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- How to play AI / Replays
Due to a lack of a definitive launcher, there are some questions on how to play SC2 vs AI and play replays. I will walk you through the steps I use to play replays and the AI myself.
First we need to download a few tools
- Freedbot's Starcrack UI mod (for team AI play only)
- StarCrack's AI - Latest Version
- The latest Cache (only for b.net replays)
- Maps (only use blizzard official maps)
Now, unpack the launchers to where you like. I personally extract them to "My Documents\launchers"
Next unpack the cache to C:\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\Battle.net
Now place any maps you download into "My Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Maps"
To play vs the AI:
First you have to copy the AI (base.sc2Data) file into the sc2 installed folder.
WARNING: You will want to copy the original base.sc2data file (its 709kbs in size) to somewhere safe if you want to be able to watch official replays (from the beta clients).
So copy the base.sc2data file from StarCrack's AI (or any AI you choose) to:
C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod
C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod
if you run a 64 bit OS.
It will overwrite the current base.sc2data file (read the warning above)
For StarCrack's AI only: Next copy the AIDifficulty.galaxy to:
C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta
C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II Beta
if you run a 64 bit OS.
Alternatively you can just unzip the StarCrack AI download to your StarCraft 2 folder.
To play 1v1 pick the map and play, if its a 4 player map set the human/ai settings as such:
- Player 1: Human
- Player 2: AI
- Player 3: Human
- Player 4: Human
To play 2v2 (You + AI vs 2 AI), 1v2 or 1v3 (you vs 3 AI):
Pick a 4 player map and set up the AI players. If you want to play 2v2, set 1 AI to team 1 and the other 2 AI to team 2. If you want to play 1v3, set all the AI's to team 2. For 1v2 set the human/ai settings as such:
- Player 1: Human --- Team: 1
- Player 2: AI --------- Team: 2
- Player 3: AI --------- Team: 2
- Player 4: Human --- Team: 4
For FFA play on 4 player maps set the human AI as such:
- Player 1: Human --- Team: 1
- Player 2: AI --------- Team: 2
- Player 3: AI --------- Team: 3
- Player 4: AI --------- Team: 4
Official(from the beta testers): Make sure you have Blizzard's original AI file at:
C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod
Common Issues:
- Desync: wrong AI file
- **TEMP**: outdated cache (with every patch the cache is updated)
AI Replays: You have to make sure that a few things line up for the replay to work.
Frist, start setting a map up like you are going to play it:
Name of map must be the same name as the map played in the replay (ie. if their Twilight fortress map was named fortress.s2ma so must your twilight fortress map be named fortress.s2ma)
The AI must be the same, if they used Poulet-AI you too must make sure the same AI (the base.sc2data file) is in:
C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod
Number of AI opponents must be the same. If they have 2 AI your map must have 2 AI.
Team Settings, if they have it set as 1v3 you have to set the team settings for 1v3.
now click play and exit the map once it loads. You will now be able to play their replay.
Common Issues:
- Desync: Wrong AI, wrong number of AI or Wrong Team settings
- **TEMP**: wrong map name
Feel free to post questions. Have fun and Good Luck.
- Author:
- DrakeFS 1
- Views (Total):
- 27,880
- Views (Daily):
- 3
- Posted On:
- March 20, 2010
- Opinion:
6 votes considered -
- Good
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Starcraft Noob
open map file with:
C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\StarCraft II Editor.exe
try this:
My Documents\StarCraft II Beta\maps
When I open my launcher the "choose a map to play" box is empty. I have already saved my maps to (C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta\maps).
My computer will not open the s2ma maps. Is there a program I can download so I can open them?
Is there any way to get the AI from Starcrack's Allin1 launcher to function in a custom map, or is this not possible at this time? IE must it -always- be a blizz official map for the AI to function?
(Basically what I did is I made a simple 2v2 map and wanted to get the AI to work and to actually attack me, etc. but it doesn't appear to work very well at all and I'm totally lost)
I get a long error, among which this shows
(254,744,817 bytes)
"Core: out of memory"
I have 2 giga ddr2 RAM and a 5600+ amd dual core and 8500 gt video