TopDown Fighters
Rank 1,142 out of 2,924 in StarCraft 2
This map is part of the Top Down Fighters project.
Map Variants
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Top Down Fighters None |
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im using fully patched to 18 sc2 and using sc2allin1 to play. I cant play on any of these modded maps...anyone know how to?
It isn't balanced anymore then me eyeballing stuff, this is just my proof of concept and will be re-written from the ground up after release.
Pretty dang confusing to begin with. But I got it. I think that the smg for the scout needs some buffs as I can pretty much deal with any sized mob close ranged with the sniper rifle just fine.
yea thx now I'm able to play every game including metal slug on SC2.
Good map. Like oldgood diablo).
ty didn't know
Ya, the map is localized for US, you can localize the map for yourself with
Played and i like it, but was a little hard to understand because all i saw was /Param/Value/numbers, i open it in editor and seems that the map core is missing.

Uploaded the newest version for those who haven't tried it out!
Can't seem to find the updated version with the class selection.. I've seen it in a video on youtube.. So I know it is (or was) out there somewhere.. Kinda curious to try out the other classes. Keep up the good work. A little easy for now, but I'm sure you'll be able to work wonders with a little more time for production.
Excellent map! The gameplay was great, awesome concept, great fun.
The only things that let it down was the over-sized missle hit box and I saw two bugged spheres that obviously shouldn't of been there.
All in all, 4/5.
OMG YOU ARE A GENIUS Modders like you are the reason im getting SC2, i love all the really cool stuff you can do with the game, and the fact this game is in beta and you are still able to pull something like this off, words cannot describe how excited i am to play SC2 when it launches all because of you!
Hey! I'm a bit confused, there's no real text anywhere, just some random stuff about parameters being wrong? What am i doing wrong? Launching it through my legit SC2 editor btw.
Awesome map as always
great awesome maps! it's 1 of the best shooting map i've played so far! hope to have more stuff in it! And also can you put in more secret area? love to find secrets XD
Glad everyone likes it, newist version will be released tomorrow with 4 different classes each with their own weapons and abilities. It supports up to 4 players co-op and is alot longer now. Future versions will add in Items, leveling and new abilities via class talent tree!
Also I had to post two times since 500 characters couldn't describe it's awsomeness.
I didn't like that units disengaged you once you ran too far away, when I killed roaches for example I ran up to them and then ran away shooting them until they disengaged and repeated until they died.
Maybe you could change them to never disengage but instead let every zerg have higher movementspeed than you unless you are stimpacked so kiting them wouldn't be as easy.
Good luck and keep making maps!
Hello, I've tested your map and I'd like to give you my thoughs about it.
First of all, it has lovely gameplay, I haven't tested a lot of maps but I really liked the top view and so good aim.
I can't wait until you put more content in the map or even make a multiplayer version playable in patch 11? That would kick ass. I think that you easily could implent co-op versus zerg or even take out the movement and shooting system and add that to a 1v1 or 2v2 shooting-style map.
Hey; I know this isnt a direct request on the map itself because unfortunately im still updating to the newest patch but maybe you could put some screenshots in the information. I dont know about a lot of people but I like eye candy so reading a little blurb makes me curious but not gun ho so to speak... lol. If you dont feel up to it I could upload some to my hosting and post some links for you?
Loving this map! There is a bug though. The SMG upgrade you get from the hidden area is unable to reload if it has above 5 bullets and manually reloading it when it has below 5 bullets causes it to only replenish to 5, instead of the 15 that it has.
Awesome map. I liked the custom controls and HUD, I hope I get to see more customization in maps like this one. This shows how powerful the galaxy editor really is.
i like the idea, but u must do a longer and harder version :D
Very nice system. The text string messed up for me though. A bit too easy and a bit too short. But I suppose it's more like a tech demo. ^^
i am trying to update to patch 9 and 10, but it gives me this error=
The patch "pc-game-hdfiles\Support\SC2Switcher.exe" could not be applied. (CRC mismatch: expected 0xd8945b24, actual 0x5d4f0c0c.) If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (BNUpdate::PTCApply)
some help please,
OK let me confess :)
i had AI files(game data)in my sc2 root directory and this causing mess
the map is great but i cant find any option for exit