Upload a StarCraft 2 Map

If you were logged in you would gain 14 XP for submitting a new map.

Nibbits will automatically retrieve most information out of your map file, such as the number of players, the author, and a screenshot. All you need to do is upload the map file, and add some keywords (tags) to help users find the map.

Map Information

You are submitting this map as a new version of Hell TD v0.17. (Submit as a Old Version | Remove Map Association)

If you were logged in you could claim ownership of your maps.

Must be less than 10mb in size.
Remake of the WCIII map Hell TD

Feedback is always appreciated, may it be suggestions for further additions you would like to see or bug reports.

-==Now in Beta phase==-

Current features:
[*]40 Creep Waves
[*]1-8 Players
[*]Players vote for difficulty on map start now! (70 / 85 / 100 / 120 % Creep HP)
[*]Enemy kills give money based on current wave
[*]You can sell your Tower for 75% of what you paid including upgrade costs
[*]Vote kick system to kick noobs/afk/whatever reason

[*]Anti-Air Turret (Level 1-10)
[*]Arrow Tower (Level 1-20)
[*]Bouncing Tower (Level 1-20)
[*]Chaos Tower (Level 1-20)
[*]Siege Tower (Level 1-20)
[*]Flaming Trap (Level 1-2)
[*]Frosty Tower (Level 1-2)
[*]Upgrade Tower
-->[*]Speed Buff Tower (Level 1-3)
-->[*]Damage Buff Tower (Level 1-3)

Planned additional features of coming final version:

[*]Sorted Leaderboard for a proper view who has the most kills

(Original WCIII map by SuPeR-HuMaN and Raigne, edited by ZzyzzyxX)

(Optional) If you don't fill in a description we will automatically generate one.
Tags are keywords which help users find your map. They are single words, and you may simply separate them with a space.
You may also optionally select up to 3 categories to place your map in.

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