- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Melee Helpers
Basic Description: A melee-RPG type of map where you are able to select an ally's unit, and then control that unit at will. You can change your units as you progress, and gain experience in battles ...
Basic Description: A melee-RPG type of map where you are able to select an ally's unit, and then control that unit at will. You can change your units as you progress, and gain experience in battles to increase your power. Every seconds, your unit will be saved. Also, the "Random Player Color" system has been added to the game to increase more fun:)
Map Description: The map is still work in progress since many patches are coming for the HotS Beta.
Mod & Data & Terrain & Many other important things by Blizzard Entertainment
Map modifications made by hjfabre@naver.com
A.I by ptanhkhoa(Nibbits)
Special Thanks to Vernam7 for giving me the ability to make maps~^.^
(Please Note: This map is only for the players who have the patch of the Heart of the Swarm.
-------------How to Play-------------
1. Select an ally's unit which doesn't make supplies, and do NOT select units such as Point Defense Drones, Larva, SCVs, and Probes. [Certain type of Structures are available such as Spine Crawlers and Missile Turrets]
2. When you chose your unit by selecting the unit with the mouse, Select CTRL to make the unit into your "Special" unit. The unit will now be able to gain experience, and the game will be saved every time the unit gain a experience point. BUT WHAT HAPPENS when your "Special" unit dies? Don't worry about your unit dying. The unit will not be revived, but you will be able to choose another unit.
3. What do I do to "De'Choose" my unit? Umm... The "De'Choose" is simple. Just select your "Special" unit, and press the "Back Space" key to return the unit to it's original owner. After that, you can "Re'Choose" your "Special" unit.
Change Log
1. I found out that the Unitdata.xml from the Green Tea A.I didn't work on my map. Which caused the units to not micro that much T.T So I have fixed it completely. So from now on, the Green Tea A.I ...
1. I found out that the Unitdata.xml from the Green Tea A.I didn't work on my map. Which caused the units to not micro that much T.T So I have fixed it completely. So from now on, the Green Tea A.I is fully functional. = The auto-cast of the Widow Mines and the Swarm Hosts have been disabled due to the recent fix.
2. Found a Tempest bug that didn't display the attribute bonus of a weapon "Knetic Overload" = Still didn't found a way to fix it T.T
3. More secret cheat codes added.
4. A lot of minor stuff...
-Thank you for reading my change log~^.^-
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- hjfabre 3
- Filename:
- hjfabre - [HotS(UMS)]Tal'darim Altar (0.06).SC2Map
- Project Page:
- Melee Helpers
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 3.5 MB
- Tags:
- assistance, helpers, hero, hjfabre, hots, level, ums, unfinished, veterancy
- Players:
- 3
- Teams:
- 2
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,051
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #80)
- Submitted By:
- hjfabre 3
- Discovered On:
- Sept. 17, 2012
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Melee Helpers
hjfabre - [HotS(UMS)]Tal'darim Altar (0.06).SC2Map (3.5 MB)
- Released:
- Sept. 17, 2012
- Downloads:
- 1,051
- Direct Link:

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