StarCraft II Licence Generator works with all versions
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  • JSo for me I can play that first level of HotS, but then after I finish the level the screen turns black with the SC2 mouse cursor and I am forced to exit the game and I cannot do anything else. Any support from there?

    no idea, maybe somthing else is problematic in your system? play arround with the graphic settings a bit.

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • could someone pls upload a savegame from mission 2?

    according to this..some players (like me) cant load second mission..

  • I had that problem too. Just clicked alt+f4 and then loaded the second level.

  • how can i continue campaign..or load second level..??

    dont have HotS campaign at main screen..just Wol..

  • i have the same problem as stupid, probably many more people have... When following step 4b you get the message cant login offline because you have the starter edition. and because of that no such OFFLINE file appears in your starcraft map.. so were kinda stuck here.

  • and i DO have downloaded the full game till 100% and copied the cache files. but the offline file is not in the directory..

  • Hey there people. I have a simple question regarding the whole cracking thing. Is it possible to make a standalone copy of StarCraft 2 using all the tricks mentioned in the starcraft-2-crack-threads on this forum? What do I mean. I travel a lot (and by a lot I mean A LOT) so my internet access is nowhere near decent. Plus I change PC quite often. So I thought that instead of downloading SC2 each time I need it I could just carry it with me. Downloading this whole damn game takes about one whole week in my situation so it's a chore to try my idea myself, but maybe someone tried it already? My idea looks like this:

    download SC2 (enGB, starter from battle net)
    patch it up
    log once online, then log once offline
    rar/zip the whole SC2 folder + offline file
    then each time I want to play I just simply extract the archive on a different pc, copy the cache + offline file to the right place, run the keygen
    Question is -> will it work? Is the "offline" file system/PC spec specific or just generic like the whole "cache"? Help greatly appreciated. :)

    Registered User
  • Yep im kinda stuck on the "you have a starter edition" crap also.. no offline mode for me :(

    Registered User
  • Does the file in that new link work for anyone? I get permission errors.

  • Yes for me is working played 9 misions.

    Registered User
  • I had to set the SC2Save to open with starcraft 2 for it to not give me the error, but then it puts me in the login screen and doesn't allow me to login.

  • Ok Fulgerstyle I'm happy for you but could you care to explain how did you get past the "cant login offline because you have the starter edition"
    did you create a new account today or you have one for a long time? cuz something is a miss here

    Registered User
  • destiNATIONcould someone pls upload a savegame from mission 2?

    according to this..some players (like me) cant load second mission..

    The second mission in HOS wont load for me.

    Registered User
  • destiNATIONwell..
    loaded your hots savegame...finished the mission..but after i press the proceed button to get to the next mission, my screen stays black (only the sc2 cursor visible)

    looks like i cant start second mission..

    what should i do?

    Same here

    [edit] I figured out how to continue. Force close the game with windows task manager then go back into the game and load your last autosave.

    Registered User
  • AdamaxaxHey there people. I have a simple question regarding the whole cracking thing. Is it possible to make a standalone copy of StarCraft 2 using all the tricks mentioned in the starcraft-2-crack-threads on this forum? What do I mean. I travel a lot (and by a lot I mean A LOT) so my internet access is nowhere near decent. Plus I change PC quite often. So I thought that instead of downloading SC2 each time I need it I could just carry it with me. Downloading this whole damn game takes about one whole week in my situation so it's a chore to try my idea myself, but maybe someone tried it already? My idea looks like this:

    download SC2 (enGB, starter from battle net)
    patch it up
    log once online, then log once offline
    rar/zip the whole SC2 folder + offline file
    then each time I want to play I just simply extract the archive on a different pc, copy the cache + offline file to the right place, run the keygen
    Question is -> will it work? Is the "offline" file system/PC spec specific or just generic like the whole "cache"? Help greatly appreciated. :)

    yes its possible, BUT if you moving it to different PCs then you have to run the keygen on each pc again because the license that is generated is based on your computer hardware! so a license from pc 1 (even if you get out the registry keys) will 80% not work in pc too because its diffrent hardware.

    1)download the entire game
    2)do all the crack process from page 1 and make sure your offline mode IS working as it should be
    3)take your entire sc2 installation directory from program files and copy it - rar it what ever you want
    4)also take a full copy of the following folders:
    C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment
    in those are teh cache and other game needed files!
    5) you can paste those in the same directories to a new computer
    6)run the keygen

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • @Vernam7
    I usually never have problems following instructions and always get things to work but you plz help with all this "cant login offline because you have the starter edition"

    At step 4 i log in start up the game, i select the remember the account, everything works fine, after that i try 4b it just wont let me cuz it keep saying "cant login offline because you have the starter edition" and no offline file in the / is created... plz help :P

    Registered User
  • BuuGzOk Fulgerstyle I'm happy for you but could you care to explain how did you get past the "cant login offline because you have the starter edition"
    did you create a new account today or you have one for a long time? cuz something is a miss here

    I have the original game but without expansion.
    After i finish the game i will try to make it without my account chache using the tutorial.

    Registered User
  • @vernam7 i was able to play expansion HoS but last9 received update for s2. previously, i'm able to play HoS but now it loaded HoL instead of WoL! i saw the file at my directory as s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase. now the s2 version is

  • BuuGz@Vernam7
    I usually never have problems following instructions and always get things to work but you plz help with all this "cant login offline because you have the starter edition"

    At step 4 i log in start up the game, i select the remember the account, everything works fine, after that i try 4b it just wont let me cuz it keep saying "cant login offline because you have the starter edition" and no offline file in the / is created... plz help :P

    its pretty clear your keygen dint worked! you havent yet created a valid license with the keygen!

    check your registry others also said that to you, check your registry delete your current license run keygen + f2 etc.

    cant think of anything else sorry

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • Now we're talking!! If it's possible, then I don't have to execute a crazy idea of installing another starter edition to my home PC!! The problem is, if the source PC is a Win 7 32-bit, and the destination PC is a Win 7 64-bit, will it work?

    I'm just thinking about downloading the whole starter edition for about 1-2-something weeks. But if this is possible, it's great!

  • Well, just to make it clear, I was referring to this post of yours :

    yes its possible, BUT if you moving it to different PCs then you have to run the keygen on each pc again because the license that is generated is based on your computer hardware! so a license from pc 1 (even if you get out the registry keys) will 80% not work in pc too because its diffrent hardware.

    1)download the entire game
    2)do all the crack process from page 1 and make sure your offline mode IS working as it should be
    3)take your entire sc2 installation directory from program files and copy it - rar it what ever you want
    4)also take a full copy of the following folders:
    C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment
    in those are teh cache and other game needed files!
    5) you can paste those in the same directories to a new computer
    6)run the keygen

  • DixxnWell, just to make it clear, I was referring to this post of yours :

    yes its possible, BUT if you moving it to different PCs then you have to run the keygen on each pc again because the license that is generated is based on your computer hardware! so a license from pc 1 (even if you get out the registry keys) will 80% not work in pc too because its diffrent hardware.

    1)download the entire game
    2)do all the crack process from page 1 and make sure your offline mode IS working as it should be
    3)take your entire sc2 installation directory from program files and copy it - rar it what ever you want
    4)also take a full copy of the following folders:
    C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment
    in those are teh cache and other game needed files!
    5) you can paste those in the same directories to a new computer
    6)run the keygen

    32bit or 64bit Doesnt matter. it will work.

    maybe also you will need to export the registry path
    hk_current_user\software\blizzard Entertainment\ and all its subfolders.

    into a .reg file and run this .reg file to your other system once.
    just find the path in the registry, right click, export.

    be careful to not fuck up your registry settings ;-)

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • Great!! Man I hope this really works! I'll try it tomorrow and give a full report. Thanks a bunch, Vernam7. Truly appreciate it! :)

  • Hello! Firstly I would like to thank you for the tutorial of this installation. :) And I have question to ask. I installed according to your instruction and thankfully the game worked perfectly, but it seems that when I played single player (HoTS), the button icon (Move, Attack, Hold) doesn't appear in my game. It just showed the mouse instruction.


    Is this normal or is there something I messed up during the process? I realised that my game expansion is based on WoL, so I assumed it may affected these problems? Hope anyone can answer my question.


  • @vernam7 choose gameplay for HotS but there is no campaign? which part i'm missing? thanks..


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