this is inho the best, or bring the gas closer, now you have the minerals spread in a cyrlce in the starting location, that prevents normal base building again imho,
i am not sayingits bad, just confusing!
but gas its far away in in a bad possition!
now about the into the launcher release, we will see, we have to consider the size growing, that i will be forced to have a mp folder and the user will get confused and place his maps in there! lots of issues!
i think the perfect solution would be for us to make an ALLin1 Map Pack that you will run the project of that and get the credits-support, and i can upload it in my Tools Downloadpage as recomended Bonus maps ;-)
just saw the last screen, i insist the main gas is very wrong and the minerals are exposing the drones to attacks very very easy!
also the natural expansion has (sorry) very bad mineral placement! you have to do it a half cyrle as i told you before! not just a bunch of minerals the workers will try like crazy to gather throught there and eventually they will stuck in path-finding issues!!! trust on that!
remember half circle resources thats the trick to a perfect start location. and get the expansion gas away fro the entrance points! you are closing the map that way! attacking units will act like crazy..open it up!dont over do it!!
@ Vernam7, thanks. Back to the drawing board :P
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will copy and paste Blizzards minerals and gas.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I will learn to place minerals and gas correctly.
I have the answer, brb! :P
yes improved a lot
but i agree with vernam
its better if you put all resources in one side and gass must be closer (like vernam pic,semicircular)
polish all positions nicety and also give attention to expanding locations
the map is very heavy ,maybe its little tumultuous(too stuffs)
its your map but just a friendly suggestion ,dont hurry for releasing the map before completion(bug free)
and what about colors,teams,location selec
sorry i didnt see your post :D
well team location no need to be configured unless you leave it on random :P
but in map editor there is a menu command Team Location (basic) or something that in case of random you can assign where the allies will spwn.
i dont care about that, random should be random! allies even if its in the other side of the map is fine.
btw guys i am pm in few min an internal build of ALLin1 v9.4.1 (all fixes besides AI editor :P) that will alow you to test this glorious MAP with the bug fixed.
There are three sets of resources at the base.

This is the mid mad expansion.
Copy and pasted directly from Blizzard! :P Can't be more accurate in placement of resources than that! :D
Here is a detail close up of the main base.
Update ... there are two near initial base expansions. This is one of them.
why almost?
1 tiny think for advice though, take "mid mad expansion "minerals and place them to the same side as the gas and (like the 1st expansionnear the base wich is perfect mineras in the midle gas at the corners!),
not in the middle of the road as it is now, and this Map is READY tO GO!
cant wait for those updated :)
p.s you didnt answer did you sleep? :P
@ Vernam7 ... got ya, will edit the mid map now.
It is 22:48 here!!!!!!! Early yet!
Not like you "night all" at 03:00 ... then at 04:30 you post something!!! :P lol
The map pack is a good idea. We have 1 map :P
lol yestarday i got to bed at 06:00!!! :$
anyway here is my suggestion in image

Is this what you mean?
06:00 is bad!!!
no no look above
Ok got ya
Is this correct?
the minerals should be where the gas was! not the other side! not facing the road ;-)
exactly like this edited image ;-)