- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Hex'd
Four player spellcasting arena battle. Master your spells and outsmart your opponents with them. First to 20 kills wins! Rematch option available. Empty player slots or players who leave will be replaced by a challenging AI, kudos if you beat it on your first try! ;)
Please think and check twice which version you are downloading (regarding localizations).
Change Log
Please read: This version has been localized for each region:
enUS (English, US)
esMX (Spanish, Mexico)
ptBR (Portoguse, Brazil)
enGB (English, UK)
deDE (German)
frFR (French)
ruRU ...
Please read: This version has been localized for each region:
enUS (English, US)
esMX (Spanish, Mexico)
ptBR (Portoguse, Brazil)
enGB (English, UK)
deDE (German)
frFR (French)
ruRU (Russian)
itIT (Italian)
esES (Spanish, Spain)
plPL (Polish)
koKR (Korean)
zhCH (Simplified Chinese, China)
zhTW (Simplified Chinese, Taiwan)
However, this was done by no method of Blizzard's and I do not in any way guarantee a bug-free experience when using this version.
Credits to FISKER_Q (http://forums.sc2mapster.com/development/map-development/520-easily-adding-new-locales/) for method of localization.
Now... on to the latest updates :)
- New spell added! 'Orb of Binding'. When cast, it orbits around your character and if it comes in contact with an enemy unit it immobilizes him for 5 seconds.
- Major, major, major improvements to the AI. It now uses about 20 times less of your CPU (the old AI was terribly inefficient). It is now also roughly twice as good as the old version, you're in for a real challenge. ;)
- Lots of visual improvements in form of effects and lights. This is for the most part only noticable if you have your Shader settings to 'High' or better.
- The camera for player 4 is now offset a bit when spawning so he or she gets the same overview as everyone else.
- Changed the names of the units to 'Hexer', to fit the title a bit better. :p
- Decreased the size of the leaderboard so you can see more of the action.
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like) Arena Unfinished
- Author:
- Qancakes -- chricke@live.com
- Filename:
- Hex_d__Fully_Localized_.SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Hex'd
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 1.5 MB
- Tags:
- ums
- Players:
- N/A
- Tileset:
- Tarsonis
- Dimensions:
- 96x112
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 148
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- MugiwaranoRufi 4
- Discovered On:
- May 24, 2010
Share Map
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- Direct Link:

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where i put in map ?
amazing map. i found it so easy to navigate and all the menu systems were solid for me; you can tell these guys know what they are doing !
Hexd.... <3!
М ля, ничего не понимаю по вашему !!!
AI will never compare to playing with real people. As for the health issue; it seems that the public opinion is to leave it unchanged.
Offline is boring.. Maybe at least 2 shots on kill will be better?
This is the most wonderful map! I checked all other mods/maps they were boring. My admirations to the original creator of the map! It's awesome.