It seems my generated license key is always deleted right after I tried to login with my network disconnected... causing the error 'starter edition'. Switched to regedit while at the HOS login screen to confirm this.
Generating the key with FLT also didn't help as clicking the connect button is also deleting the license. Does anyone experience this problem?
My install is enGB 2.0.6, and connecting normally without firewall I can login with my own account to freely play WOL.
Hey, what if I will download enUS client and then select russian text, but english voice at first login in options for game? Would game will be still playable with this crack? Also - when I launch it without internet, I have not option to select text/voice, seems it can be done only in online mode, so I deleted everything and reinstalling client now. How do you thing, if I select now russian text in options and then will crack client - will it still workable?
KluHey, what if I will download enUS client and then select russian text, but english voice at first login in options for game? Would game will be still playable with this crack? Also - when I launch it without internet, I have not option to select text/voice, seems it can be done only in online mode, so I deleted everything and reinstalling client now. How do you thing, if I select now russian text in options and then will crack client - will it still workable?
yes, only if you have the languages installed, you can activate.
if workable editing variables.txt on yours \Documents\StarCraft II
@Mr Moo Same on my i7-860 too! I have disabled HT to OC the CPU, but I lowered 200Mhz, activated HT and now license is not getting deleted from the registry!
Vernam7, have you any clue on why the license is getting deleted by the game even with the LAN cable plugged out? It seems it only happens with
who create the account offline enUS and when we do not see the button to create new campaign hots, can try changing the region to Europe and when connected create a new user in that region, for use offline, but with the difference, he have the active hots button.
Johnny Ego@Mr Moo Same on my i7-860 too! I have disabled HT to OC the CPU, but I lowered 200Mhz, activated HT and now license is not getting deleted from the registry!
Vernam7, have you any clue on why the license is getting deleted by the game even with the LAN cable plugged out? It seems it only happens with
guys if you produce a license with diffferent hardware status than the one you are launhing the game is LOGICAL that the license you have and the one the game tries to very with your current hardware status DO NOT MUCH and it gets deleted!
very logical!
and i said disabling HT is really a BAD idea, and Blizzard on the official forums as well say no overcloacked CPUs!
still in my ol intel Q6600 overcloaded at 3.0Ghz from 2.4, and with everything enables in bios (HT etc) beside the thermal stupid settings that i had disable (to not lower the clock if get a bit hotter) my sc2 license never had any isses! because my CPU had no major function different from the ones the game was reading when was launching, so the license was a perfect match!
HyperThreading and Virtualization Technologies makes a huge difference to the hardware ID when are changed!they make the cpu look like a different model! the cpu speed not! so the game sees that the CPU is HT and VT capable, and when its reading your license (that was created without those enabled for example) the reverse proces find the license to NOT match with the real CPU Hardware and deletes it because thinks its in an other PC!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Vernam7, now some players are having the license key deleted issues. Actually I'm having an idea but I don't know is it able to make it or not?
Registry got the Access Permission. Using the Loader to lock down the specific license key value in the registry not to be deleted by SC2 while entering the game. There was a command line called "REGINI", it can change the registry access permission, so that maybe can do it by changing that specific key value with read-only permission. I found an article that can help for reference:
where: -m specifies a remote windows NT machine whose registry is to be manipula ted. -h specifies a specify local hive to manipulate. -w specifies the paths to a windows 95 system.dat and user.dat files -i n specifies the display indentation multiple. Default is 4 -o outputWidth specifies how wide the output is to be. By default the outputWidth is set to the width of the console window if standard output has not been redirected to a file. In the latter case, an outputWidth of 240 is used.
-b specifies that REGINI should be backward compatible with older versions of REGINI that did not strictly enforce line continuations and quoted strings Specifically, REG_BINARY, REG_RESOURCE_LIST and REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST data types did not need line continuations after the first number that gave the size of the data. It just kept looking on following lines until it found enough data values to equal the data length or hit invalid input. Quoted strings were only allowed in REG_MULTI_SZ. They could not be specified around key or value names, or around values for REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ Finally, the old REGINI did not support the semicolon as an end of line comment character.
textFiles is one or more ANSI or Unicode text files with registry data.
The easiest way to understand the format of the input textFile is to use the REGDMP command with no arguments to dump the current contents of your NT Registry to standard out. Redirect standard out to a file and this file is acceptable as input to REGINI
Some general rules are: Semicolon character is an end-of-line comment character, provided it is the first non-blank character on a line
Backslash character is a line continuation character. All characters from the backslash up to but not including the first non-blank character of the next line are ignored. If there is more than one space before the line continuation character, it is replaced by a single space.
Indentation is used to indicate the tree structure of registry keys The REGDMP program uses indentation in multiples of 4. You may use hard tab characters for indentation, but embedded hard tab characters are converted to a single space regardless of their position
Values should come before child keys, as they are associated with the previous key at or above the value's indentation level.
For key names, leading and trailing space characters are ignored and not included in the key name, unless the key name is surrounded by quotes. Imbedded spaces are part of a key name.
Key names can be followed by an Access Control List (ACL) which is a series of decimal numbers, separated by spaces, bracketed by a square brackets (e.g. [8 4 17]). The valid numbers and their meanings are:
1 - Administrators Full Access 2 - Administrators Read Access 3 - Administrators Read and Write Access 4 - Administrators Read, Write and Delete Access 5 - Creator Full Access 6 - Creator Read and Write Access 7 - World Full Access 8 - World Read Access 9 - World Read and Write Access 10 - World Read, Write and Delete Access 11 - Power Users Full Access 12 - Power Users Read and Write Access 13 - Power Users Read, Write and Delete Access 14 - System Operators Full Access 15 - System Operators Read and Write Access 16 - System Operators Read, Write and Delete Access 17 - System Full Access 18 - System Read and Write Access 19 - System Read Access 20 - Administrators Read, Write and Execute Access 21 - Interactive User Full Access 22 - Interactive User Read and Write Access 23 - Interactive User Read, Write and Delete Access
If there is an equal sign on the same line as a left square bracket then the equal sign takes precedence, and the line is treated as a registry value. If the text between the square brackets is the string DELETE with no spaces, then REGINI will delete the key and any values and keys under it.
For registry values, the syntax is:
value Name = type data
Leading spaces, spaces on either side of the equal sign and spaces between the type keyword and data are ignored, unless the value name is surrounded by quotes. If the text to the right of the equal sign is the string DELETE, then REGINI will delete the value.
The value name may be left off or be specified by an at-sign character which is the same thing, namely the empty value name. So the following two lines are identical:
= type data @ = type data
This syntax means that you can't create a value with leading or trailing spaces, an equal sign or an at-sign in the value name, unless you put the name in quotes.
Valid value types and format of data that follows are:
If no value type is specified, default is REG_SZ
For REG_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ, if you want leading or trailing spaces in the value text, surround the text with quotes. The value text can contain any number of imbedded quotes, and REGINI will ignore them, as it only looks at the first and last character for quote characters.
For REG_MULTI_SZ, each component string is surrounded by quotes. If you want an imbedded quote character, then double quote it, as in string2 above.
For REG_BINARY, the value data consists of one or more numbers The default base for numbers is decimal. Hexidecimal may be specified by using 0x prefix. The first number is the number of data bytes, excluding the first number. After the first number must come enough numbers to fill the value. Each number represents one DWORD or 4 bytes. So if the first number was 0x5 you would need two more numbers after that to fill the 5 bytes. The high order 3 bytes of the second DWORD would be ignored.
Whenever specifying a registry path, either on the command line or in an input file, the following prefix strings can be used:
@tanjiunnyann the locking will change nothing my friend
we had teh license in the past read it from the memory of the loader, we can do that again if we want, but i dont htink the game will accept it after all its not muching the hardware!
still i will let snify to try this aproach, the memory license, not the registry one and locking.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Johnny Ego@Mr Moo Same on my i7-860 too! I have disabled HT to OC the CPU, but I lowered 200Mhz, activated HT and now license is not getting deleted from the registry!
Vernam7, have you any clue on why the license is getting deleted by the game even with the LAN cable plugged out? It seems it only happens with
guys if you produce a license with diffferent hardware status than the one you are launhing the game is LOGICAL that the license you have and the one the game tries to very with your current hardware status DO NOT MUCH and it gets deleted!
very logical!
and i said disabling HT is really a BAD idea, and Blizzard on the official forums as well say no overcloacked CPUs!
still in my ol intel Q6600 overcloaded at 3.0Ghz from 2.4, and with everything enables in bios (HT etc) beside the thermal stupid settings that i had disable (to not lower the clock if get a bit hotter) my sc2 license never had any isses! because my CPU had no major function different from the ones the game was reading when was launching, so the license was a perfect match!
HyperThreading and Virtualization Technologies makes a huge difference to the hardware ID when are changed!they make the cpu look like a different model! the cpu speed not! so the game sees that the CPU is HT and VT capable, and when its reading your license (that was created without those enabled for example) the reverse proces find the license to NOT match with the real CPU Hardware and deletes it because thinks its in an other PC!
well, I'haven't thinked in that way... I've disabled HT and VTx long time ago for forgotten reasons...
Damn, it was so logic and simple...
But, at least for me, i've bought WOL so the deleting license issue is now no longer an issue ;-)
I'm in the HOTS campaign from the save on the rolled back itIT 2.0.5 now, with the latest updates of Fairlight and Snify (don't kill me for this question) is it possible to play HOTS in 2.0.6? I only have to use the cache or also the FLT generator?
Vernam7@tanjiunnyann the locking will change nothing my friend
we had teh license in the past read it from the memory of the loader, we can do that again if we want, but i dont htink the game will accept it after all its not muching the hardware!
still i will let snify to try this aproach, the memory license, not the registry one and locking.
The Registry/License Injection is not needed. The Keygen works just fine and replaces the registry license. If it gets deleted, then thats the CPU Problem... Sorry about that.
Upgrade to patch 2.0.6, connect online, connect offline, use FLT keygen, works fine with my own account, the campaign button appears.
Extracted the 2.0.6 cache from Vernam, and couldn't use my own account, and use the offline account instead, and works just fine, the campaign button, and the skirmish, I tested it and I can train a widow mine, haven't tried the skirmish in the one without 2.0.6 cache with my own account though. Don't know if it's going to have new units in skirmish
Just reporting, thanks for the great job, fellas :)
@Dixxn what you mean "Don't know if it's going to have new units in skirmish" why did i uploaded those files then? O_0 for testing? ofcaourse it works as it was ment to be! teh units you see in your skirmish games depends on what you have selected here people. end of story!! the rest of the files i provided is perfect, and now snify is making the new Loader to make it EVEN simplier. ;-)
i think this is clear enought :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
So there is only one problem and its with the deleting licenze from the CPU or whatever.. other comments are just dumb and you are not doing something right i am pissed cuz from 4-5 days i am trying to run this game.. i changed 3 types of keygens (razor,snify,flt) with all the stupid steps and its just not doing anything it doesnt give you the license and at the moment there is no real solution :(
Vernam7@Johnny yes you can upgrade! silly question :P
@Dixxn what you mean "Don't know if it's going to have new units in skirmish" why did i uploaded those files then? O_0 for testing? ofcaourse it works as it was ment to be! teh units you see in your skirmish games depends on what you have selected here people. end of story!! the rest of the files i provided is perfect, and now snify is making the new Loader to make it EVEN simplier. ;-)
i think this is clear enought :P
clear but only works well when you choose wol, if you choose hots the create button is disabled.
@MasterMind you propably have fucked up cache and offline file! go to page one and redownload the new one plz. it works just fine. trust me. jsut delete your previous cache files completely.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
im sure I did it, in that way, I just happened to me, actually gave me an error "need download content" and on the other offline "button is disabled", might be a bug depending is offline file is used.
hello i have try everything but still i cant play the problem is the "you cant play offline and need for authorization my Skype is xxxxxxxx if need i agree the use of teamviewer pls help me
i try (my maill) none worked
Here's a video of the tutorial
It seems my generated license key is always deleted right after I tried to login with my network disconnected... causing the error 'starter edition'. Switched to regedit while at the HOS login screen to confirm this.
Generating the key with FLT also didn't help as clicking the connect button is also deleting the license. Does anyone experience this problem?
My install is enGB 2.0.6, and connecting normally without firewall I can login with my own account to freely play WOL.
Hey, what if I will download enUS client and then select russian text, but english voice at first login in options for game? Would game will be still playable with this crack?
Also - when I launch it without internet, I have not option to select text/voice, seems it can be done only in online mode, so I deleted everything and reinstalling client now.
How do you thing, if I select now russian text in options and then will crack client - will it still workable?
yes, only if you have the languages installed, you can activate.
if workable editing variables.txt on yours \Documents\StarCraft II
Is there anyone who experience losing the license key from the registry?
FYI on an Intel i7-2600K, the keygen only generates a valid license if hyper-threading is enabled.
The license was automatically deleted until I switched HT on.
@Mr Moo
Same on my i7-860 too! I have disabled HT to OC the CPU, but I lowered 200Mhz, activated HT and now license is not getting deleted from the registry!
Vernam7, have you any clue on why the license is getting deleted by the game even with the LAN cable plugged out? It seems it only happens with
who create the account offline enUS and when we do not see the button to create new campaign hots, can try changing the region to Europe and when connected create a new user in that region, for use offline, but with the difference, he have the active hots button.
guys if you produce a license with diffferent hardware status than the one you are launhing the game is LOGICAL that the license you have and the one the game tries to very with your current hardware status DO NOT MUCH and it gets deleted!
very logical!
and i said disabling HT is really a BAD idea, and Blizzard on the official forums as well say no overcloacked CPUs!
still in my ol intel Q6600 overcloaded at 3.0Ghz from 2.4, and with everything enables in bios (HT etc) beside the thermal stupid settings that i had disable (to not lower the clock if get a bit hotter)
my sc2 license never had any isses! because my CPU had no major function different from the ones the game was reading when was launching, so the license was a perfect match!
HyperThreading and Virtualization Technologies makes a huge difference to the hardware ID when are changed!they make the cpu look like a different model!
the cpu speed not!
so the game sees that the CPU is HT and VT capable, and when its reading your license (that was created without those enabled for example) the reverse proces find the license to NOT match with the real CPU Hardware and deletes it because thinks its in an other PC!
Vernam7, now some players are having the license key deleted issues. Actually I'm having an idea but I don't know is it able to make it or not?
Registry got the Access Permission. Using the Loader to lock down the specific license key value in the registry not to be deleted by SC2 while entering the game. There was a command line called "REGINI", it can change the registry access permission, so that maybe can do it by changing that specific key value with read-only permission. I found an article that can help for reference:
usage: REGINI [-m machinename | -h hivefile hiveroot | -w Win95 Directory]
[-i n] [-o outputWidth]
[-b] textFiles...
where: -m specifies a remote windows NT machine whose registry is to be manipula
-h specifies a specify local hive to manipulate.
-w specifies the paths to a windows 95 system.dat and user.dat files
-i n specifies the display indentation multiple. Default is 4
-o outputWidth specifies how wide the output is to be. By default the
outputWidth is set to the width of the console window if standard
output has not been redirected to a file. In the latter case, an
outputWidth of 240 is used.
-b specifies that REGINI should be backward compatible with older
versions of REGINI that did not strictly enforce line continuations
and quoted strings Specifically, REG_BINARY, REG_RESOURCE_LIST and
REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST data types did not need line
continuations after the first number that gave the size of the data.
It just kept looking on following lines until it found enough data
values to equal the data length or hit invalid input. Quoted
strings were only allowed in REG_MULTI_SZ. They could not be
specified around key or value names, or around values for REG_SZ or
REG_EXPAND_SZ Finally, the old REGINI did not support the semicolon
as an end of line comment character.
textFiles is one or more ANSI or Unicode text files with registry data.
The easiest way to understand the format of the input textFile is to use
the REGDMP command with no arguments to dump the current contents of
your NT Registry to standard out. Redirect standard out to a file and
this file is acceptable as input to REGINI
Some general rules are:
Semicolon character is an end-of-line comment character, provided it
is the first non-blank character on a line
Backslash character is a line continuation character. All
characters from the backslash up to but not including the first
non-blank character of the next line are ignored. If there is more
than one space before the line continuation character, it is
replaced by a single space.
Indentation is used to indicate the tree structure of registry keys
The REGDMP program uses indentation in multiples of 4. You may use
hard tab characters for indentation, but embedded hard tab
characters are converted to a single space regardless of their
Values should come before child keys, as they are associated with
the previous key at or above the value's indentation level.
For key names, leading and trailing space characters are ignored and
not included in the key name, unless the key name is surrounded by
quotes. Imbedded spaces are part of a key name.
Key names can be followed by an Access Control List (ACL) which is a
series of decimal numbers, separated by spaces, bracketed by a
square brackets (e.g. [8 4 17]). The valid numbers and their
meanings are:
1 - Administrators Full Access
2 - Administrators Read Access
3 - Administrators Read and Write Access
4 - Administrators Read, Write and Delete Access
5 - Creator Full Access
6 - Creator Read and Write Access
7 - World Full Access
8 - World Read Access
9 - World Read and Write Access
10 - World Read, Write and Delete Access
11 - Power Users Full Access
12 - Power Users Read and Write Access
13 - Power Users Read, Write and Delete Access
14 - System Operators Full Access
15 - System Operators Read and Write Access
16 - System Operators Read, Write and Delete Access
17 - System Full Access
18 - System Read and Write Access
19 - System Read Access
20 - Administrators Read, Write and Execute Access
21 - Interactive User Full Access
22 - Interactive User Read and Write Access
23 - Interactive User Read, Write and Delete Access
If there is an equal sign on the same line as a left square bracket
then the equal sign takes precedence, and the line is treated as a
registry value. If the text between the square brackets is the
string DELETE with no spaces, then REGINI will delete the key and
any values and keys under it.
For registry values, the syntax is:
value Name = type data
Leading spaces, spaces on either side of the equal sign and spaces
between the type keyword and data are ignored, unless the value name
is surrounded by quotes. If the text to the right of the equal sign
is the string DELETE, then REGINI will delete the value.
The value name may be left off or be specified by an at-sign
character which is the same thing, namely the empty value name. So
the following two lines are identical:
= type data
@ = type data
This syntax means that you can't create a value with leading or
trailing spaces, an equal sign or an at-sign in the value name,
unless you put the name in quotes.
Valid value types and format of data that follows are:
REG_SZ text
REG_MULTI_SZ "string1" "str""ing2" ...
REG_DATE mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM DayOfWeek
REG_BINARY numberOfBytes numberDWORD(s)...
REG_NONE (same format as REG_BINARY)
If no value type is specified, default is REG_SZ
For REG_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ, if you want leading or trailing spaces
in the value text, surround the text with quotes. The value text
can contain any number of imbedded quotes, and REGINI will ignore
them, as it only looks at the first and last character for quote
For REG_MULTI_SZ, each component string is surrounded by quotes. If
you want an imbedded quote character, then double quote it, as in
string2 above.
For REG_BINARY, the value data consists of one or more numbers The
default base for numbers is decimal. Hexidecimal may be specified
by using 0x prefix. The first number is the number of data bytes,
excluding the first number. After the first number must come enough
numbers to fill the value. Each number represents one DWORD or 4
bytes. So if the first number was 0x5 you would need two more
numbers after that to fill the 5 bytes. The high order 3 bytes
of the second DWORD would be ignored.
Whenever specifying a registry path, either on the command line
or in an input file, the following prefix strings can be used:
Each of these strings can stand alone as the key name or be followed
a backslash and a subkey path.
@tanjiunnyann the locking will change nothing my friend
we had teh license in the past read it from the memory of the loader, we can do that again if we want, but i dont htink the game will accept it after all its not muching the hardware!
still i will let snify to try this aproach, the memory license, not the registry one and locking.
well, I'haven't thinked in that way... I've disabled HT and VTx long time ago for forgotten reasons...
Damn, it was so logic and simple...
But, at least for me, i've bought WOL so the deleting license issue is now no longer an issue ;-)
I'm in the HOTS campaign from the save on the rolled back itIT 2.0.5 now, with the latest updates of Fairlight and Snify (don't kill me for this question) is it possible to play HOTS in 2.0.6?
I only have to use the cache or also the FLT generator?
The Registry/License Injection is not needed. The Keygen works just fine and replaces the registry license. If it gets deleted, then thats the CPU Problem... Sorry about that.
Upgrade to patch 2.0.6, connect online, connect offline, use FLT keygen, works fine with my own account, the campaign button appears.
Extracted the 2.0.6 cache from Vernam, and couldn't use my own account, and use the offline account instead, and works just fine, the campaign button, and the skirmish, I tested it and I can train a widow mine, haven't tried the skirmish in the one without 2.0.6 cache with my own account though. Don't know if it's going to have new units in skirmish
Just reporting, thanks for the great job, fellas :)
@Johnny yes you can upgrade! silly question :P
@Dixxn what you mean "Don't know if it's going to have new units in skirmish" why did i uploaded those files then? O_0 for testing? ofcaourse it works as it was ment to be! teh units you see in your skirmish games depends on what you have selected here people. end of story!!
the rest of the files i provided is perfect, and now snify is making the new Loader to make it EVEN simplier. ;-)
i think this is clear enought :P

So there is only one problem and its with the deleting licenze from the CPU or whatever.. other comments are just dumb and you are not doing something right i am pissed cuz from 4-5 days i am trying to run this game.. i changed 3 types of keygens (razor,snify,flt) with all the stupid steps and its just not doing anything it doesnt give you the license and at the moment there is no real solution :(
clear but only works well when you choose wol, if you choose hots the create button is disabled.
@MasterMind you propably have fucked up cache and offline file! go to page one and redownload the new one plz. it works just fine. trust me. jsut delete your previous cache files completely.
im sure I did it, in that way, I just happened to me, actually gave me an error "need download content" and on the other offline "button is disabled", might be a bug depending is offline file is used.
Need more arrows :D
Please Help, The crack works but can't play on offline mode
the game says you need to download all file to play offline
It works again. I will not spend my $40 for a serial number only.
hello i have try everything but still i cant play the problem is the "you cant play offline and need for authorization my Skype is xxxxxxxx if need i agree the use of teamviewer pls help me
i try (my maill)
none worked
no private info is allowed petrov.
we are not doing this as a job, we dont connect to users pcs and fix their problems for them.
priemi me v skype shte se opitam da ti pomogna