tanjiunnyannSnify, I have an idea to make your loader become simple and easier for newbie to Starcraft 2 loader: combine the offline and instant keygen into one.
When player using -offline or manually click start offline in the GUI of loader, the loader will check the license (if license key is Razor/WOL will replace with fairlight key/ WOL+HOTS; if none license value in registry will generate a new one)or force generating keygen before launching the starcraft II games everytime.
So that new player will not having the problem of license key anymore when first time who touched this games.
I really love your loader :)
I can do that, I guess. However I can not determin if a license is WoL or HotS.
nice, you can force to generate license key each time before enter the games :)
Vernam7guys just replay with a simple yes or no and the exact model of the CPU you have and facing the "deleted license error"
is your cpu in this list?
yes fx-6100.....deleted license issue. plz help, ty so much for ur effort
EDIT: i also get dirtycacheindex = 000001 in the registry each time i start the game, no matter if its the 2.0.4 cache or the 2.0.6 or the legit cache which is downloaded the first time. hope this helps
Hi guys, on these days had played this game and for trial licence reasons im was looking for any crack or offline way for play the campaign. And have readed readed all important posts (and pages of them) related to this. But i have a probem with licence, explain better my steps:
1) Download and install the Game, play on trial version, end of trial version.
2) Downloaded and move the Loader on SCII installed folder
3)Run the Loader (1.3) as admin(in my unique admin user) --3.1)Click on "START OVER" --3.2)Click on "FLT Keygen" --3.3)Click on "Start SC2 Offline"
4)In login, after putting my email **************@gmail.com, and select "Play Offline" but it tell me that my licence is not able to play offline
I had other starcraft2 installed and the HOS beta, both in other hdd (G). Also, i found keys in the registry with different location (G: hdd) - i have the new game in F: hdd.
i HAD this deleting license problem my self many months ago in my laptop that has intel i3, i fixed the problem but i do not recall at all what i did because to me was not that off an issue back then. i had clear instlalation, good cachec and oflfine file, and produced a key that worked. i honnestly cant recall exactly what i did at all, because it was so long ago!
but what i can recall for sure is what i DIN'T do!
dint change any bios settings
dint change cpu
didnt change HT or Cores
didnt removed any hotfixes or service packs like some said
didnt format my system
thats what i remember 100% i know its not that much of a help, but thats it.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
the new EU starter edition offline files are corrupt, its Blizzard bug an i have reporte it! the US offline files ARE working the button is there!
the legit European Offline files also work, the one you have from my 2.0.4 cache is my legit offline file, modified to hide my personal info!
but offline files from other regions with existing cache will not work together well, and Custom Game ingmae are few or incomplete maps!
i have allready talked with Snify, and told him a way to fix this once and for all! we are working on that solution! remember my old rename offline tool?
this feature and some others will now me introduced to snify's next loader version, since he has done great work with the "offline button", its pointless to create many different tools.
the target is simple! one Loader that will create working offline File + licence, + able to change your NickName, + download latest workable cache + load the game totally offline without blocking it your self.......
all those with a single (ok maybe 2 the first time) Click!
we are working on this now, i have lots of work to do, i am making new Cache and that my friends for 134maps takes a LOT of time! but in the next few hours i think we can have this done! we know what we have to do, we know how to do it, everything is in place and we just need to spent time and finish it now! (not doing support on the forums)
this loader will be the BEST crack for offline StarCraft II, and combined with Sc2Allin1 for custom melee games, you are complete!
so you the skilled ones, try to support the stupid lazy noobs, help us to spent our time in our task please.
thanks for your support. ;-)
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
the new EU starter edition offline files are corrupt, its Blizzard bug an i have reporte it! the US offline files ARE working the button is there!
the legit European Offline files also work, the one you have from my 2.0.4 cache is my legit offline file, modified to hide my personal info!
but offline files from other regions with existing cache will not work together well, and Custom Game ingmae are few or incomplete maps!
i have allready talked with Snify, and told him a way to fix this once and for all! we are working on that solution! remember my old rename offline tool?
this feature and some others will now me introduced to snify's next loader version, since he has done great work with the "offline button", its pointless to create many different tools.
the target is simple! one Loader that will create working offline File + licence, + able to change your NickName, + download latest workable cache + load the game totally offline without blocking it your self.......
all those with a single (ok maybe 2 the first time) Click!
we are working on this now, i have lots of work to do, i am making new Cache and that my friends for 134maps takes a LOT of time! but in the next few hours i think we can have this done! we know what we have to do, we know how to do it, everything is in place and we just need to spent time and finish it now! (not doing support on the forums)
this loader will be the BEST crack for offline StarCraft II, and combined with Sc2Allin1 for custom melee games, you are complete!
so you the skilled ones, try to support the stupid lazy noobs, help us to spent our time in our task please.
thanks for your support. ;-)
Best of luck, I hope this will fix the problem for us AMD FX cpu users too.... May God bless you for all the effort you put in helping others.
I'm waiting your v1.4 soon :) see ya
Same shit as the Razor Keygen. Registry is deleted after game launch. Looks like we are officially fucked.
you have to offline in order to play it.
what i can say to Snify, thank you for billion times
it work
I have 2.0.5 (loader v1.1), I'll try with v1.3 later.
I found that some people have problems with their processors, i wonder if that could be my problem. I have a FX-6300.
you're right. AMD Bulldozers fucks up the SC licencing. We should have wait for a fix.
guys just replay with a simple yes or no and the exact model of the CPU you have and facing the "deleted license error"
is your cpu in this list?

I have an A10 5800K APU with the same problem.
Probably all Bulldozer family CPUs/APUs are affected:
Mine is not on the list, it is an FX-6300
My friend has an FX-6200 and he has the same error.
yes fx-6100.....deleted license issue.
plz help, ty so much for ur effort
EDIT: i also get dirtycacheindex = 000001 in the registry each time i start the game, no matter if its the 2.0.4 cache or the 2.0.6 or the legit cache which is downloaded the first time. hope this helps
on an other note,
i think i figured out what is wrong with the Offline file and why we dont see teh Hots Button ;-)
i will transfer my knowledge to Snify to include that in the offline loader, next time :)
any ETA on this, Vernam7 ? :) I can't just wait :D
Hi guys, on these days had played this game and for trial licence reasons im was looking for any crack or offline way for play the campaign. And have readed readed all important posts (and pages of them) related to this.
But i have a probem with licence, explain better my steps:
1) Download and install the Game, play on trial version, end of trial version.
2) Downloaded and move the Loader on SCII installed folder
3)Run the Loader (1.3) as admin(in my unique admin user)
--3.1)Click on "START OVER"
--3.2)Click on "FLT Keygen"
--3.3)Click on "Start SC2 Offline"
4)In login, after putting my email
**************@gmail.com, and select "Play Offline"
but it tell me that my licence is not able to play offline
:S pls help me
im sorry for my bad form of explanation.
PS my game version is itIT, downloaded by battle.net site
you're not alone ^^
Hope Vernam7 or Snify comes up with something new soon.
Just checked, the license key that FLT crack copies disappears from the Registry every single time when trying to "Connect".
-Tried to run flt-sc2hots.exe and SC2.exe on only one CPU core(0) but its still deleting the key continuously.
fx 4100 bug of deleted licence
I had other starcraft2 installed and the HOS beta, both in other hdd (G). Also, i found keys in the registry with different location (G: hdd) - i have the new game in F: hdd.
yes i have fx-8150.....deleted license issue.
plz help, =(
thx for the effort!
Yes i have deleted license error. FX-6100
let me tell you something
i HAD this deleting license problem my self many months ago in my laptop that has intel i3, i fixed the problem but i do not recall at all what i did because to me was not that off an issue back then. i had clear instlalation, good cachec and oflfine file, and produced a key that worked. i honnestly cant recall exactly what i did at all, because it was so long ago!
but what i can recall for sure is what i DIN'T do!
thats what i remember 100%
i know its not that much of a help, but thats it.
Best of luck, I hope this will fix the problem for us AMD FX cpu users too....
May God bless you for all the effort you put in helping others.
Thank You
@clusterbee what we are doing has nothing to do with the deleting license, this 99,99% will not help you!
you must find other way to resolve this issue with your systems, i am sorry!
Same... FX-8320 :(