(Tutorial) Using maps from Battle.net in SC2Allin1.
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  • Here is a little video tutorial for those that want maps that are exclusive to battle.net. Example: ESV/TPW

  • For those of you that use pirated versions of Starcraft 2 or don't have a working battle.net account, let me know if you would like any maps uploaded for you and which ones. :D

  • Maybe ALL the of TPW/ESV??? Pretty Please :3

    Anyways, it would be nice to be able to play fruitland, abysal city, Astro Haze, Breaking Point and lots of these awesome maps that the TL mapmakers do, thanks alot for your work man, really appreciated ♥

  • Most of the pre-1.5.0 ESV/TPW maps weren't available, but I'll upload the rest. I have all those. I'll post a separate thread for them. :)

    I'm not going to upload any GSL maps however, I don't want to step on PandaZerg's toes. :P

    I'm sure there is plenty to keep you occupied though.

  • Is it just me or does this doesn't work for Abyssal City? Could you try it out? The map doesn't seem to function as it would after I extract it from the cache folder. It just loads up the previous game I played on it and goes straight to the score screen. Dl-ed from NA arcade. Or do I have to clean my cache folder?

  • Mine loaded up just fine. It is a Crux map however, thus Korean, which means you cannot assign spawns via SC2Allin1, because the spawns are in Korean. For some reason SC2Allin1 does not recognize Korean made maps as well. You can usually tell if it's not going to work by noting that when you select Abyssal City, or any other map like it, it has () for the name.

    Did you change the file type to .sc2map? If so, could you tell me step-by-step how you start it?

  • Sepnova, can you download for me abyssal city,metropolis and grand lagoon? Please and thank you :D

    Registered User
  • I currently don't have access to b.net atm. I was using a friend's account before.

    However, you can get metropolis from the GSL map pack located one the forums.


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