- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Single Player Madness v0.06b
Single Player Madness v0.06b
To play open it up with the Starcraft II map editor and Click 'Test Document' (Ctrl + F9)
Single Player Madness 0.06b
This map is based on my version of Zelda Madness, a SC1 map check it out ...
To play open it up with the Starcraft II map editor and Click 'Test Document' (Ctrl + F9)
Single Player Madness 0.06b
This map is based on my version of Zelda Madness, a SC1 map check it out here:
This map is coming along although I still have work to do with it. I thought i'd upload it for all to check out.
-Unit Cap at 50 Supply (will probably change in future)
-Heroes every 50 kills
-Kill your opponents bunkers to win.
-Or have the most kills when time is up.
-To get units move to the beacons
-Good luck! (it's not easy)
Known Issues
-somewhat unbalanced
-AI is not the best
-Leaderboard not yet working
-Dead player triggers not yet implemented
for example
AI will try to attack dead player locations. (this will be fixed soon)
and Dead players scores are still shown.
-Prism dies in Phasing Mode then spawn location permanently shifted
-heroes don't attack opponents bunker.
Future Plans
-Hard Mode (Where computer gets extra heroes)
-Reworking of Heroes
-and of course, the regular 5 player madness mode which is much more fun anyway.
Change Log
reworked so computer uses vikings and generally better ai.
cool new progress bar in 0.06
as well as lots of other tweaks.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive) Mass Control Unfinished
- Author:
- explicit 4
- Filename:
- explicit madness 0.06b.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Single Player Madness
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 811.3 KB
- Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 1
- Teams:
- 5
- Tileset:
- BraxisAlpha
- Dimensions:
- 104x128
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 102
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- explicit 4
- Discovered On:
- April 27, 2010
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- JavaScript Widget:
Single Player Madness v0.06b
explicit madness 0.06b.SC2Map (811.3 KB)
- Released:
- April 27, 2010
- Downloads:
- 102
- Direct Link:

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If anyone has a key and would like to test the multiplayer version of this add me on the US beta server
my character name is: Dialex
Char code: 524
I love seeing the remakes of the SC1 classic UMS games.. I spent countless hours playing ling madness and look forward to more like this for SC2. Thanks for making a single player game to keep me occupied until release :)
Nevermind, it was probably because I tried it in easy mode, ignore my previous comment (except I still think it's great map :D)
Fun map, I like the AI. One problem though is that the AI responds poorly when I attack its bunker with a void ray hero. It decided to keep building units that couldn't attack void rays like zealots. Other than that it's really fun though!
it's getting better and greater! when version 1.2 is coming out?
@heretician it works, but i just realised because they changed some of the abilities a bit it's messed with the map. for example neural parasite now requires researching, and i haven't updated it so it allows you to use that ability yet. I'll iron out these minor bugs next release, but if you notice anything, let me know.
Lots of fun. I enjoyed it.
Hey, any chance this works with Patch #11? Dont know when the latest patch was released -- seems to me it had to be within the last few days so sorry if i'm pushing the envelope by asking but I really liked your edition of this map =)
one mode without countdown timer could be great
Very fun, the AI and map are well done.
good map
PD. to play the map just drag and drop it into StarCraft II.exe
wonderful designing , i enjoy this map
specially new version
I was under the impression that this map was patch 10 compliant, unless you were posting about another map. It is in the SC2Map format and while i'm no expert in creating maps, i have gotten no errors playing it yet.
this also needs to be updated to version patch 10+ all the sortcuts descriptions are a mess and the main state error apears. again i can tell the author how to fix the script error if he pm me.
Seeing that there are numerous comments asking how to choose a hero, when you reach 50 kills, a dark templar will spawn on the top right, bigger rectangle. Move him into the beacon of whatever hero you want and it will die, spawning the hero at your bunker.
how chouse the hero?
I enjoyed it. Is there a multiplayer version around?
how to choose hero when you got 50 kills?
How to shoose hero?
Yes the map works now. thx for the map =)
@jack, it seems the triggers aren't loading for you. do other maps work for you that use triggers?
>.< this map works for me I hope it works for someone else! I spent so much time on it.
I sent it to a friend and he says it's fine.
I did a fresh install and have patch 10 and used the editor to run.
In version 0.06, There was one DT on the left set of beacons, but moving it to the beacons did nothing. Other reapers just stood by their bunkers doing nothing until I got close. No timer.
In version 0.07, there was no DT at all anywhere. Fog of War everywhere except around my bunker and Reapers. No timer. enemy reapers just stood by their bunkers doing nothing
@hellopanda that's weird it doesn't remove DT's for me. The 2 DT data entries are normal; whenever you change the data of a unit it leaves the default setting also.
does anyone else have the dt disappearing problem?
are you using patch 10?
i'll redo the DT triggers.
@mbbk you can only play through the Map Editor or you can Drag & Drop. This won't work online (at least I think... I don't have a key. :P)
Yeah somehow the Dark Templars go missing when the game starts. I removed the Dark Templars that were in the map and put new ones, then update the variable. Now it works!! Not sure if the problem is because of two different Dark Templars in the Data. Maybe the map has the old Dark Templar but the maps data overrode its data or something like that.
Yes, i launch it with ctrl + f9
hmm i'm in EU server, maybe it work only in US ?