Amaregazwhen i open the game using loader my internet goes down why?
Your entire Internet goes down? I highly doubt that.
Actually that happened once for me too,it came back on after quitting the game, i did not report it because i thought it simply was down or the driver stopped functioning.
if the editor accepts the game accepts it ni difference. it may just make the testing a bit faster
but gus generally stop talking about details or ideas for exploits publically even if we have a slight hope of making a new crk it will be ruined and patched by blizzard before even know it since they do read here as well! if you have something really valuable to add pm us
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
there is notsuch think as starter edition cache the cache i shared is fullyhots i will not get into details here how the cache the license or the offline works for the reasons i spoke before! please dont misslead users if you dont know exactly what does what ;)
remeber keep it low
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
I guess all there is to test is of offline is working properly and it still is, but i still can't login with any other account other than mine, if you need me to test anything specific PM me :)
well, if blizzard is reading here, let me tell them something:
their business model with the starter edition is just bullshittin. ppl who are interested in the multiplayer aspect or are a fan of the franchise will buy it anyways regardless of that "demo". and the e-sports aspect alone will sell tons of copies. everybody else wouldnt buy it at all, n just try stuff like this or watch the campaign in lets plays on youtube or twitch. so why even bother, aslong as theres no exploit that grants access to the servers and does real harm. i dont get it. but prolly getting spy'd on or sued for raising my voice. :ugly:
I'm actually a Malware Developer so I can tell that you're accusing the wrong person with the wrong proof!
Please give me more proof than just a virustoal scan, thank you. Something more like sniffed packets, keylogger hooks, injections. If you don't know much about this stuff, please don't make yourself a fool here.
Thanks for reporting the Error Code 01! This error means that the hook was not successful. This usually means that either the loader doesn't have enough rights (firewall, AV, etc. is blocking it) or you're using it not right.
It's not a hack - it's a loader. And it mainly starts Starcraft II offline. Don't spam around here just because you're jealous. Read the instructions! -.-
BTW. I've sent the source to vernam7 he can compile it by himself and test it :) He will confirm that there is no malware ;)
hi snify, I've tried your 0.5 beta starcraft II launcher. It takes very long time to enter the game (> 1 minute) when I pressed play offline button at the launcher GUI. Is it the injection problem or just mine problem? While inside the game, I alt tab and open browser, it can browse any website normally, it doesn't have the problem which previous post stated as the Launcher will disconnect the internet access globally.
I hope you can help me solve the problem as I mentioned above: takes long time to enter game.thank you. sorry for my poor English.
tanjiunnyannhi snify, I've tried your 0.5 beta starcraft II launcher. It takes very long time to enter the game (> 1 minute) when I pressed play offline button at the launcher GUI. Is it the injection problem or just mine problem? While inside the game, I alt tab and open browser, it can browse any website normally, it doesn't have the problem which previous post stated as the Launcher will disconnect the internet access globally.
I hope you can help me solve the problem as I mentioned above: takes long time to enter game.thank you. sorry for my poor English.
Thank you for using the SC2 Loader. Which Windows Version do you have? XP/Vista/Win7/Win8? 0.7b is the current version. Try 0.7b
Tom 23Nice try but its a virus tr/hijacker.Gen Fuck you !!
if you where reading you will see that we are working together mister smart ass and if you knew anything about software developing and process hooking or similar stuff again you will knew that those may apear to some av as falso positive generic viruses
also i have his source code and if there was a malware i would be the first to bann him and close his thread
finally he nevered clamed its a keygen we also say that and its a work in progress so stop the fuck you posts and similar bs because you will be banned and if you think you can do better do it your self.
thanks for trying to protect me but i am not a baby ;) sure you have your right to see it pointless software right now but i see potentions for the future version with my help. dont like it dont use it
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
0.6 and 0.7 offline still works properly, i launched it 5 times so far the net connection works while i am in-game, the offline file works fine as well.
tanjiunnyannhi snify, I've tried your 0.5 beta starcraft II launcher. It takes very long time to enter the game (> 1 minute) when I pressed play offline button at the launcher GUI. Is it the injection problem or just mine problem? While inside the game, I alt tab and open browser, it can browse any website normally, it doesn't have the problem which previous post stated as the Launcher will disconnect the internet access globally.
I hope you can help me solve the problem as I mentioned above: takes long time to enter game.thank you. sorry for my poor English.
Thank you for using the SC2 Loader. Which Windows Version do you have? XP/Vista/Win7/Win8? 0.7b is the current version. Try 0.7b
I have downloaded the 0.7beta and the result same as 0.5beta. It really slow to get into the game. I read your history log for the 0.7beta, it will show a hidden form, but I never see the hidden form ay my desktop. I'm using English version of Windows XP with SP3. thank you.
Do you have a Unblock button when right clicking on the exe and the archive > properties? Windows blocks files downloaded from the internet, when launched blocked files are checked by windows with a primitive built in malware scanner and that causes long loads for exe's.
ok i think i "cornerd" the no internet at all bug.
Sniffy, right now i am running the game with the loader to test other stuff, but this page that i am typing WAS here opened in my Chrome and i can still "serf" from it properly!
any other new tab i will try to open and go to a webpage fails! as you know chrome has many process so every new process that opens AFTER the loader doesnt work!
the same happened even with an other browser IE 10.
p.s would be nice if you make the change log always online an not just in every download, i like to see whats new before even downloading stuff ;-)
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Ohh , just re-read the posts , I first thought he was doing the licence generation as well - mea culpa!
In any case , my offer to help with testing still stands - Though I only borrowed that 955 so I don't have a working installation.
when i open the game using loader my internet goes down why?
Your entire Internet goes down?
I highly doubt that.
Actually that happened once for me too,it came back on after quitting the game, i did not report it because i thought it simply was down or the driver stopped functioning.
It starts SC2Switcher.exe and then injects further to SC2.exe. This idea is made so there is a higher chance that it will work in further versions.
Nervermind its not usefull
if the editor accepts the game accepts it ni difference.
it may just make the testing a bit faster
but gus generally stop talking about details or ideas for exploits publically even if we have a slight hope of making a new crk it will be ruined and patched by blizzard before even know it since they do read here as well! if you have something really valuable to add pm us
there is notsuch think as starter edition cache the cache i shared is fullyhots i will not get into details here how the cache the license or the offline works for the reasons i spoke before! please dont misslead users if you dont know exactly what does what ;)
remeber keep it low
New version released :)
I guess all there is to test is of offline is working properly and it still is, but i still can't login with any other account other than mine, if you need me to test anything specific PM me :)
well, if blizzard is reading here, let me tell them something:
their business model with the starter edition is just bullshittin. ppl who are interested in the multiplayer aspect or are a fan of the franchise will buy it anyways regardless of that "demo". and the e-sports aspect alone will sell tons of copies.
everybody else wouldnt buy it at all, n just try stuff like this or watch the campaign in lets plays on youtube or twitch. so why even bother, aslong as theres no exploit that grants access to the servers and does real harm. i dont get it. but prolly getting spy'd on or sued for raising my voice. :ugly:
snify before i hit the bed for tonight, indeed this loader blocks the entire internet access untill the game closes!
For me that happened only once, i just ran it and net is fine, made this post while the game is running
Good night Z_Z
That's weird. It just happended to me too. I will try find a solution.
I'm actually a Malware Developer so I can tell that you're accusing the wrong person with the wrong proof!
Please give me more proof than just a virustoal scan, thank you. Something more like sniffed packets, keylogger hooks, injections. If you don't know much about this stuff, please don't make yourself a fool here.
Thanks for reporting the Error Code 01!
This error means that the hook was not successful. This usually means that either the loader doesn't have enough rights (firewall, AV, etc. is blocking it) or you're using it not right.
It's not a hack - it's a loader. And it mainly starts Starcraft II offline. Don't spam around here just because you're jealous. Read the instructions! -.-
BTW. I've sent the source to vernam7 he can compile it by himself and test it :) He will confirm that there is no malware ;)
thanks for ur effort and time snify.
hi snify, I've tried your 0.5 beta starcraft II launcher. It takes very long time to enter the game (> 1 minute) when I pressed play offline button at the launcher GUI. Is it the injection problem or just mine problem? While inside the game, I alt tab and open browser, it can browse any website normally, it doesn't have the problem which previous post stated as the Launcher will disconnect the internet access globally.
I hope you can help me solve the problem as I mentioned above: takes long time to enter game.thank you. sorry for my poor English.
Thank you for using the SC2 Loader. Which Windows Version do you have? XP/Vista/Win7/Win8? 0.7b is the current version. Try 0.7b
if you where reading you will see that we are working together mister smart ass
and if you knew anything about software developing and process hooking or similar stuff again you will knew that those may apear to some av as falso positive generic viruses
also i have his source code and if there was a malware i would be the first to bann him and close his thread
finally he nevered clamed its a keygen we also say that and its a work in progress
so stop the fuck you posts and similar bs because you will be banned and if you think you can do better do it your self.
thanks for trying to protect me but i am not a baby ;)
sure you have your right to see it pointless software right now but i see potentions for the future version with my help. dont like it dont use it
0.6 and 0.7 offline still works properly, i launched it 5 times so far the net connection works while i am in-game, the offline file works fine as well.
I also have no load issues, its almost instant.
I have downloaded the 0.7beta and the result same as 0.5beta. It really slow to get into the game. I read your history log for the 0.7beta, it will show a hidden form, but I never see the hidden form ay my desktop. I'm using English version of Windows XP with SP3. thank you.
Do you have a Unblock button when right clicking on the exe and the archive > properties?

Windows blocks files downloaded from the internet, when launched blocked files are checked by windows with a primitive built in malware scanner and that causes long loads for exe's.
ok i think i "cornerd" the no internet at all bug.
Sniffy, right now i am running the game with the loader to test other stuff, but this page that i am typing WAS here opened in my Chrome and i can still "serf" from it properly!
any other new tab i will try to open and go to a webpage fails! as you know chrome has many process so every new process that opens AFTER the loader doesnt work!
the same happened even with an other browser IE 10.
p.s would be nice if you make the change log always online an not just in every download, i like to see whats new before even downloading stuff ;-)