BoxerpinoyHello again Vernam7, I just amazingly used SC2ALLin1 version 11.2.11 Beta6. But then, the previous launcher (SC2ALLin1 v.10.3.3) doesn't work anymore and the same with my StarCraftII.exe. Is that the effect of using the new version? Anyway, I can still play AI using the latest version with AI only. Also, is there any possibility of playing "Guest Mode" in Arcade Beta patch 1.5.0?
first off, slow down, you have been posting on every post available for the past few hours, the system will think you are a spammer and ban you ;-)
now about your question
if v10.3.3 and latest v11.x.x Beta are installed in a separate Folder you will have no problems as far as i know.
also your starcraft 2.exe, or your game installation was damaged because you installed in the sc2 directory any of the sc2allin1 version that i say in my instructions DO NOT DO IT like that??
beta 6 for example and v10.3.3 have a recommended extraction path for a good reason ;-)
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I tried to add the GTAi but i can't work. It always give me this " Custom AI or Custom options cannot be applied, are you sure you haven't moved or delete the files?
zackyhellI tried to add the GTAi but i can't work. It always give me this " Custom AI or Custom options cannot be applied, are you sure you haven't moved or delete the files?
go to the GT Ai page, over there main site there is exact step by step video how your ai shoudl be placed-extracted!
also you are not giving any kind of information! like sc2allin1 version that you use gt ai version? starcraft 2 version?
this message is been displayed when the paths of the ai files are not corect!
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I'm getting a "SC2Allin1 has encountered a problem" error with "File not found." I'm running WinXP and I have tried to use the version 10.3.3 and 11.2.11, but neither will load a map.
It is not an antivirus issue, as I 1) have no viruses on my computer and 2) don't have real-time antivirus protection activated and 3) even turned off windows firewall. The extracted directory is not in the Starcraft folder, and maps do appear in the loading screen (and are placed in the My Documents and Starcraft folders). What am I doing wrong?
PerplexI'm getting a "SC2Allin1 has encountered a problem" error with "File not found." I'm running WinXP and I have tried to use the version 10.3.3 and 11.2.11, but neither will load a map.
It is not an antivirus issue, as I 1) have no viruses on my computer and 2) don't have real-time antivirus protection activated and 3) even turned off windows firewall. The extracted directory is not in the Starcraft folder, and maps do appear in the loading screen (and are placed in the My Documents and Starcraft folders). What am I doing wrong?
first off thanks for trying the tool. (damn i woke up in a good mood today) :)
secondly thanks for posting in the right section, with the right details to help me out a bit more.
file not found when the sc2allin1 is loading maybe caused by few things:
1)one or more of the maps you use are not properly made, so few internal parts are missing, try only the official or the artepixell ones.
2)in case your maps are defenetly ok, then the tool cant load maybe your settings?
3)also it may fail to read other important files, this was improved in the latest beta, so if you are getting exactly the sme error at the exact moment and in beta 6 or newer, it means that your account in windows xp doesnt have enought rights to do its job.
4)are you sure your account is an Administrator?
5)are you sure you have to .NET framework version needed for each ersion properly and fully installed?
6)try only with one official map in your maps, delete the rest for test to see if its amp issue
7)something else prevent the tool from accessing your files, so please make sure you gave full access rights to the installed directory of the sc2alln1 (by default you should have such problems) how to do this:
focus on the part of the Permissions, not the sharing, you should try to add your account and the account called "Everyone" in the list and give them FULL access.
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Thanks for the (prompt) reply. I am logged in under only one account on this computer and it of course has all administrator privileges, so that is a non-issue. Everything is shared and permissions have full control.
I tried deleting all maps but one (Base to Base), and I have not set anything funny. When I tried to load that map from the folder, I got another error: "The process cannot access the file ...Base to Base.SC2Map because it is being used by another process" (I sent that error report in the beta version)
I'm quite confident it is not being used by another process, as this is the only issue I'm trying to work on at the moment! But regardless, the map appears to be listed fine under the maps listing, so upon launch again I got the "File not found" again.
I recently updated the framework to I believe V4, so I'm confident that is not the issue. I'm not sure what to try, because the error is rather non-descript (WHAT file can't be found?!). What else is left to try?
PerplexThanks for the (prompt) reply. I am logged in under only one account on this computer and it of course has all administrator privileges, so that is a non-issue. Everything is shared and permissions have full control.
I tried deleting all maps but one (Base to Base), and I have not set anything funny. When I tried to load that map from the folder, I got another error: "The process cannot access the file ...Base to Base.SC2Map because it is being used by another process" (I sent that error report in the beta version)
I'm quite confident it is not being used by another process, as this is the only issue I'm trying to work on at the moment! But regardless, the map appears to be listed fine under the maps listing, so upon launch again I got the "File not found" again.
I recently updated the framework to I believe V4, so I'm confident that is not the issue. I'm not sure what to try, because the error is rather non-descript (WHAT file can't be found?!). What else is left to try?
thanks for the error send report, this internal mechanish is really helpfull for me!
i will examine your report in the next hours, (i am not in this PC atm) and will let you know.
can you please upload that map somewhere and share the link here so that i can test it?
also make sure no Double process like sc2.exe or the sc2allin1.exe is runing in your system! make sure the map is not readonly.....i cant think of something else right now i have to see this map, and examne th error report you send from the beta.
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I tried using one of the official maps (Abyss) from Blizzard, and it's still a no-go. It seems the maps are fine. However, it is strange that after the map loading failure, another copy of the map appears in the SC2 maps folder, with a long hex value name. "17a455ed-f178-47d5-b615-8479537b404c_Abyss Insane.SC2Map"
I'm not running two instances of the SC2Allin1 at the same time if that's what you mean. Could it have something to do with the SC2 update not working properly with SC2Allin1? Maybe I need the newer version of SC2?
Is this a new problem for you? Sorry to ruin your day. :-/
PerplexI tried using one of the official maps (Abyss) from Blizzard, and it's still a no-go. It seems the maps are fine. However, it is strange that after the map loading failure, another copy of the map appears in the SC2 maps folder, with a long hex value name. "17a455ed-f178-47d5-b615-8479537b404c_Abyss Insane.SC2Map"
I'm not running two instances of the SC2Allin1 at the same time if that's what you mean. Could it have something to do with the SC2 update not working properly with SC2Allin1? Maybe I need the newer version of SC2?
Is this a new problem for you? Sorry to ruin your day. :-/
the copy of the map is normal, this is how is should be done, you need to have this file thre for the reply to be workable, or if you dont care at the end of your games you can clean this folder.
now i dont get it about sc2 update.
sc2allin1 works fine with 1.4.4, and even 1.5.0 beta with the v11 beta.
something is preventing the application to write the files and i really dont know, i will look at the report you send in few hours and i may get back to you
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i checked now fro your report, there is nothing on my server, i would like if possible a screenshot of the error and when this is happening i would like a screenshot of the sc2allin1 folder and what files are in that moment there, to help me out.
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
When I try to add maps from my My Docs folder, I get this error (note, the two existing maps are already listed in the program):
When I try to add maps from my My Docs folder, I get this error (note, the two existing maps are already listed in the program):
the file not found is then absolutly normal, because it tried to find some files that should be there extracted from within themap, but because it failed to access the map in the first place, well, the second error appears.
so the problem is with accessng the map. i am not sure 100% because almost every day i make new changes to the program, i think inthe beta 6 version i have some multithreading and parallels tasks....
the maps are one of those your case a thread is forgoten in the system, so the map is been used...but i am not sure 100%, really what CPU and how much ram you have? is your CPU multithread support or multicore?
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Why is it just my computer that is having this issue? If the map files are not corrupt and the SC2Allin1 extraction is not corrupt, why would there be a hang-up between these two entities? I think it would be more useful instead to work on more detailed error codes, and maybe do a hex dump that can locate the point of error more exactly.
well lets not forget this is not Microsoft Windows OS! it started as a personal tool, and slowly involved, sure better error handling is needed, but i use the internal report mechanish that sends me the errors (besides your case now) that tells me exatctly where it crashed.
now i am not saying that by Adding multithreading will solve the issue, i said that i have multithreading in there allready that maybe the cause of the problem!
dual core does multithreading tasks anyway so your cpu is fine.
in any case this weekend i may have beta 7 out you can give that a go later.
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
hi , well.... i have a problem a little weird..... when i open the launcher is all good ,whitout problems .... but when i put launch ,it doesn´t launch the map , it launch the game (it open this (this is not a image of my computer , its just to show you what i mean ...)) please help , i dont no what to do... sorry my bad english....i think... XD
thanks men ,but i saw it is not my sc2 v is 1.4.4 and its already cracked XD and it dont going to try again .... but i can reinstall the game but my save game can be lossed? :/ or i can crack it just following the steps whitout re-install the game. regards
dude im sorry to bother you but ic ant make the allin work cause i keepp getting this mesage: Cant load your settings! You may have deleted my default directories! Delete the settings file and retry, or reinstall the application!
i alrredy triyed to do what teh guide said and it just dont work...A: Just do what the error says and don’t forget to launch the instal as administrator and the launcher after it is installed as administrator also.
i have teh starcraft instaled in an alternate location and not in C/ it might be it or im missing something?
devilmedude im sorry to bother you but ic ant make the allin work cause i keepp getting this mesage: Cant load your settings! You may have deleted my default directories! Delete the settings file and retry, or reinstall the application!
i alrredy triyed to do what teh guide said and it just dont work...A: Just do what the error says and don’t forget to launch the instal as administrator and the launcher after it is installed as administrator also.
i have teh starcraft instaled in an alternate location and not in C/ it might be it or im missing something?
Thx for your time, and for this awesome tool...
it seems you dont have enough Access rights to the folder where sc2allin1 is located!
try to see if the user "everyone" has full access. in windows 7 this article will help you to find your way!
Maps dont wanna work...just the motehrship special map...
i really cant understand you guys when you are talkign like that, if you dont wanna spend an extra minuete to explain in details your situation, dont post at all!
i am not an oracle, i cant guess, so i cant answer and help you out.
learn to post details, steps, versions, what you have what you dont, etc
the only thing that i know is that latest map pack, + sc2allin1 v11 beta, they work just fine!
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
ok im sorry...but i just finished the seeting error and when i tryed to play i discovered that just the Aliens Binary Mothership, the special map made by you, is teh only one that works, otehr maps just say unable to open map, i downloaded some other maps and stuff and some way sacred step work too but the latest map pack give me the same error, and i think is pretty weird...dunno what kind of info you need, but i would appreciate some advices...thx for your time dude sorry for the last post
hey man this one's better than 10.3. everything is good. However you could add a download bar when downloading maps from server. I mean i press download, then sc2allin1 does not respond for a period of time then says map downloaded which is good and all. just if it showed a status bar i would know it did not crash but is just downloading. also could you do something so that i could download new maps and play on old ones at the same time. ?? it would be much appreciated
first off, slow down, you have been posting on every post available for the past few hours, the system will think you are a spammer and ban you ;-)
now about your question
if v10.3.3 and latest v11.x.x Beta are installed in a separate Folder you will have no problems as far as i know.
also your starcraft 2.exe, or your game installation was damaged because you installed in the sc2 directory any of the sc2allin1 version that i say in my instructions DO NOT DO IT like that??
beta 6 for example and v10.3.3 have a recommended extraction path for a good reason ;-)
How do i delete maps?
did you tried the simple solution, right click on a map in the sc2allin1 map list? ;-)
also edit folder will open up the folder that you have selected, in an explorer window to delete more than one at a time, normally from windows.
I tried to add the GTAi but i can't work. It always give me this " Custom AI or Custom options cannot be applied, are you sure you haven't moved or delete the files?
go to the GT Ai page, over there main site there is exact step by step video how your ai shoudl be placed-extracted!
also you are not giving any kind of information!
like sc2allin1 version that you use
gt ai version?
starcraft 2 version?
this message is been displayed when the paths of the ai files are not corect!
I'm getting a "SC2Allin1 has encountered a problem" error with "File not found." I'm running WinXP and I have tried to use the version 10.3.3 and 11.2.11, but neither will load a map.
It is not an antivirus issue, as I 1) have no viruses on my computer and 2) don't have real-time antivirus protection activated and 3) even turned off windows firewall. The extracted directory is not in the Starcraft folder, and maps do appear in the loading screen (and are placed in the My Documents and Starcraft folders). What am I doing wrong?
first off thanks for trying the tool. (damn i woke up in a good mood today) :)
secondly thanks for posting in the right section, with the right details to help me out a bit more.
file not found when the sc2allin1 is loading maybe caused by few things:
1)one or more of the maps you use are not properly made, so few internal parts are missing, try only the official or the artepixell ones.
2)in case your maps are defenetly ok, then the tool cant load maybe your settings?
3)also it may fail to read other important files, this was improved in the latest beta, so if you are getting exactly the sme error at the exact moment and in beta 6 or newer, it means that your account in windows xp doesnt have enought rights to do its job.
4)are you sure your account is an Administrator?
5)are you sure you have to .NET framework version needed for each ersion properly and fully installed?
6)try only with one official map in your maps, delete the rest for test to see if its amp issue
7)something else prevent the tool from accessing your files, so please make sure you gave full access rights to the installed directory of the sc2alln1 (by default you should have such problems)
how to do this:
focus on the part of the Permissions, not the sharing, you should try to add your account and the account called "Everyone" in the list and give them FULL access.
Thanks for the (prompt) reply. I am logged in under only one account on this computer and it of course has all administrator privileges, so that is a non-issue. Everything is shared and permissions have full control.
I tried deleting all maps but one (Base to Base), and I have not set anything funny. When I tried to load that map from the folder, I got another error: "The process cannot access the file ...Base to Base.SC2Map because it is being used by another process"
(I sent that error report in the beta version)
I'm quite confident it is not being used by another process, as this is the only issue I'm trying to work on at the moment! But regardless, the map appears to be listed fine under the maps listing, so upon launch again I got the "File not found" again.
I recently updated the framework to I believe V4, so I'm confident that is not the issue. I'm not sure what to try, because the error is rather non-descript (WHAT file can't be found?!). What else is left to try?
thanks for the error send report, this internal mechanish is really helpfull for me!
i will examine your report in the next hours, (i am not in this PC atm) and will let you know.
the map you are mentioning is it an Official Blizzard map? did you got it from my Map Server or from here:
can you please upload that map somewhere and share the link here so that i can test it?
also make sure no Double process like sc2.exe or the sc2allin1.exe is runing in your system! make sure the map is not readonly.....i cant think of something else right now i have to see this map, and examne th error report you send from the beta.
I tried using one of the official maps (Abyss) from Blizzard, and it's still a no-go. It seems the maps are fine. However, it is strange that after the map loading failure, another copy of the map appears in the SC2 maps folder, with a long hex value name.
"17a455ed-f178-47d5-b615-8479537b404c_Abyss Insane.SC2Map"
I'm not running two instances of the SC2Allin1 at the same time if that's what you mean. Could it have something to do with the SC2 update not working properly with SC2Allin1? Maybe I need the newer version of SC2?
Is this a new problem for you? Sorry to ruin your day. :-/
the copy of the map is normal, this is how is should be done, you need to have this file thre for the reply to be workable, or if you dont care at the end of your games you can clean this folder.
now i dont get it about sc2 update.
sc2allin1 works fine with 1.4.4, and even 1.5.0 beta with the v11 beta.
something is preventing the application to write the files and i really dont know, i will look at the report you send in few hours and i may get back to you
i checked now fro your report, there is nothing on my server, i would like if possible a screenshot of the error and when this is happening i would like a screenshot of the sc2allin1 folder and what files are in that moment there, to help me out.
When I am not running it, the folder only contains this:
After I run SC2Allin1, other files are created/appear:
When I try to add maps from my My Docs folder, I get this error (note, the two existing maps are already listed in the program):
And then, when I launch, I get this error:
ok cool,
the file not found is then absolutly normal, because it tried to find some files that should be there extracted from within themap, but because it failed to access the map in the first place, well, the second error appears.
so the problem is with accessng the map.
i am not sure 100% because almost every day i make new changes to the program, i think inthe beta 6 version i have some multithreading and parallels tasks....
the maps are one of those your case a thread is forgoten in the system, so the map is been used...but i am not sure 100%, really what CPU and how much ram you have? is your CPU multithread support or multicore?
I'm not sure how adding multithreading is going to solve this issue, as it is simply a case of loading the data from the map file, correct? My CPU does not do hyperthreading, but is dual-core:
Why is it just my computer that is having this issue? If the map files are not corrupt and the SC2Allin1 extraction is not corrupt, why would there be a hang-up between these two entities? I think it would be more useful instead to work on more detailed error codes, and maybe do a hex dump that can locate the point of error more exactly.
well lets not forget this is not Microsoft Windows OS!
it started as a personal tool, and slowly involved, sure better error handling is needed, but i use the internal report mechanish that sends me the errors (besides your case now) that tells me exatctly where it crashed.
now i am not saying that by Adding multithreading will solve the issue, i said that i have multithreading in there allready that maybe the cause of the problem!
dual core does multithreading tasks anyway so your cpu is fine.
in any case this weekend i may have beta 7 out you can give that a go later.
hi ,
(this is not a image of my computer , its just to show you what i mean ...))
well.... i have a problem a little weird..... when i open the launcher is all good ,whitout problems ....
but when i put launch ,it doesn´t launch the map , it launch the game (it open this
please help , i dont no what to do...
sorry my bad english....i think... XD
1)why your starcraft is not updated? i see version 1.0.1???? and not 1.4.4!
2)update then use this instructions to crack and it will be ok.
thanks men ,but i saw it is not my sc2 v is 1.4.4 and its already cracked XD and it dont going to try again .... but i can reinstall the game but my save game can be lossed? :/ or i can crack it just following the steps whitout re-install the game.
dude im sorry to bother you but ic ant make the allin work cause i keepp getting this mesage: Cant load your settings! You may have deleted my default directories! Delete the settings file and retry, or reinstall the application!
i alrredy triyed to do what teh guide said and it just dont work...A: Just do what the error says and don’t forget to launch the instal as administrator and the launcher after it is installed as administrator also.
i have teh starcraft instaled in an alternate location and not in C/ it might be it or im missing something?
Thx for your time, and for this awesome tool...
it seems you dont have enough Access rights to the folder where sc2allin1 is located!
try to see if the user "everyone" has full access.
in windows 7 this article will help you to find your way!
same problem....
Maps dont wanna work...just the motehrship special map...
i really cant understand you guys when you are talkign like that, if you dont wanna spend an extra minuete to explain in details your situation, dont post at all!
i am not an oracle, i cant guess, so i cant answer and help you out.
learn to post details, steps, versions, what you have what you dont, etc
the only thing that i know is that latest map pack, + sc2allin1 v11 beta, they work just fine!
ok im sorry...but i just finished the seeting error and when i tryed to play i discovered that just the Aliens Binary Mothership, the special map made by you, is teh only one that works, otehr maps just say unable to open map, i downloaded some other maps and stuff and some way sacred step work too but the latest map pack give me the same error, and i think is pretty weird...dunno what kind of info you need, but i would appreciate some advices...thx for your time dude sorry for the last post
hey man this one's better than 10.3. everything is good. However you could add a download bar when downloading maps from server. I mean i press download, then sc2allin1 does not respond for a period of time then says map downloaded which is good and all. just if it showed a status bar i would know it did not crash but is just downloading. also could you do something so that i could download new maps and play on old ones at the same time. ?? it would be much appreciated