- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- The Warrior Rpg
The Warrior Rpg
t's a map to show my RPG system. Currently it's a 12 players (Bnet suports only 4 atm) Dota type map for testing purposes (1 player play possible). Allready Implemented:
* custom GUI
* ...
t's a map to show my RPG system. Currently it's a 12 players (Bnet suports only 4 atm) Dota type map for testing purposes (1 player play possible). Allready Implemented:
* custom GUI
* custom leveling
* custom skills
* custom items
* shop
* save/load system
* revive for heros
This map is Dota style only for test purposes and it will be redone in a ORPG and Dota will remain as minigame.
Looking forward for feedback, bug raporting, ideas and people who want to help or need it. Map is Localizated so u won't have displaying values in game problem.
Change Log
* repaired a bug with skill levels of acid arrow
* Added animations to all skills except Regeneration
* Added atackmove button
* Changed hotkeys
* Zealot ...
* repaired a bug with skill levels of acid arrow
* Added animations to all skills except Regeneration
* Added atackmove button
* Changed hotkeys
* Zealot size lowered
* Fixed skill tree display bug
* Little change to damage show( need to work on it later)
* Lower minerals reward for stalker/roach to 15
* Make reward for hero 50
* Added new skill acid arrow
* Magic missle skill redone
* Required exp for base level decrased by 50%
* Energy regeneration stat decrased by 50%*
* fixed bug when only players on left side got starting equipment this time for sure
* fixed bug when only players on left side got starting equipment
* Fixed error when hero died and no hero was stored in bank
* life drain changed to drain 10% of damage delt
* Revive function work correct now for sure
* added support for up to 12 players (not tested yet becouse havent found so many players) - teams chosed in game
* repaired bug with displaying stats and skill point of other player than your own
* increased map and spawn amount
* Items canot be destroyed
* Spells can't target items
* Revive function updated (i hope it will work corect now)
* Items don't drop on hero death updated (i hope it work now)
* disabled load when hero is dead
* added 60 sec colldown to potions
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like) Role Playing (RPG) Unfinished
- Author:
- Zaratulius
- Filename:
- Warrior_v0.6a_.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- The Warrior RPG
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 411.8 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (5 votes, ranked #184) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 12
- Teams:
- 2
- Tileset:
- BelShir
- Dimensions:
- 128x136
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 853
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- MugiwaranoRufi 4
- Discovered On:
- May 19, 2010
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
The Warrior Rpg
Warrior_v0.6a_.SC2Map (411.8 KB)
- Released:
- May 19, 2010
- Downloads:
- 853
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
5 votes considered -
- Good
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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User Comments
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Wow!!! Greeaat map! I love it
I have no idea how u did it. Go to http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/warrior/ and download newest version and try to open it in SC2 map editor and run it from there (test document)
No I downloaded it and opened by dragging onto sc2.exe. how did you do it?
Twitchy it looks like u opened some other map.
For some reason when I play this map it is not like an RPG at all, I started as protoss and had 5 probes like normal. Isn't it supposed to be RPG?
i think it will
Going to try this out later on, this looks good! Will it have woven storyline in later releases?
New Version is here http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/warrior/
what do u mean not lvling? more info plz
i'm not lvling don't tells me to much. Plz more info.
localization fix OK for me.
working good
I'm to not lvling... have bug, will it be fixed soon? pls i love that map...
dl new version from http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/warrior it has localization fix
Played it, had no idea what I was doing cuz of localization errors. Looks interesting at best. I'll try it out again... when Battle.net stops sucking.
I made fast localization fix
at new version Galaxy_RPG_v0.7.SC2Map
i have localization problems
new version is out here http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/warrior/ u can find it published on EU bnet under name Galaxy RPG v0.1
it was a bug created by new version of starcraft. I repaired it today. I will make new version today. BTW map name will be changed from Warrior RPG to Galaxy RPG. I will upload it on sc2mapster soon if starting test will be passed.
is it a bug or does the latest map not give base xp for creature kills?
exp bug will be repaired in next version. And game is changing all the time so look into new version soon
I have a bug with this map:| i don't make base level XP
after half an hour it has 0/25(level 1) :(
The map could have much many wave units like in starcraft 1 Dota.
you shuld make at the start to chose your unit...ex stalker, marine, hidralisk....etc
A center of upgrades would be nice, not only those 4 type of upgr.
A multiplayer version would be nice:D
i know i'm picky but the creator should work very much at this map to beacome perfect:D
Good luck working on it;)
Well i know what u are talking about. New blizzard patch made some changes and i need to update my code to make it work again
i dont level wats de prablem?
Welcome to nibbits! I look forward to what you're doing here.
Hello guys. I'm author of this map. I just want u to know i read yours feedback and will try to confirm bugs u raports and fix them.