Thanks for this very useful tool, especially the offline loader.
Some notes to further improve it:
Bugs: *Download Cache progress text in the box is unreadable as it's overdrawing itself. (Win7 with Aero)
Suggestions: *"START OVER" should delete the offline file/cache files [1], too: Old broken offline file might not work with the supplied cache. *For "Start SC2 offline" automatically press the ENTER button, too. So one is right into the game menu. *"Download Cache" should end with a success message: So one knows of its success. *The tool should use vernam's offline file ( if it doesn't find one and creates one for consistency. Not that one.
[1]("C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\" in Win Vista+, "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\" in Win XP)
@Your_ we had allready improved this in Snify's next StarTCraft loader release ;-) (not available yet)
thanks for the feedback ;)
btw, the start offline button, press the enter too??? you mean to close the streaming msgbox that appears? the 1.3 does that succesfully so far i think, jsut some xp users have issues with teh game it self, the streaming msbox doesnt even apear!and takes for the 1min to load, when the "invisible" msgbox closes it self after a while.not the loaders fault!
we also want the game to have the account email allready typed. but users has to do this and select the [] remember checkbox once.
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
madsheepthe acc is saved under the Account key in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\
yeah we know that ;-) BUT we found out that for example, MY personal regaccount key, cant be imported into YOUR pc! will be deleted!
also we found out similarities between the account and the license file (i cant say more online :P) that would explain why the account doesnt work on deferent systems ;-)
so we will find later an other "workaround"
thanks dude
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Vernam7i still dont understand what this (if true and work) has to offer on the table right now :/
the wol campaign is working with the razor keygen, the offline skirmish is working with my cache, the custom maps are playable with my sc2allin1 launcher....
hots is playable in 2.0.5 with my save....
so what exactly will be different in that?
what we need is a hots keygen.....i dont think a "loader" will do that ....... it's not clear to me at least what this will do :/ any screenshots?
That is because 1. Your way is getting more and more complicated and it would be nice to have a simple "download, click and go" solution. 2. Furthermore yours doesn't work.
I'm really fed up with all stupid solutions that I tried, followed instructions exactly step by step without any success no matter the source be it a torrent or this site. The usual error messages are something like these: "SC 2 Starter Edition cannot start in offline mode." "You need to connect to to activate your client and have a starcraft ii character etc. etc.
0)what the point digging old posts, when this was still under heavy developemtn? have you lost episodes since then dude? i am fully supporting this project!
Also posting with different nickname, pretending to be an other user, when you're the exact same guy from the other post, trying to defend him self, its at least stupid! you are forgeting that i am a moderator here and i can see exactly who you are! LOL
1)also post1 was not complicated! its is only if someone is comming from the "console" world.
2)its not "my way" that doesnt work, its YOUR systems! statistics! its simple in a forum most time people who doesnt know, or may have reall issues are posting, less are the thanks and its working! because they are playing! i have like 20.000 downloads, and what? 10-20 people saying it doesnt work on their system!thats says all.
3)there is NO other way in the world to make this work, we provide you mostly first from all others the best solutions! others strip later our work!
4)still you are all free to try what ever you want or YOU consider btter solutions! its your systems, just dont cry here when it fails! or have the guts to admit that you had made bs configuration that may causing the problem. some did admit that!
for the last time dont complain about the keygen is not something we created! get it in your heads guys! go to the developers and cry! if i could do something to change it i would help you.
we are doing the best we can, and still you are never happy.
also i shouldn't post that here now, (Snify sorry :P ) but since we are talking about even Simpler how about this?
if that is complicated....... you are in the wrong place then. i am sick of people like you, beliving that every game can be so easily crack with jsut 1 click and be playable, but we are teh lazy ones and we dont want you to have this solution.....just move one dude i am starting to get mad!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
fuckyouno need to be a dick dude.. you ask for donatations but you act like a dick to people on here.. check yourself fool.
go back to your cave damn ass if you dont like it, everyone gets what he deserves! end of story. you try next time to do 24/7 support for 3 years to millions including some lazy scroutz bastards like your self (who dont buy games most of teh time), and then you will have the right to talk to me!
and if i am "dick" well, what can i say, "it takes one to know one" ...dude! ;-) lol.
p.s thanks for the "fuck" wish, i am gone have and enjoy it....:D
p.s2 my apologies to the normal users, for going offtopic here a bit.-
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
mm i dont understand what you are writting. i added the link for deliting license if thats what you as for those few people.
yes.because i don't want to repeat the same again and again, its annoying, when its not even mine! also there are even more users out there that do not maintain their systems as they should be! i give them tips!
don't be ungrateful guys, because i cant make you all..happy! its not possible!
for free tech support for a pirate game, i think our help tips and tools and guides are more than enough.
i am sorry if you don't fell that way, we can't just go from house to house and fix all your computers...even if we wanted to.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
To Vernam7 and Snify, thank you both for taking the time and putting forth the effort that you have. The method Blizzard uses to install their games is horribly broken. I have my doubts that they will survive the next decade given how many of their customers they have offended. What will happen to the games we bought then?
Yes, I did actually pay for the games and was unable to install them the way Blizzard wanted.
Your efforts give us a way to correct their shortsightedness. Additionally demonstrating that their method is counter productive for what it was meant to achieve. Again, thank you.
No-oneTo Vernam7 and Snify, thank you both for taking the time and putting forth the effort that you have. The method Blizzard uses to install their games is horribly broken. I have my doubts that they will survive the next decade given how many of their customers they have offended. What will happen to the games we bought then?
Yes, I did actually pay for the games and was unable to install them the way Blizzard wanted.
Your efforts give us a way to correct their shortsightedness. Additionally demonstrating that their method is counter productive for what it was meant to achieve. Again, thank you.
the always online, and the "streaming" installations is really a big stupid idea when it cant be applied properly!
they were bs us for years that the is so deeply integrated to the system, that even if we wanted to we cant take it out, and give you pure offline and lan!
that as we all knew was a huge lie, and we can see it clearly now that they announced Diablo 3 for consoles, that will have no AH no online DRM, it will be fully functional OFFLINE and will have LAN.(kind of lan)
the same goes with starcraft 2, all in the name of eshort money!
even thought we all hate the last few years Blizzard, because we love the damn games we keep buing them! :(
if there is a solution to enjoy them free of internet access and similar stupidities, if there is a backdoor that can be exploid, we will keep trying to help out and spread the word.
thank you for truly understanding and recognize our efforts here.
your support is what keeps us alive.
regards V
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Chill out man, forget this idiots and think in the thousands of people that we are gratefull with you for all these 3 years of support. I apreciate a bunch all your efforts for this community. Thousand of us know that you have a real life and spend your precious free time in this forums so relax and just obvious these absurd post from people that has a very close and tiny mind.
Ok, so I logged in to my account and then ran the launcher using the cache, license generator and offline enabler but it keeps saying I need to log in to my account to set up offline mode. The problem is, after using the launcher to block SC2 from the internet I can no longer connect at all. In my Win7 firewall and StarCraft 2 are allowed access but I still can't connect. Any ideas?
I tried your charger and a thousand times, and does not work. I followed your steps one by one, but when I have to enter the account appears ("Starter Edition can not play in offline mode") and I can not continue.
Thanks Vernam7 and Snify for doing such a great job. These step don't actually work for me as I have the deleting key constantly issue, but still I think you guys are doing a grwat job. Don't mind them fools.
To those people who tried everything and still getting the "starter Edition" message: IT IS A KEYGEN ISSUE, as they have repeatedly stated, which is actually not theirs. Try and read the posts before posting what over 50 people already posted.
Hopefully when they're done with the "StarTCraft" maybe they can look into a new keygen that would help the rest of us.
To anyone concerned about the ingame streaming info,
streaming is a method for transferring data from the archives to ram and vram, games have been using it since 2007, the advantage to it is its a lot faster but it can cause texture, sound and model corruption (for example missing texture issues that are common in games that use steaming).
SC2 however is the first game that actually informs the player that it's steaming and it streams only the files specified in maps preload info.
The streaming server message when launching the game offline however should actually say connecting to update servers for some idiotic reason blizzard calls that streaming as well.
tomsonslvTo anyone concerned about the ingame streaming info,
streaming is a method for transferring data from the archives to ram and vram, games have been using it since 2007, the advantage to it is its a lot faster but it can cause texture, sound and model corruption (for example missing texture issues that are common in games that use steaming).
SC2 however is the first game that actually informs the player that it's steaming and it streams only the files specified in maps preload info.
The streaming server message when launching the game offline however should actually say connecting to update servers for some idiotic reason blizzard calls that streaming as well.
yes they have 2 kinds of "streaming"
the preload as you said, that improves a LOT the ingame play. no glitches no missing textures etc better performance in a small cost of loading.
and the actuall torrent downloading they are doing.
but the "streaming loading" messages you get when you load a game is indeed offline from your own hard disk data!
you are correct.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Is there any ETA on this? Several days, few weeks maybe?
Also, I've read something you posted about that you know what is wrong, and its related the offline file you said. Is there any update on this? can you create a working (proper?) offline files to get this game work until the new loader?
Vernam7 and stiffy, i forgot to thank you for making this wonderful tool,the easiest best way to play SC2 thanks a lot again,i really appreciate your efforts.
VoxHi again, Vernam7, Came back to check if any solution for deleting licece problem yet. Still nothing, too bad.
will this be your (snify's) next loader?
Is there any ETA on this? Several days, few weeks maybe?
Also, I've read something you posted about that you know what is wrong, and its related the offline file you said. Is there any update on this? can you create a working (proper?) offline files to get this game work until the new loader?
Thnkas to your hard work, m8!
1)about the new loader, yes this is what we want to look like, snify is working on it, we believe very very soon this new version will be read, hours maybe days, not weeks!
2)i didnt get the other question...."i know what is wrong" about what exactly? the missing Hots campaign button? because there is allready a solution for that on my other thread page 1. download our latest cache and use as an account to play and you will play everything just fine.
3)the new loader will just make all those 2-10 steps into a very simply 1-2 clicks interface!
4)in my signature there is a lonk about some recomendation tips i think may help those with deleting license to fix their systems! thats all i can do for now.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Thanks for this very useful tool, especially the offline loader.
Some notes to further improve it:
*Download Cache progress text in the box is unreadable as it's overdrawing itself. (Win7 with Aero)
*"START OVER" should delete the offline file/cache files [1], too: Old broken offline file might not work with the supplied cache.
*For "Start SC2 offline" automatically press the ENTER button, too. So one is right into the game menu.
*"Download Cache" should end with a success message: So one knows of its success.
*The tool should use vernam's offline file ( if it doesn't find one and creates one for consistency. Not that one.
[1]("C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\" in Win Vista+, "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\" in Win XP)
@Your_ we had allready improved this in Snify's next StarTCraft loader release ;-) (not available yet)
thanks for the feedback ;)
btw, the start offline button, press the enter too???
you mean to close the streaming msgbox that appears?
the 1.3 does that succesfully so far i think, jsut some xp users have issues with teh game it self, the streaming msbox doesnt even apear!and takes for the 1min to load, when the "invisible" msgbox closes it self after a while.not the loaders fault!
we also want the game to have the account email allready typed. but users has to do this and select the [] remember checkbox once.
the acc is saved under the Account key in:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\
yeah we know that ;-) BUT we found out that for example, MY personal regaccount key, cant be imported into YOUR pc! will be deleted!
also we found out similarities between the account and the license file (i cant say more online :P) that would explain why the account doesnt work on deferent systems ;-)
so we will find later an other "workaround"
thanks dude
What will the "Download Cache" do?
Will it save cache files in somewhere or automatically override my own cache?
downloads the self extracted file (we have in the keygen 1st page post) temp stores it in the temp folder and runs it!
the selfextract file then asks you to extract it self where it should be and replace all.

That is because
1. Your way is getting more and more complicated and it would be nice to have a simple "download, click and go" solution.
2. Furthermore yours doesn't work.
I'm really fed up with all stupid solutions that I tried, followed instructions exactly step by step without any success no matter the source be it a torrent or this site.
The usual error messages are something like these:
"SC 2 Starter Edition cannot start in offline mode."
"You need to connect to to activate your client and have a starcraft ii character etc. etc.
0)what the point digging old posts, when this was still under heavy developemtn?
have you lost episodes since then dude? i am fully supporting this project!
Also posting with different nickname, pretending to be an other user, when you're the exact same guy from the other post, trying to defend him self, its at least stupid! you are forgeting that i am a moderator here and i can see exactly who you are! LOL
1)also post1 was not complicated! its is only if someone is comming from the "console" world.
2)its not "my way" that doesnt work, its YOUR systems!
statistics! its simple in a forum most time people who doesnt know, or may have reall issues are posting, less are the thanks and its working! because they are playing! i have like 20.000 downloads, and what? 10-20 people saying it doesnt work on their system!thats says all.
3)there is NO other way in the world to make this work, we provide you mostly first from all others the best solutions! others strip later our work!
4)still you are all free to try what ever you want or YOU consider btter solutions! its your systems, just dont cry here when it fails! or have the guts to admit that you had made bs configuration that may causing the problem. some did admit that!
for the last time dont complain about the keygen is not something we created! get it in your heads guys! go to the developers and cry! if i could do something to change it i would help you.
we are doing the best we can, and still you are never happy.
also i shouldn't post that here now, (Snify sorry :P ) but since we are talking about even Simpler how about this?

if that is complicated....... you are in the wrong place then.
i am sick of people like you, beliving that every game can be so easily crack with jsut 1 click and be playable, but we are teh lazy ones and we dont want you to have this solution.....just move one dude i am starting to get mad!
no need to be a dick dude.. you ask for donatations but you act like a dick to people on here.. check yourself fool.
go back to your cave damn ass if you dont like it, everyone gets what he deserves! end of story. you try next time to do 24/7 support for 3 years to millions including some lazy scroutz bastards like your self (who dont buy games most of teh time), and then you will have the right to talk to me!
and if i am "dick" well, what can i say, "it takes one to know one" ...dude! ;-) lol.
p.s thanks for the "fuck" wish, i am gone have and enjoy it....:D
p.s2 my apologies to the normal users, for going offtopic here a bit.-
sure that the your signature, adfly business to quickly
"problem with deleting License? Read here:"
for only 10-20 people?
dont fuckme
mm i dont understand what you are writting.
i added the link for deliting license if thats what you as for those few people.
yes.because i don't want to repeat the same again and again, its annoying, when its not even mine! also there are even more users out there that do not maintain their systems as they should be! i give them tips!
don't be ungrateful guys, because i cant make you all..happy! its not possible!
for free tech support for a pirate game, i think our help tips and tools and guides are more than enough.
i am sorry if you don't fell that way, we can't just go from house to house and fix all your computers...even if we wanted to.
To Vernam7 and Snify, thank you both for taking the time and putting forth the effort that you have. The method Blizzard uses to install their games is horribly broken. I have my doubts that they will survive the next decade given how many of their customers they have offended. What will happen to the games we bought then?
Yes, I did actually pay for the games and was unable to install them the way Blizzard wanted.
Your efforts give us a way to correct their shortsightedness. Additionally demonstrating that their method is counter productive for what it was meant to achieve. Again, thank you.
the always online, and the "streaming" installations is really a big stupid idea when it cant be applied properly!
they were bs us for years that the is so deeply integrated to the system, that even if we wanted to we cant take it out, and give you pure offline and lan!
that as we all knew was a huge lie, and we can see it clearly now that they announced Diablo 3 for consoles, that will have no AH no online DRM, it will be fully functional OFFLINE and will have LAN.(kind of lan)
the same goes with starcraft 2, all in the name of eshort money!
even thought we all hate the last few years Blizzard, because we love the damn games we keep buing them! :(
if there is a solution to enjoy them free of internet access and similar stupidities, if there is a backdoor that can be exploid, we will keep trying to help out and spread the word.
thank you for truly understanding and recognize our efforts here.
your support is what keeps us alive.
Chill out man, forget this idiots and think in the thousands of people that we are gratefull with you for all these 3 years of support. I apreciate a bunch all your efforts for this community. Thousand of us know that you have a real life and spend your precious free time in this forums so relax and just obvious these absurd post from people that has a very close and tiny mind.
Snify thank you for carrying the flag too.
Ok, so I logged in to my account and then ran the launcher using the cache, license generator and offline enabler but it keeps saying I need to log in to my account to set up offline mode. The problem is, after using the launcher to block SC2 from the internet I can no longer connect at all. In my Win7 firewall and StarCraft 2 are allowed access but I still can't connect. Any ideas?
I tried your charger and a thousand times, and does not work.
I followed your steps one by one, but when I have to enter the account appears ("Starter Edition can not play in offline mode") and I can not continue.
I have a amd bulldozer w8 64 (8150)
Thanks Vernam7 and Snify for doing such a great job. These step don't actually work for me as I have the deleting key constantly issue, but still I think you guys are doing a grwat job. Don't mind them fools.
To those people who tried everything and still getting the "starter Edition" message: IT IS A KEYGEN ISSUE, as they have repeatedly stated, which is actually not theirs. Try and read the posts before posting what over 50 people already posted.
Hopefully when they're done with the "StarTCraft" maybe they can look into a new keygen that would help the rest of us.
Keep up the good work guys.
i am slowly working on a personal keygen, new one, but may take weeks! or months
To anyone concerned about the ingame streaming info,
streaming is a method for transferring data from the archives to ram and vram, games have been using it since 2007,
the advantage to it is its a lot faster but it can cause texture, sound and model corruption (for example missing texture issues that are common in games that use steaming).
SC2 however is the first game that actually informs the player that it's steaming and it streams only the files specified in maps preload info.
The streaming server message when launching the game offline however should actually say connecting to update servers for some idiotic reason blizzard calls that streaming as well.
yes they have 2 kinds of "streaming"
the preload as you said, that improves a LOT the ingame play. no glitches no missing textures etc better performance in a small cost of loading.
and the actuall torrent downloading they are doing.
but the "streaming loading" messages you get when you load a game is indeed offline from your own hard disk data!
you are correct.
Hi again, Vernam7,
Came back to check if any solution for deleting licece problem yet. Still nothing, too bad.
will this be your (snify's) next loader?
Is there any ETA on this? Several days, few weeks maybe?
Also, I've read something you posted about that you know what is wrong, and its related the offline file you said. Is there any update on this? can you create a working (proper?) offline files to get this game work until the new loader?
Thnkas to your hard work, m8!
offline file*
Vernam7 and stiffy, i forgot to thank you for making this wonderful tool,the easiest best way to play SC2 thanks a lot again,i really appreciate your efforts.
@KungFu you are welcome
1)about the new loader, yes this is what we want to look like, snify is working on it, we believe very very soon this new version will be read, hours maybe days, not weeks!
2)i didnt get the other question...."i know what is wrong" about what exactly? the missing Hots campaign button? because there is allready a solution for that on my other thread page 1. download our latest cache and use as an account to play and you will play everything just fine.
3)the new loader will just make all those 2-10 steps into a very simply 1-2 clicks interface!
4)in my signature there is a lonk about some recomendation tips i think may help those with deleting license to fix their systems! thats all i can do for now.