The thing works on Windows 7 with same antivirus both on and disabled and it doesn't on XP. I'm not the only one. I'm wondering which files does it modify.
Hmmm,I did everything Razor said. Update sc2, run sc2cop.exe and let it load.
Then run Keytro.exe and press F2. Is anything suppose to happen when you press F2? Cause after I press F2 nothing really happens. After that I play the game put I can't find Guest mode.
The razor crack did not work for me. The best solution I found was using the first reloaded crack + nibbit's launcher tool. Back up files of course before applying reloaded crack.
I don't know how I did it, I just got the copy here(If you read back in this thread you'll see that someone posted a link for the razor crack), downloaded it and followed all the instructions. It's been all good since then.
And also, I always disable the internet when I play the cracked version. No particular reason on why I do that. Guess I'm just a careful guy. LOL =)
NOTE: Only enGB version works perfectly with the razor crack. all other versions has issues
Reloaded crack works fine and is easy to use, but it pretty much sucks and doesn't allow you to play skirmish for instance, nor does it include the maps and all that good stuff.
The razor crack works fine if you follow directions.
Nothing really happens when you press F2, the screen may flicker that's about it, hit F2 twice for good luck.
The is no virus according to AVG, which never gives me a false positive so I would assume norton or some shit like that is giving you false positives.
Here are instructions for using the crack:
Proper Reason: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ StarCraft.II.Wings.of.Liberty-RELOADED left single-player 'skirmish' mode completely uncracked and had some wholly uncalled-for patching to the original game files (much like the web 'crack'having been around for some time) thereby modifying in-game menus. We felt this game deserves a proper release, so here's ours which: -enables you to play all single-player missions including AI ('skirmish') ones -does NOT alter ANY of the original game files -will (most likely) work for future game updates -lets you use your legally bought game key at any time -contains a nifty 'keytro' (keygen/cracktro mix) for your enjoyment. ;)
Install game:
1) Unrar, burn or mount ISO (Use PowerISO or MagicDisc)
2) Install the game while online (or use G8MN8UDG6NA2ANGY6A3DNY82HRGF29ZH when prompted for an auth key while being offline) and CLICK SKIP on the serial activation prompt later on...
3) Update the game online (should go automatically after install, if not, click SC2 icon on desktop and it will run, if it doesn't then download the latest patch from another server, use google and you shall find anything)
4) Run \Razor1911\SC2_COPY.exe in crack folder to install additional content (be sure to select the EXE and not the other file with the same name)
5) Run \Razor1911\keytro.exe and hit F2 to activate your game offline, MAKE SURE TO HIT F2, the screen may flicker, then close the program by hitting ESC.
6) Enjoy the full single-player experience playing in guest mode P.S. Owners of legit game keys may use our keytro in just the same way in order to prolong their offline activation period indefinitely.
Check out our demo division's new keytro located in the /Razor1911 dir! You guys rock! Press F3 within the cracktro to change its l33t style.
Those directions were from, not sure who made them, I just tried to clarify them slightly.
Hope this help!
Remember, the reloaded crack works fine but isn't the best one out there!
This crack is the easiest one I have used so far, but when I tried to use this again today, even after re-cracking it, there was an error when trying to click single player and when clicked on "start new campaign" it gave a message saying "this account does not have the privileges to play the campaign" or something similar. Is this a new problem? has anyone else experienced this yet?
Vernam, I did a fresh install from the online distributed starcraft. I let it update all the way without touching anything. Then I ran the .reg file you gave me. It still gives this error
guys your assumptions once again confuse people! i am wondering if you understand what was given to you! if you dont know how to double click a file then i am sorry stop playing computers game get back to ps3 or what ever.
this registry keys is the razors crack (nobody said its a new one read) and it helpfull because it replace the stupit keytro.exe that causes trojan alarms and doesnt run to some windows users!
in other words you use this and not the keytro.exe and the razor sc_copy cache installer and you are done! no more F2 no more announing music screens and delay not moret rojan alarms ta prevent the crack to activate the account!
this is what the F2 alters in your system after a clean install!
there is also an alternative file check this but the 1st with the right cacke should work because (i am gona say it again for the last time) its the razor crack but with a new simpler way of been applied!)
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
The thing works on Windows 7 with same antivirus both on and disabled and it doesn't on XP. I'm not the only one. I'm wondering which files does it modify.
Hmmm,I did everything Razor said. Update sc2, run sc2cop.exe and let it load.
Then run Keytro.exe and press F2. Is anything suppose to happen when you press F2? Cause after I press F2 nothing really happens. After that I play the game put I can't find Guest mode.
Does anyone know on how to change the guest profiles name(default-razor1,razor2,razor3).
hey sir vernam, do you have a free download link for teh razor's crack?
The razor crack did not work for me. The best solution I found was using the first reloaded crack + nibbit's launcher tool. Back up files of course before applying reloaded crack.
@Yoyoma - The Razor Crack only works for enGB version. People have tested it on enUS and other languages and it still has issues.
Just download the enGB version and apply the razor crack and everything should go well.
keytro pops up as dos program and finishes in ~ 1 sec....meaning it doesnt work. Reloaded worked fine for me.
running win 7 32 bit on gtx 470. any help?
the razor 1911 crack work only 1 day and has a trojan inside, i think it is a kind of hoax.
@tom - Really??? I've been using it for more than a day now and it's still working for me. Maybe you got a bad copy of the crack or something
how did you do that? i have played yesterday and today disapear the guestmode i get the crack from Gamecopyworld.
I don't know how I did it, I just got the copy here(If you read back in this thread you'll see that someone posted a link for the razor crack), downloaded it and followed all the instructions. It's been all good since then.
And also, I always disable the internet when I play the cracked version. No particular reason on why I do that. Guess I'm just a careful guy. LOL =)
NOTE: Only enGB version works perfectly with the razor crack. all other versions has issues
thanks shkrunks have the german version, and hope for a compatible crack.
@tom - your welcome. glad was able to help =)
by the way, been having problems about opening download replays. all the local replays work just fine but the downloaded one won't open.
Reloaded crack works fine and is easy to use, but it pretty much sucks and doesn't allow you to play skirmish for instance, nor does it include the maps and all that good stuff.
The razor crack works fine if you follow directions.
Nothing really happens when you press F2, the screen may flicker that's about it, hit F2 twice for good luck.
The is no virus according to AVG, which never gives me a false positive so I would assume norton or some shit like that is giving you false positives.
Here are instructions for using the crack:
Proper Reason:
StarCraft.II.Wings.of.Liberty-RELOADED left single-player 'skirmish' mode completely uncracked and had some wholly uncalled-for patching to the
original game files (much like the web 'crack'having been around for some time) thereby modifying in-game menus.
We felt this game deserves a proper release, so here's ours which:
-enables you to play all single-player missions including AI ('skirmish') ones
-does NOT alter ANY of the original game files
-will (most likely) work for future game updates
-lets you use your legally bought game key at any time
-contains a nifty 'keytro' (keygen/cracktro mix) for your enjoyment. ;)
Install game:
1) Unrar, burn or mount ISO (Use PowerISO or MagicDisc)
2) Install the game while online (or use G8MN8UDG6NA2ANGY6A3DNY82HRGF29ZH
when prompted for an auth key while being offline) and CLICK SKIP on the serial activation prompt later on...
3) Update the game online (should go automatically after install, if not, click SC2 icon on desktop and it will run, if it doesn't then download the latest patch from another server, use google and you shall find anything)
4) Run \Razor1911\SC2_COPY.exe in crack folder to install additional content (be sure to select the EXE and not the other file with the same name)
5) Run \Razor1911\keytro.exe and hit F2 to activate your game offline, MAKE SURE TO HIT F2, the screen may flicker, then close the program by hitting ESC.
6) Enjoy the full single-player experience playing in guest mode
P.S. Owners of legit game keys may use our keytro in just the same
way in order to prolong their offline activation period indefinitely.
Check out our demo division's new keytro located in the /Razor1911 dir!
You guys rock! Press F3 within the cracktro to change its l33t style.
Those directions were from, not sure who made them, I just tried to clarify them slightly.
Hope this help!
Remember, the reloaded crack works fine but isn't the best one out there!
wow theres still problems with the cracks i like got nones crack working in like 15 min.
totally easy, as most of you know i made the automated updater script for the beta so i know how to update offline.
then all i had to do is find the patch 1.0.0 witch isnt that hard. (use google u can find anything)
then i wrote a script to update.
then downloaded and used nones crack and im here saying THX NONE!!! YOUR STUFF IS AWESOME!!!.
This crack is the easiest one I have used so far, but when I tried to use this again today, even after re-cracking it, there was an error when trying to click single player and when clicked on "start new campaign" it gave a message saying "this account does not have the privileges to play the campaign" or something similar.
Is this a new problem? has anyone else experienced this yet?
Remember this crack doesn't work with the new patch from Blizzard for SC2.
How do you stop blizzard from updating the game then?
I always disable internet connexion before launching the game.
I think ,this can be done by a script to replace the real starcraft II shortcut.
I think the updater can add rules in Windows firewall to let game access internet. Maybe another firewall would block...
check this out guys. just run it over a fresh install
Vernam, I did a fresh install from the online distributed starcraft.

I let it update all the way without touching anything. Then I ran the .reg file you gave me. It still gives this error
doesnt work vernam, same as above.
lan disabled, av disabled.
If there is more steps other than "install and execute reg" then please let us know what they are.
do we need to use sccopy? enUS or enGB restrictions?
guys your assumptions once again confuse people!
i am wondering if you understand what was given to you!
if you dont know how to double click a file then i am sorry stop playing computers game get back to ps3 or what ever.
this registry keys is the razors crack (nobody said its a new one read) and it helpfull because it replace the stupit keytro.exe that causes trojan alarms and doesnt run to some windows users!
in other words
you use this and not the keytro.exe and the razor sc_copy cache installer and you are done! no more F2 no more announing music screens and delay not moret rojan alarms ta prevent the crack to activate the account!
this is what the F2 alters in your system after a clean install!
there is also an alternative file check this but the 1st with the right cacke should work because (i am gona say it again for the last time) its the razor crack but with a new simpler way of been applied!)
Thanks Vernam.
Does the editor work with this as well? my gaming pc is out for repair so I cannot test.
Thanks in advance.