I have done everything stated in the FAQ section and everything I've seen on the forum. Still getting the File not found error. All anti virus shut off, firewalls off, VAC off, everything off. why am I still getting this error? What file is it thats not being found?
guys if you just giving me an error and no descritpions on where it happens, steps to reproduce, i cant help you.
if you have an error something is 100% wrong with your setup. and this is final because this tool is been used by thousand (80.000+ ww) of people and when few of them have issues we found out at the end that something was wrong in there system.
so you will have to give more details, and some of our support team will be back to you, but if you didnt do exactly what the faq said! or you missed something ...cant help you there, we are not mentalists :P
about the announcement for the replays, i dont know which one you are talking about, but for now only latest replayes with latest patch are watchable.
eg if you have a match that is 100% sure was played in patch 12, then you must have as latest patch 12 to see it and correct file caches.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
hello um, i am getting an error everytime i launch sc2allin1 saying i cannot read this map make sure that if it is a custom map that is a proper melee map, then it gives me a second error saying cannot find file :c\program files\starcraft2beta\sc2allin1\gamestrings.txt now i am using only the maps from the patch 10+ mappack you sugested in the tips and i have uninstalled sc2allin1 and reinstalled it it has given me the same error. please help thank you.
cradehello um, i am getting an error everytime i launch sc2allin1 saying i cannot read this map make sure that if it is a custom map that is a proper melee map, then it gives me a second error saying cannot find file :c\program files\starcraft2beta\sc2allin1\gamestrings.txt now i am using only the maps from the patch 10+ mappack you sugested in the tips and i have uninstalled sc2allin1 and reinstalled it it has given me the same error. please help thank you.
read the FAQ and installation Guide VERY carefully! its in our Forums!
something prevents the tool to work in the directory and create some files! Users rights? Antivirus not disabled? UAC? lots of thinks can do bs in a system.
read the Guide plz and find whats wrong with your system by disabling everything not needed or even unistall them
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@vernam7: it takes a lot of patience taking in all of these problems. do u have any plans in the future of including a log file?
@everyone with problems: guys, kindly report your problems in more detail. include the OS you are using, the exact steps to reproduce the problem, the "complete" error message or even just a screenshot, current SC2 patch, replay version (if viewing replays), as well as the things you did to fix the problem yourselves like what worm posted...
wormI -turned off the UAC -turned off the firewall for starcraft -downloaded Verdana and Net 3.5 SP1 -deleted the previous patch 7.0 -run as administrator -reinstall the game
the more info you give, the better and faster vernam provides a fix.we know vernam7 will help everyone but others (like me) will also be able to help if we know enough about how the problem occured. thnx guys! :)
Uninstal the game, and delete any cache files remaining and than try doing a clean instal using Charlemagne instal guide and than if it does not work check the FAQ and THAN post your problem.Thank you
i am gonna do that, it needs a little more work, and will probable make the process run few milliseconds slower, but defenetly will help if log all steps and then watch where they stuck.
still i am sure 10000% they are stucking because something prevent the tool to extract files to write files in there disc, and this is very annoying from the damn AV.
i was thinking also abut the Check Integrity Tool, that will be able to be clicked when the program run, and it would be as a simulation to what files are there or missing....
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
@vernam7: these guys seem to be experiencing the same problems but for these problems to be resolved their systems (which may be very different) must be taken into account thereby making the task very complicated.
btw, with regards to the news that battle.net for SC2 will be offline for a few weeks before WOL is released i'm betting that you'll have a significant increase in SC2Allin1 launcher downloads. :)
Trying to watch replays (got patch 12 cache files from a guy on liquid website)
So I installed sc2 up to patch 12 also I am able to click the play button and the sc2 screen pops up asking for my bnet account name. This screen has quit, manage account, options and I can click on them.
I already paste the patch 10 mappack inside user/documents/starcraft ii beta/Maps
the last line from launcher.txt is 15:57:27.8473 Launcher version
When I open this site lancher it recognizes maps and replays BUT when I click on a replay to watch it, I just get a static black screen.
As I remember, in previous patches, in order to watch replays, there was something about a SWF folder or something, isnt necessary anymore?
You should create an announcment or rename the current FAQ to something more obvious like READ HERE BEFORE POSTING to get more people to actually read it.
VeiorYou should create an announcment or rename the current FAQ to something more obvious like READ HERE BEFORE POSTING to get more people to actually read it.
what can i do!??? i have HUGE later posted again and again and again!!!!!!
i am now gona add this into the Launcher!!!!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
wormvernam7... Dude, maybe you can post something like (for those who exp. error like this, here's what to do), like common errors.
So it would be very very easy for the newbies to make it work.
How was that???...?
i cant quess nor cause all possible issues and LOG then and then trigger a "magic" solution!
let me put it this way.
when you get the error "file not found" its because the programm automatically gives you this error because one from the files i need (i dont know which in your case) doesnt exists!
this windows error return an ID number, like file not found error code 404 for example, i can only say IF a 404 error accure post this messege! but what file? why? exactly what prevents the tool from runing its Impossible to know!
thats why we have FAQ and inst Guide! because the common problems are for example 3-4 and they all caused by limit access from the user, and antivirus software and UAC.
BUT the number 1 problem is some Users do NOT Fucking READ!!!!!! those DO NOT deserve to play startcraft!.- since this tool tell you exactly what to do to make it work, and YOU dont do it then its YOUR fault not mine to be a mentalist!
my tool has almost 100.000+ now downloads if i had a problem i would have 100.000 people complaining!!! not 30 lazy one!
i dont have the time nor is possible to Understand per user his exact problem, nor teach him how to read plain English and fix his pc.
i am not building an Operating System for God's name! i have even see questions like, "how do i rename a file!" Fuck me! if he is so damn lazy to right click it rename it, or he doesnt know, but HE knows how to post the stupid question, this users should get a playstation, its NOT My job to learn him Basic Windows Functions and basic reading!!!!!!!!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
So I have fully updated everything, latest patchs, sc AI1, and so on. I figured out my problem with a blank screen when trying to start the game using the AI1, but, now, I seem to be getting sent to the logon screen for Battle.net 2.0?
I have Patch 12 installed, latest cache files, latest SC Allin1. OS: Vista Ultimate X64 Admin Status: Administrator with UAC turned off. Running the launcher/game in administrator.
So, why would I be getting thrown to the logon screen as if I haven't tried to run the game from the crack?
There shouldnt be a need to uninstall AVG. The login screen appears if you quit a map or a map ends, are you launching the maps with other players enabled and with working maps?
I tried running the maps with 2 or the default amount of computers, and random or selected all races, also tried various difficulties/game speeds trying to rule any of the settings out.
I just don't understand what could be so wacky, I have been running an older client of ai1, and sc2 for a month or so now just fine, till I decided to update everything...
Anyways, I have uninstalled AVG entirely, and removed SC2, now... To download the patch's again. >_>
I have done everything stated in the FAQ section and everything I've seen on the forum. Still getting the File not found error. All anti virus shut off, firewalls off, VAC off, everything off. why am I still getting this error? What file is it thats not being found?
So, as the announce says, theres no way to watch newer replays or the announce got old and no one delete it?
guys if you just giving me an error and no descritpions on where it happens, steps to reproduce, i cant help you.
if you have an error something is 100% wrong with your setup. and this is final because this tool is been used by thousand (80.000+ ww) of people and when few of them have issues we found out at the end that something was wrong in there system.
so you will have to give more details, and some of our support team will be back to you, but if you didnt do exactly what the faq said! or you missed something ...cant help you there, we are not mentalists :P
about the announcement for the replays, i dont know which one you are talking about, but for now only latest replayes with latest patch are watchable.
eg if you have a match that is 100% sure was played in patch 12, then you must have as latest patch 12 to see it and correct file caches.
hello um, i am getting an error everytime i launch sc2allin1 saying i cannot read this map make sure that if it is a custom map that is a proper melee map, then it gives me a second error saying cannot find file :c\program files\starcraft2beta\sc2allin1\gamestrings.txt now i am using only the maps from the patch 10+ mappack you sugested in the tips and i have uninstalled sc2allin1 and reinstalled it it has given me the same error. please help thank you.
something prevents the tool to work in the directory and create some files! Users rights? Antivirus not disabled? UAC? lots of thinks can do bs in a system.
read the Guide plz and find whats wrong with your system by disabling everything not needed or even unistall them
@vernam7: it takes a lot of patience taking in all of these problems. do u have any plans in the future of including a log file?
@everyone with problems: guys, kindly report your problems in more detail. include the OS you are using, the exact steps to reproduce the problem, the "complete" error message or even just a screenshot, current SC2 patch, replay version (if viewing replays), as well as the things you did to fix the problem yourselves like what worm posted...
the more info you give, the better and faster vernam provides a fix.we know vernam7 will help everyone but others (like me) will also be able to help if we know enough about how the problem occured. thnx guys! :)Uninstal the game, and delete any cache files remaining and than try doing a clean instal using Charlemagne instal guide and than if it does not work check the FAQ and THAN post your problem.Thank you
@Syryuu yeah men you are right ;-)
i am gonna do that, it needs a little more work, and will probable make the process run few milliseconds slower, but defenetly will help if log all steps and then watch where they stuck.
still i am sure 10000% they are stucking because something prevent the tool to extract files to write files in there disc, and this is very annoying from the damn AV.
i was thinking also abut the Check Integrity Tool, that will be able to be clicked when the program run, and it would be as a simulation to what files are there or missing....
@vernam7: these guys seem to be experiencing the same problems but for these problems to be resolved their systems (which may be very different) must be taken into account thereby making the task very complicated.
btw, with regards to the news that battle.net for SC2 will be offline for a few weeks before WOL is released i'm betting that you'll have a significant increase in SC2Allin1 launcher downloads. :)
Trying to watch replays (got patch 12 cache files from a guy on liquid website)
So I installed sc2 up to patch 12 also I am able to click the play button and the sc2 screen pops up asking for my bnet account name. This screen has quit, manage account, options and I can click on them.
I already paste the patch 10 mappack inside user/documents/starcraft ii beta/Maps
the last line from launcher.txt is
15:57:27.8473 Launcher version
When I open this site lancher it recognizes maps and replays BUT when I click on a replay to watch it, I just get a static black screen.
As I remember, in previous patches, in order to watch replays, there was something about a SWF folder or something, isnt necessary anymore?
tgod, read the FAQ!
You should create an announcment or rename the current FAQ to something more obvious like READ HERE BEFORE POSTING to get more people to actually read it.
what can i do!???
i have HUGE later posted again and again and again!!!!!!
i am now gona add this into the Launcher!!!!
Dude, maybe you can post something like (for those who exp. error like this, here's what to do), like common errors.
So it would be very very easy for the newbies to make it work.
How was that???...?
i cant quess nor cause all possible issues and LOG then and then trigger a "magic" solution!
let me put it this way.
when you get the error "file not found" its because the programm automatically gives you this error because one from the files i need (i dont know which in your case) doesnt exists!
this windows error return an ID number, like file not found error code 404 for example,
i can only say IF a 404 error accure post this messege! but what file? why? exactly what prevents the tool from runing its Impossible to know!
thats why we have FAQ and inst Guide! because the common problems are for example 3-4 and they all caused by limit access from the user, and antivirus software and UAC.
my tool has almost 100.000+ now downloads if i had a problem i would have 100.000 people complaining!!! not 30 lazy one!
i dont have the time nor is possible to Understand per user his exact problem, nor teach him how to read plain English and fix his pc.
i am not building an Operating System for God's name!
i have even see questions like, "how do i rename a file!" Fuck me! if he is so damn lazy to right click it rename it, or he doesnt know, but HE knows how to post the stupid question, this users should get a playstation, its NOT My job to learn him Basic Windows Functions and basic reading!!!!!!!!

when i start the game via launcher, i just see black screen and sc cursor and nothing happens. am i doing it wrong?
game is fully patched, my system is winxp.
turns out i did it wrong. sorry for bothering
Sold by all good bookshops! :P
So I have fully updated everything, latest patchs, sc AI1, and so on. I figured out my problem with a blank screen when trying to start the game using the AI1, but, now, I seem to be getting sent to the logon screen for Battle.net 2.0?
I have Patch 12 installed, latest cache files, latest SC Allin1.
OS: Vista Ultimate X64
Admin Status: Administrator with UAC turned off.
Running the launcher/game in administrator.
So, why would I be getting thrown to the logon screen as if I haven't tried to run the game from the crack?
Did you turn off your anti virus when installing the launcher? You don't mention doing that.
I disabled all services related to AVG 9.0 via MSConfig then restarted the computer to prevent it from loading what so ever.
Delete the launcher folder, then reinstall the launcher and try again.
Turn your AVG off for the installation and install as administrator.
AVG should be off as none of the services for it even run :-\
But, I will uninstall AVG entirely, delete the install, and reinstall.... Once again...
There shouldnt be a need to uninstall AVG. The login screen appears if you quit a map or a map ends, are you launching the maps with other players enabled and with working maps?
I tried running the maps with 2 or the default amount of computers, and random or selected all races, also tried various difficulties/game speeds trying to rule any of the settings out.
I just don't understand what could be so wacky, I have been running an older client of ai1, and sc2 for a month or so now just fine, till I decided to update everything...
Anyways, I have uninstalled AVG entirely, and removed SC2, now... To download the patch's again. >_>