StarCraft II Licence Generator works with all versions
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  • any solution?

    Registered User
  • Sorry to interrupt guys, but i think i might have one problem i haven't seen so far, which is with the keygen itself... anytime i try to run it, it simply crashes, with the following message of a memory error:


    (sorry, haven't noticed i have to translate, but it says roughly:) "The instructions at adresse "0x0042ba47" referred to "0x00000000" memory adresse. The action "read" cannot be performed on this section."

    I can't simply find a way to make this work work, but that in particular seems to be the only thing keeping me back from playing HotS... anyone who has an idea of a solution?

    Registered User
  • omg ive been trying to figure out the whole day how to get by the keytro keygen crash and now it worked! I had the latest Nvidia drivers + xp sp 3 drivers + .net3.5 sp1 drivers and none prove to solve the crash. However when i deleted my whole graphic card drivers and started the keygen it worked somehow! (i tried it once with sandbox software and once without so not sure which was helpfull but one of them is!)
    I didnt get to see the "... sucks" message after pressing F2 tho, but maybe this was because it ran without the drivers so ur screen is all shit.
    So afterwards i installed back my VGA drivers and tried to log offline mode it worked! i didnt get any " starter edition error" now im so happy! Thats what i wanted to share with everyone if anyone had the same problem. (now on to the next part..)

  • Pearchey, how to play the "Heart of the sworm" campaign? when i will load this save game you posted it says buy the full version ?;( skrimish and the normal campaignn works! :thumbsup"! :)

    You're running WoL 2.0.6.

    If you want to paly HotS, you must downgrade to 2.0.5.

  • andreyki77Sorry to interrupt guys, but i think i might have one problem i haven't seen so far, which is with the keygen itself... anytime i try to run it, it simply crashes, with the following message of a memory error:


    (sorry, haven't noticed i have to translate, but it says roughly:) "The instructions at adresse "0x0042ba47" referred to "0x00000000" memory adresse. The action "read" cannot be performed on this section."

    I can't simply find a way to make this work work, but that in particular seems to be the only thing keeping me back from playing HotS... anyone who has an idea of a solution?

    Are you running it as an administrator with internet and anti-virus turned off?

  • You're running WoL 2.0.6.

    If you want to paly HotS, you must downgrade to 2.0.5.

    okay, can i play after downgrade without using the keygen again? or must i deinstall and install the whole game again? Because i already played some skirmish maps, or do not care?

  • 2.0.6 FIX
    this method works with HoTs v2.0.5 only if you have upgraded to newer version downgrade to 2.0.5 by downloading the following files (always keep backups to an other location before deleting or replacing anything)

    files for EN-GB version
    files for EN-US version


    1)simply go to your sc2 installation directory

    2)find and delete the "Updates" folder then get the "Updates" folder from the rar file and replace it there

    3)back to your sc2 installed directory open the "Versions" folder

    4)find and delete the "Base24944" then get the "Base24944" from the rar file and replace it there

    Note for future patches
    if you have a Folders bigger in number than "Base24944" then rename those folders to something like this "_Base26300", this is for version after 2.0.6. do not rename the folders like this "BaseXXXXX...whatever, always type something IN-FRONT of the file name or the game will crash with a message saying you dont have all the files downloaded 100%!

    until we have a new keygen that's the best i can offer you right now! stop crying if you don't have en-gb or en-us version and you can't play. its your problem and your choice to go with an other version when we say you should have en-gb or en-us.-"

    This is the quote from page 1 by Vernam.

    I can't give you a good response, since I myself can't get it to work... :(

  • i did everything and i could play heart of the swarm just fine first mission from the save but when i finish it and press continue to ne xt mission it just goes black screen and does nothing for ever.

  • Try to do it again.

    It is a known 2.0.5 bug and people just say you should just try it again and it will work.

  • Ok guys, i was the guy having problems with the missions stopping all of the sudden AND I FIXED it with these steps:

    When it gives the error:

    1 Reboot
    2 Patch it to 2.06 again
    3 Remove connection
    4 Crack it
    5 Downgrade to 2.05
    6 Get back from where you left!

    I suggest enabling your internet back again. I dont know if it's necessary, but it doesn't hurt. Perhaps it checks some files as the campaign loads i really dont know, it didn't give problems though.

    Try and post results!

    Registered User
  • just start fron lab rat victory save

    and there are reports that pcs with vishera and buldozer amd cpus are unable to execute the keytro 1,4

  • Ok after downgrading i had to use the load file. Now everything works like a black screens etc...
    Seems like the biggest issue was the keygen the rest was piss easy:)

  • Where can i pls find downgrader for plPL version? Or is there any possibility to modify enGB or enUS for that reason?

    Registered User
  • Released a new version of my loader. Try to start the keygen, it MIGHT fix crash problems.

  • Vernam7 I want to thank you again.

    I had used the Eng-GB "crack" but instead I had to use the eng-US. I did it and I managed to play the HOTS single player.

    But there is one problem.

    I played, like, the first 3 levels, then I was like, ok let's go to bed.

    I could see all the autosave and stuff, but when I, for the lulz, tried to load one, it told me that I need to have all the files completely downloaded before loading those saves. WTF ?

    Now basically I cannot load the saves of the battles I played ??!?

  • You have to save manually on every mission.

  • No, it doesnt work that either anymore. WTF.

    Now when I try to log in offline it tells me that I ahve to download 100% of the gamefiles.

    WTF. I already did all that patching and played 2 missions. Offline.

    Did Blizzard manage to fuck it up when I reconnected internet after closing the game or what ?

  • Also, the point

    TIP How to block your Game from accessing the web.
    Use this entries at your host file (..\windows\system32\drivers\etc); use notepad as admin. Needless to say that you should only add this after you logged in and cracked the game (and keep a backup of the original file elsewhere).


    What does that mean ? Sorry man but not all of us are informatic engineeers, what does "use this entries at your host file" mean ?

    What do I have to do with that sequence of .coms ?

    Can this have something to do with the error I'm getting ?

  • does the starter version install the full hots campaign?

  • stop talking about details or ideas for exploits publically even if we have a slight hope of making a new crk it will be ruined and patched by blizzard before even know it since they do read here as well! if you have something really valuable to add pm us

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • Yes, this method works for playing the full WoL and HoTs campaign even if you installed the starter edition. Just need keygen to play it.

  • MeNo, it doesnt work that either anymore. WTF.

    Now when I try to log in offline it tells me that I ahve to download 100% of the gamefiles.

    WTF. I already did all that patching and played 2 missions. Offline.

    Did Blizzard manage to fuck it up when I reconnected internet after closing the game or what ?

    Go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\StarCraft II and delete the variables.txt

  • Dude if I wanted to hack you, I would've at least crypted it.

  • my god...this opened my eyes , and yes i have a 4100 buldozzer, at first i thought it was from my 5800 gpu modified bios... but no, this was the problem, because the keygen was created before buldozzers came out.

  • I follow all steps and it works like a charm, great work, better post.
    I have a noobish question, you update the page 1 (main post) when we can use HOTW units offline in skirmish and editor? I´m diying for modding a lot with the new skills/units and terrains.
    Again, thanks for all, I can play campaing ^^!

    Registered User

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