Hi vernam, tonight all b.net servers will be shutdown and all sc2 fans will rush to your launcher and AIs :)
i know you working on new versions and difficulty per player but i want to ask if its possible to make it choosing AI (StarCrack,GreenTea,...) per player (if its not same as difficulty per player)
yea they would have to have a common base ground for this to work!
even for the per player difficulty which hopefully will be in the next version sometime later, its difficult and its up to the Ai TEams now, from my part i am 1 month ago ready 99,99% i am wating for something to test this per player!
but different ai per player its actually asking to team up and make a new AI lol ;-)
its like this this is JUST a demo doesn't mean its like that:
it like trying to have a Intel Core 2 Duo work with an AMD Phenom 2 in one motherboard at the same time! it would be possible only if the motherborad had everything 2times (2main chipset 2 controllers etc etc totally different architect!) OR the 2 CPU could be identical in Core and use the same socket the same chipset etc, as you can do with 4 AMD toggerther or 4 Intell in a 4socket Mobo.
in other words as it is right now it not possible. so making it work its actually creating 1 new AI team ;-)
@Syryuu check your PM plz
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
I know of two people that are going to buy SC2 because of your "advertisement" for the game.
The reason I ask is because someone banned me at beta forums because of a post of mine that mentioned this wonderful site.. So I guess that answers my question, but should that answer have been obvious to me?
@bb82: i think the most obvious reason you got banned is because they don't want beta testers to play offline...blizzard wants beta testers to test SC2 in a controlled environment (which is online using battle.net 2.0)...or maybe they thought that AllIn1 (like other launchers do) cracks their game which is entirely false.. :)
Beforehand, thanks for this awesome tool. But now that the beta is over, instead of getting owned by people I'm gettin' owned by machines... Here's the deal: with P and T I can beat the AI in Insane, BUT, in ZvT i just smash my head against a wall... The T AI usually is far more agressive than any player, first starts throwing a wave of marines (so you have to put a spine crawler, and delay or perfect time your 2nd hatch), then another, and so on since he got tanks and owns me. I usually try banelings, and it works, but at the end I mess something and he beats me... some tips??? or even better, some replay beating and T AI with Z??
@vernam7: the calculations are accurate..please check your email...the trick there is to get the correct size of the label...try setting the label sizes manually and then use the method in the PM for testing... :)
just joined the site not too long ago vernam, and have been using the allin1 tool since, just wanted to say, nice work mate :). This is a fantastic way to stifle our SC2 dry season :P
Those options give you extra starting resources to use, changing the player number changes the player that recieves the resources, if you change it to 8, the computer at position 8 will get the resources.
so i guess everyone is now starting to focus on the AIs because of the upcoming "dry" season... :)
@vernam7: just woke up and replied to your email... great job!cheers! :D
how's ccT and SCAi v10?
vernam, tonight all b.net servers will be shutdown and all sc2 fans will rush to your launcher and AIs :)
i know you working on new versions and difficulty per player but i want to ask if its possible to make it choosing AI (StarCrack,GreenTea,...) per player (if its not same as difficulty per player)
excuse me if this request is impossible :)
@terran58: i think that is possible only if the AI's have a single core..but still you can only specify AI's per race... :D
yea they would have to have a common base ground for this to work!
even for the per player difficulty which hopefully will be in the next version sometime later, its difficult and its up to the Ai TEams now, from my part i am 1 month ago ready 99,99% i am wating for something to test this per player!
but different ai per player its actually asking to team up and make a new AI lol ;-)
its like this

this is JUST a demo doesn't mean its like that:
it like trying to have a Intel Core 2 Duo work with an AMD Phenom 2 in one motherboard at the same time!
it would be possible only if the motherborad had everything 2times (2main chipset 2 controllers etc etc totally different architect!) OR the 2 CPU could be identical in Core and use the same socket the same chipset etc, as you can do with 4 AMD toggerther or 4 Intell in a 4socket Mobo.
in other words as it is right now it not possible.
so making it work its actually creating 1 new AI team ;-)
@Syryuu check your PM plz
oh i get it now !
thanks for answers :)
@vernam7: plz check you messages, i didn't have enough time to make the function but i hope it will help... :D
Is this site frowned upon by blizzard?
I know of two people that are going to buy SC2 because of your "advertisement" for the game.
The reason I ask is because someone banned me at beta forums because of a post of mine that mentioned this wonderful site.. So I guess that answers my question, but should that answer have been obvious to me?
@bb82: i think the most obvious reason you got banned is because they don't want beta testers to play offline...blizzard wants beta testers to test SC2 in a controlled environment (which is online using battle.net 2.0)...or maybe they thought that AllIn1 (like other launchers do) cracks their game which is entirely false.. :)
new ingame CGI video is comming up tommorw on NBA live i read june 10th and will last 30 seconds.

Beforehand, thanks for this awesome tool. But now that the beta is over, instead of getting owned by people I'm gettin' owned by machines... Here's the deal: with P and T I can beat the AI in Insane, BUT, in ZvT i just smash my head against a wall... The T AI usually is far more agressive than any player, first starts throwing a wave of marines (so you have to put a spine crawler, and delay or perfect time your 2nd hatch), then another, and so on since he got tanks and owns me. I usually try banelings, and it works, but at the end I mess something and he beats me... some tips??? or even better, some replay beating and T AI with Z??
God bless SC2Allin1.
vernam why you delay releasing v9.9.9 !
are you waiting for starcrack AI or something else ?
can we see new version this week-end ?
for now i came with this :)
version 9.9.9 delays due to AI delay and some other minor issues but mostly due to a LOT of RL obligations!
defenetly not this weekend i am trying hard for next week even without the new AI
@vernam7: the calculations are accurate..please check your email...the trick there is to get the correct size of the label...try setting the label sizes manually and then use the method in the PM for testing... :)
just joined the site not too long ago vernam, and have been using the allin1 tool since, just wanted to say, nice work mate :). This is a fantastic way to stifle our SC2 dry season :P
tnx dax means a lot to me
w00t, I was able to beat the insane terran AI using protoss and zerg. TvT might be another matter.
The Insane AI is seriously beefy. The longer the match goes, the greater the divide between human and machine. Machine has amazing micro and macro.
A 6 pool and non-stop zergling rush worked. I don't think I made more than 6 drones until I pretty much wiped the enemy.
Protoss cannon rush destroys the AI. Lol.
As of yet, I don't see what cheese I can use to win as terran (and its my best pvp race).
ok a little update:
PvP: cannon rush where they will early expand. insane protoss AI expands super early, and will feed themselves to the cannons
PvT: cannon rush their main base and gg
PvZ: cannon rush their main base and gg
ZvP: mass ground defensive towers, mass mutas. constantly harass and kill expos
ZvZ: mass ground + air defensive towers, mass mutas. constantly harass and kill expos
ZvT: 6 pool zergling rush. ground defensive towers and mass mutas should also work
terran cheese still required.
you are posting on the wrong forum dude.....i dont make AI.
In the options menu there is a thing to increase the player number. Its default is 1. What does this do and what happens if I change it?
Those options give you extra starting resources to use, changing the player number changes the player that recieves the resources, if you change it to 8, the computer at position 8 will get the resources.
Click here to join the Terran Dominion now, maybe win one of blizzards prizes and fill the unlockable content bar to 100%.
omg im so dumb okay i get it now
no comments!

The korean's national anthem must be radio free zerg.