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- Patch 9 (Nibbits Mirror)
Until we have time to build a real patch directory, here's a quick fix for you all. This mirror is provided via Nibbits, so don't forget to give thanks.
To use these, you will need to do the following:
- Download each file.
- Place them all within ~\StarCraft II Beta\Updates (a subfolder within your installation path). You may have to create this folder yourself.
- Launch StarCraft II and it should detect the files automatically.
Now that we've given you the rundown, here's your patch (Please link to this post rather than linking to files directly, otherwise we may be forced to take more drastic measures to prevent hotlinking):
(This is the enUS locale/patch)
- sc2- (430 mb)
- sc2- (33 mb)
- sc2- (8 mb)
- sc2- (36 mb)
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 28,346
- Views (Daily):
- 4
- Posted On:
- April 22, 2010
- Opinion:
8 votes considered -
- Good
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umm...I don't see how these worked for them, because it doesn't for me...
I cannot run the Patch. I downloaded it 5 times and get failures like:
Blizzard Updater was unable to read the file "H:\Spiele\ST2-BETA\StarCraft II Beta\Mods\Liberty.SC2Mod\Base.SC2Assets". This error may be caused by problems with the media or drive, a scratched or dirty CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, hard drive corruption, or a networking problem while downloading the update. (The data being read was "Assets\Textures\rocks_specular_redstone.dds", and the error code was 0.) ...
can someone help???
Maybe you can remove these now, since the patch is out anyway. Will maybe save some people some problems.
where can i download the maps from the latest patch for playing with starcrack ai?
After i installed this patch i couldn't play anymore there no more units or building just fog of war
what's going on?
I wonder if this would allow non sc 2 beta users to mess around with the editor. I am a bit disappointed the editor looks so much like what I consider the ugly warcraft 3 map editor.
Thanks for your help Terran
you must Wait for new launcher and maybe using new type of maps
And what about for no visible units?
for loop problem just disconnect from internet and run the game once
I got no loop but there are no units visible after updating to patch 9, this is insane!!!!
im also asking the same question as GardenofAiur asked, we that already updated the real patch? Does this still override that and make it all work? *:S*
Thanx for the mirrors, found another site as well: http://maged.lordaeron.org/sc2/sc2patch9.zip
nice idea ,thanks
i got the loop too, does it fix it?
You should be able to just place these in updates (per the directions) and load the game.
how can we stop the patcher from doing 9 so we can use these isntead? will these work if we have the looping problem?
get the maps from patch 9 up sooon!