jacked it all up for a second. deleted licence in the registery, deleted cash, then ran the crack and cash again.
works good now. just need to get GTAI working now.
for the 1.00000000000000000000000000000 time the GT AI cant be run guys! the current 1.5 patch made huge strastic changes to the way AI works, (among stealing some of the GT team ideas ;-) and the guys are now re-coding the AI to be compatible with the 1.5....
so untill GT AI v2.0 or later comes out there is NO way to make the v1.19 version work with 1.5 patch!
end of story :)
btw if i understood you correctly you did simply all the step from ground up and the licence worked with 1.5 too?
yes it does with the SC2 launcher default AI.
need cash to make the 1.5 run on guest mode i would ASSuME.
is there a way to get the new maps to work on versusAI mode (without having to use the SC2AllinOne)!? because when I try to "CREATE GAME" with a new map that came with the latest patch 1.5 It says: "Game Data required to play this map, offline has not been downloaded". & when I check the MAPS folder of SC2 in "My Documents" It is Empty! Is there a way to get these latest maps without loging in!?
PS: Performance fixes... huhh!? the game is stuttering heavily after patching (same settings) with there was a rollback option. :(
VeToMiNaToRis there a way to get the new maps to work on versusAI mode (without having to use the SC2AllinOne)!? because when I try to "CREATE GAME" with a new map that came with the latest patch 1.5 It says: "Game Data required to play this map, offline has not been downloaded". & when I check the MAPS folder of SC2 in "My Documents" It is Empty! Is there a way to get these latest maps without loging in!?
PS: Performance fixes... huhh!? the game is stuttering heavily after patching (same settings) with there was a rollback option. :(
well first off you are confusing the role of the crack
let me help you understand the combinations and the results
keygen only (no cache) + sc2allin1 = advanced offline custom maps Gameplay.
keygen + latest cache = standard offline VS AI from ingame interface & Campaign
keygen only = Campaign
keygen + cache + sc2allin1 = standar igname vs AI & Campaign & advanced custom maps offline
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
You have an awesome talent for "support/help desk", not only "at the grass roots" (also known as "at the coal face" a term from mining ... terms to describe face to face, personal interaction) ... but also for that area, such as being a university lecturer one day in IT.
These skills are multi-field ...(word I just created!), meaning highly transferable. Excellent communication skills. A people person.
Programming is very analytical, and mathematical, but you have an obvious interest and considerable abilities with "support", and that shows you have other skills that you could, one day, use in a professional capacity.
I say this from a professional perspective, for as you know some of my qualifications ... so such is my professional opinion.
Anyway, I think you helped about a million people, and they owe you a beer each ... just don't get drunk!
lol...oh boy, that was funny.... i am glad i am not a casual drinker then... Hick.. :P
thanks a lot for your compliments friend, but i dont know if they should be a compliment!
you see because i made tha same mistake in my RL job, i saw them without understanding it, that i can provide support in an easy way, they moved me to a new team called S&M! (no its not the Metallica unfortunately)
in that team i am doomed to do Support and Maintence by coding old applications!
i raised my conserns right away, because i want to be more developer and not staying IDLE as a Supporter!
if my brain doesn't learn even a tiny bit new information in my area, every day... i think i am dying! (most real devs feel that) S&M does that to developers, it kills them, and i although i appreciate your kind words, i would prefair to be the Analyst and talk with the Customer, or the Designer or Architech as i am in my own company and personal projects, but no way the supporter only....no way! 8-P
now i am going back to finish this damn Map Uploader tool before the end of the day...and with that the end of my 2 weeks vecation.....
more offtopic...cant wait for the NASA's Curiosity Rover in ~7 hours my local time :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
who didn't felt this coming :P I already knew this that's why I said (is there a way playing the newest maps without SC2AllinOne) but... guess I have to use It now. but since Blizzard fucked Up the latest patch, people started complaining in the battle.net forums about performance issues. I used to play this game before patch 1.5 with Ultra settings, now I cannot even play it on Medium without heavy stuttering.
PS: what If I just log-in with my starter'edition account & enter the multiplayer online browser, with It check for the latest maps & download them!? even If u say that loging It will delete the offline licences... so what!? I do the crack again, right!? (hope this wasn't a STUPID idea "cause It sounds like one") :P
VeToMiNaToRwho didn't felt this coming :P I already knew this that's why I said (is there a way playing the newest maps without SC2AllinOne) but... guess I have to use It now. but since Blizzard fucked Up the latest patch, people started complaining in the battle.net forums about performance issues. I used to play this game before patch 1.5 with Ultra settings, now I cannot even play it on Medium without heavy stuttering.
PS: what If I just log-in with my starter'edition account & enter the multiplayer online browser, with It check for the latest maps & download them!? even If u say that loging It will delete the offline licences... so what!? I do the crack again, right!? (hope this wasn't a STUPID idea "cause It sounds like one") :P
i really dont understand you man,
what do you mean play the LATEST blizzard maps without sc2allin1?
first off my map pack is NOT updated!
secondly the ingame skirmish uses the cache! it doesnt read any map files from the \documents\sc2\maps directory or anything like that! the cache is the maps the game needs to run offline skirmish!
the maps in the folder are used ONLY by the sc2allin1, and again, i havent updated the map pack for a some time now! that what i am trying to do.
but if you use the crack the play from the ingame skirmish (vs AI) not with sc2allin1 and if you have deleted the older cache and extracted the new one i have on page 1 (for patch 1.5.0) the game will play the latest maps.
now if when you are online there are OTHER blizzard maps that are NOT available-visible in the offline skirmish and you are 100% sure its Blizzard maps and not some Ladder or Custom maps plz give me an example of one map name + version and i will try to investigate the situation.
i hope we are on the same page now, dont confuse the Map Directory with the ingame offline vs AI maps,
sc2allin1 uses OTHER maps (in a directory) the game vs a.I uses the cache files only! ;-)
the cache (no maps in a directory) is been downloaded when you successfully login to battle.net! if you dont have an account nothing will be downloaded.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
what do you mean play the LATEST blizzard maps without sc2allin1?
first off my map pack is NOT updated!
secondly the ingame skirmish uses the cache! it doesnt read any map files from the \documents\sc2\maps directory or anything like that! the cache is the maps the game needs to run offline skirmish!
the maps in the folder are used ONLY by the sc2allin1, and again, i havent updated the map pack for a some time now! that what i am trying to do.
but if you use the crack the play from the ingame skirmish (vs AI) not with sc2allin1 and if you have deleted the older cache and extracted the new one i have on page 1 (for patch 1.5.0) the game will play the latest maps.
now if when you are online there are OTHER blizzard maps that are NOT available-visible in the offline skirmish and you are 100% sure its Blizzard maps and not some Ladder or Custom maps plz give me an example of one map name + version and i will try to investigate the situation.
i hope we are on the same page now, dont confuse the Map Directory with the ingame offline vs AI maps,
sc2allin1 uses OTHER maps (in a directory) the game vs a.I uses the cache files only! ;-)
the cache (no maps in a directory) is been downloaded when you successfully login to battle.net! if you dont have an account nothing will be downloaded.
first of all... sorry If I made u upset man, didn't mean to. secondly... I tried my best to explain what I mean, I don't have a clue why u don't understand me, but that isn't the point. first off my map pack is NOT updated! - this & this the cache (no maps in a directory) is been downloaded when you successfully login to battle.net! if you dont have an account nothing will be downloaded. are all I wanted to know. thnx again for Ur will to help & thanks a lot for ur work so that our poor asses can play this game.
PS: hope they will release a new patch soon, cause the game is unplayable right now. (checking the blizzard forums constantly).
man i am not upset, i just got confused because it seemes you were also confused!
cache files are the maps for ingmae skirmish
map files in a folder are the maps for sc2allin1 (not updated yet)
now that we are on the same page, i would ask you your question...why you cant play the latest maps from the ingame skirmish?
if you are in 1.5 (for me no problems at all with 1.5.0 runs extreamly smooth! maybe your drivers are up todate?)
so if you are in 1.50 and you have a clear cache file downloaded yesterday from page 1,
and if you have cracked the game properly and can enter as guest (no sc2allin1 at all so far dont cofuse that)
then in the Starcraft button > vs AI, you should see all the maps and create an offline game.
if you dont wanna use the sc2allin1, dont, and remove the maps from your documents\maps folder, you dont have to have anything in there for the above steps to work! ;-)
sc2allin1 is mostly used now, for playing Custom maps, among those are Official maps, with more skirmish options than the game it self offers! (and loads them faster actually), but also you can use more advanced AI like the GT AI.
so you dont have to use sc2allin1 if you are only instersted in the standar offline skirmish vs blizzard ai. no need for that no need for extra maps! just the instructions on page 1.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
so the cache is for offline a.i. ingame skirmish, didn't know that, all-hail the great Vernam7, and thanks god this game has offline mode (not like diablo 3)
I downloaded it and everything was installed as you said. And the game starts, no problem there. But I have ran into three different problems:
The game works, shows me all the maps for skirmish but once I selected a map, I cannot create a game, as the Create Game button is doing nothing.
After re-installing the latest Cache Files and entering Guest Mode, the game now tells me I need an account. So of course I tried SC2Allin1 however:
SC2AllIn1 does not show me any maps at all. I am unable to download maps from the server and no matter what directory I browse, i can't seem to find any maps whatsoever.
1)the fact that you see the map list ingame as in the above screenshot but the CREATE GAME does nothing...well is unknown to me, maybe a bug? do you have internet connection during this time? no login, just internet connection...try it sometimes, even if you are offline the game streams some data once to use!
a complete cache that i will soon make will try to have ALL that into it, i am forced to do it one map at a time. and the problem is that it will e like 350MB in size guys! i will have to see where can i host that kind of file for free.
2)in this case the Guest mode was not done successfully! if it ask you for an account you didn't cracked it successfully, yu have to check all the requirements if are ok from page1 and check what you did wrong or skipped!
3)SC2alli1 needs NO cache to play the game! you just have to use the latest v11. beta version and add maps from server, if you see no maps at the server (give it few seconds) maybe you have connection issues! firewall? virus?
offline skirmish is not good in this patch, after playing a specific map and return to versus a.i. and i want to play that map again, it doesn't allow me to create game. i think SC2ALLin1 is better for this patch (v1.5.0)! try it, for me its like this.
sc2maps or blizzard maps and cache cant be together cause its a different thing! (actually is almost the same think in a different format)
sc2allin1 wants the maps in a specific regular format, cache is a completly different beast!
what i am gona do now is also update the cache files because this was corrupted as was my previous map pack for sc2allin1.
i would also recomend to use sc2allin1 and not the ingame skirmish, simplier faster stable.
i will update the cache files thought after 8 hours, i cant right now.
the problems you are mentioning about the button been disable or doing nothing ingame, happened to me also once, and also my 1.50 doesnt shutdown sometimes! its all bugs of the game, Blizzard should fix those. you can report those bugs in their forums if you like.
no need to mention you are working a pirate version thought :P lol
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
ok i figured out why you have sometimes enabled or disabled the ingame create button in offline ingame skirmishes, and i am makign now a new cache for those stuck in the ingame mode and they dont want to use sc2allin1. (which is faster fyi) :P
i wil let you know when the new cache is ready...will take an hour or so.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
ok new cahce is online, the new cache guys is huge 341MB, sorry but it had to include everything in there.
i tested several times in Guest mode, and worked with all maps in game.
sc2allin1 doesnt need this you can simply download the official maps from here or within the sc2allin1 v11 beta it self (from the add map otions) to play all of them.
from here you will only need the keygen crack if you are not a legimate user.
now due to the fact that this cache is huge, i have 2 download links a primary at netload.in and an alternative here, i hope you guys dont crash the servers or i will be forced to move the file elsewhere.
Important Before applying this cache DELETE everything in your existing directory!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
yes it does with the SC2 launcher default AI.
need cash to make the 1.5 run on guest mode i would ASSuME.
you mean cache? because CASH = money! :P
lol and no you dont need the cache that i have uploaed to play sc2allin1, you needed to play ingame skirmish only.
onyl you dont need cache to play Single Player campain just the crack
ya... cache... not that money stuff...
i got the new... cache now btw.
trying to learn zerg now cause they give me the most issues. but ya... that gots nothing to do wid this.
back to starcrack!
is there a way to get the new maps to work on versusAI mode (without having to use the SC2AllinOne)!?
because when I try to "CREATE GAME" with a new map that came with the latest patch 1.5 It says: "Game Data required to play this map, offline has not been downloaded". & when I check the MAPS folder of SC2 in "My Documents" It is Empty!
Is there a way to get these latest maps without loging in!?
PS: Performance fixes... huhh!? the game is stuttering heavily after patching (same settings) with there was a rollback option. :(
well first off you are confusing the role of the crack
let me help you understand the combinations and the results
You are in the wrong business!
You have an awesome talent for "support/help desk", not only "at the grass roots" (also known as "at the coal face" a term from mining ... terms to describe face to face, personal interaction) ... but also for that area, such as being a university lecturer one day in IT.
These skills are multi-field ...(word I just created!), meaning highly transferable. Excellent communication skills. A people person.
Programming is very analytical, and mathematical, but you have an obvious interest and considerable abilities with "support", and that shows you have other skills that you could, one day, use in a professional capacity.
I say this from a professional perspective, for as you know some of my qualifications ... so such is my professional opinion.
Anyway, I think you helped about a million people, and they owe you a beer each ... just don't get drunk!
lol...oh boy, that was funny.... i am glad i am not a casual drinker then... Hick.. :P
thanks a lot for your compliments friend, but i dont know if they should be a compliment!
you see because i made tha same mistake in my RL job, i saw them without understanding it, that i can provide support in an easy way, they moved me to a new team called S&M! (no its not the Metallica unfortunately)
in that team i am doomed to do Support and Maintence by coding old applications!
i raised my conserns right away, because i want to be more developer and not staying IDLE as a Supporter!
if my brain doesn't learn even a tiny bit new information in my area, every day...
i think i am dying! (most real devs feel that)
S&M does that to developers, it kills them, and i although i appreciate your kind words, i would prefair to be the Analyst and talk with the Customer, or the Designer or Architech as i am in my own company and personal projects, but no way the supporter only....no way! 8-P
now i am going back to finish this damn Map Uploader tool before the end of the day...and with that the end of my 2 weeks vecation.....
more offtopic...cant wait for the NASA's Curiosity Rover in ~7 hours my local time :P
who didn't felt this coming :P I already knew this that's why I said (is there a way playing the newest maps without SC2AllinOne) but... guess I have to use It now. but since Blizzard fucked Up the latest patch, people started complaining in the battle.net forums about performance issues. I used to play this game before patch 1.5 with Ultra settings, now I cannot even play it on Medium without heavy stuttering.
PS: what If I just log-in with my starter'edition account & enter the multiplayer online browser, with It check for the latest maps & download them!?
even If u say that loging It will delete the offline licences... so what!? I do the crack again, right!? (hope this wasn't a STUPID idea "cause It sounds like one") :P
i really dont understand you man,
what do you mean play the LATEST blizzard maps without sc2allin1?
first off my map pack is NOT updated!
secondly the ingame skirmish uses the cache! it doesnt read any map files from the \documents\sc2\maps directory or anything like that! the cache is the maps the game needs to run offline skirmish!
the maps in the folder are used ONLY by the sc2allin1, and again, i havent updated the map pack for a some time now! that what i am trying to do.
but if you use the crack the play from the ingame skirmish (vs AI) not with sc2allin1 and if you have deleted the older cache and extracted the new one i have on page 1 (for patch 1.5.0) the game will play the latest maps.
now if when you are online there are OTHER blizzard maps that are NOT available-visible in the offline skirmish and you are 100% sure its Blizzard maps and not some Ladder or Custom maps
plz give me an example of one map name + version and i will try to investigate the situation.
i hope we are on the same page now, dont confuse the Map Directory with the ingame offline vs AI maps,
sc2allin1 uses OTHER maps (in a directory) the game vs a.I uses the cache files only! ;-)
the cache (no maps in a directory) is been downloaded when you successfully login to battle.net! if you dont have an account nothing will be downloaded.
first of all... sorry If I made u upset man, didn't mean to. secondly... I tried my best to explain what I mean, I don't have a clue why u don't understand me, but that isn't the point.
first off my map pack is NOT updated! - this & this the cache (no maps in a directory) is been downloaded when you successfully login to battle.net! if you dont have an account nothing will be downloaded.
are all I wanted to know.
thnx again for Ur will to help & thanks a lot for ur work so that our poor asses can play this game.
PS: hope they will release a new patch soon, cause the game is unplayable right now. (checking the blizzard forums constantly).
man i am not upset, i just got confused because it seemes you were also confused!
cache files are the maps for ingmae skirmish
map files in a folder are the maps for sc2allin1 (not updated yet)
now that we are on the same page, i would ask you your question...why you cant play the latest maps from the ingame skirmish?
if you are in 1.5 (for me no problems at all with 1.5.0 runs extreamly smooth! maybe your drivers are up todate?)
so if you are in 1.50 and you have a clear cache file downloaded yesterday from page 1,
and if you have cracked the game properly and can enter as guest (no sc2allin1 at all so far dont cofuse that)
then in the Starcraft button > vs AI, you should see all the maps and create an offline game.

if you dont wanna use the sc2allin1, dont, and remove the maps from your documents\maps folder, you dont have to have anything in there for the above steps to work! ;-)
sc2allin1 is mostly used now, for playing Custom maps, among those are Official maps, with more skirmish options than the game it self offers! (and loads them faster actually), but also you can use more advanced AI like the GT AI.
so you dont have to use sc2allin1 if you are only instersted in the standar offline skirmish vs blizzard ai. no need for that no need for extra maps! just the instructions on page 1.
can we move this into this forum plz because i am sure there will be lots of oftopic chat about it :P
plz seriously post it there because i have questions to ask you in order to understand what are you talking about exactly :)
btw guys i fixed the missing portraits and i uploaded new cache! plz use the latest cache and the latest offline renamer tool that is in it.
so the cache is for offline a.i. ingame skirmish, didn't know that, all-hail the great Vernam7, and thanks god this game has offline mode (not like diablo 3)
I downloaded it and everything was installed as you said. And the game starts, no problem there. But I have ran into three different problems:
Thank you for your time:)
Spike lets take it one by one
1)the fact that you see the map list ingame as in the above screenshot but the CREATE GAME does nothing...well is unknown to me, maybe a bug? do you have internet connection during this time? no login, just internet connection...try it sometimes, even if you are offline the game streams some data once to use!
a complete cache that i will soon make will try to have ALL that into it, i am forced to do it one map at a time. and the problem is that it will e like 350MB in size guys! i will have to see where can i host that kind of file for free.
2)in this case the Guest mode was not done successfully! if it ask you for an account you didn't cracked it successfully, yu have to check all the requirements if are ok from page1 and check what you did wrong or skipped!
3)SC2alli1 needs NO cache to play the game!
you just have to use the latest v11. beta version and add maps from server, if you see no maps at the server (give it few seconds) maybe you have connection issues! firewall? virus?
OR download the maps Manually as is simply described here
in any case, guest mode MUST be properly applied!
but i can play some of the maps except those LE maps.
you updated the map pack, what about the cache update?
make it part by part men.
offline skirmish is not good in this patch, after playing a specific map and return to versus a.i. and i want to play that map again, it doesn't allow me to create game. i think SC2ALLin1 is better for this patch (v1.5.0)! try it, for me its like this.
sc2maps or blizzard maps and cache cant be together cause its a different thing!
(actually is almost the same think in a different format)
sc2allin1 wants the maps in a specific regular format, cache is a completly different beast!
what i am gona do now is also update the cache files because this was corrupted as was my previous map pack for sc2allin1.
i would also recomend to use sc2allin1 and not the ingame skirmish, simplier faster stable.
i will update the cache files thought after 8 hours, i cant right now.
the problems you are mentioning about the button been disable or doing nothing ingame, happened to me also once, and also my 1.50 doesnt shutdown sometimes! its all bugs of the game, Blizzard should fix those. you can report those bugs in their forums if you like.
no need to mention you are working a pirate version thought :P lol
ok i figured out why you have sometimes enabled or disabled the ingame create button in offline ingame skirmishes, and i am makign now a new cache for those stuck in the ingame mode and they dont want to use sc2allin1. (which is faster fyi) :P
i wil let you know when the new cache is ready...will take an hour or so.
ok new cahce is online, the new cache guys is huge 341MB, sorry but it had to include everything in there.
i tested several times in Guest mode, and worked with all maps in game.
sc2allin1 doesnt need this you can simply download the official maps from here or within the sc2allin1 v11 beta it self (from the add map otions) to play all of them.
from here you will only need the keygen crack if you are not a legimate user.
now due to the fact that this cache is huge, i have 2 download links a primary at netload.in and an alternative here, i hope you guys dont crash the servers or i will be forced to move the file elsewhere.
Important Before applying this cache DELETE everything in your existing directory!
btw i am waiting for your feedback on the latest guys, dont just post problems :P
i guess its ok and you are not posting because you are playing :P
yeah and it's working even with v1.5.1, thank you men
151 allready damn, i have to update my dev hack then .......oh boy