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- Contest Reviews are Open
The contest is now closed for submissions and we have opened up the entries for reviews. Remember, 50% of the final score is based on what you think of the map. So head on over and check out the 100+ entries and let the authors know what you think!
Unsure how to review a map? Most of the maps that have been submitted you aren't going to be able to find online. Sadly, this means you can't test them out in a real environment. You'll only be able to test them out solo (sandbox) or against a computer player (using something like the StarCrack Launcher, available in our resources section).
Oh, and as an incentive, you will receive 12 XP for every review you post.
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 41,302
- Views (Daily):
- 3
- Posted On:
- Sept. 1, 2010
- Opinion:
11 votes considered -
- Good
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So this contest is over right?
Are you reviewing all the maps? Can we see the reviews when you do them?
When are the winners announced?
*To be honest the reviewer in question, seems to be a rather lazy reviewer*, most reviews just copy what has already been said. I think most of us has been way to lazy in the reviews, I am not specifically attacking you Danzell you may not be doing what too many people are doing, but you should not review a map you did not even look at.
Edit *I have spoken to the reviewer, he has had problems with getting blank maps, so there may be a glitch in the system (possibly uploader issue)...
This must be a joke, The only one that post a review of my maps give them 1/5 because he doesn't know how to open a map. :(
I don't have a chance to win after been reviewed with 1 of 5 but at least give me some feedback about the gameplay and look of the map.
(The map is HUGE!!!! you need a very good PC or to open first the editor and then the map.)
I will do a final review this weekend, please message me with a link to your proper version if you had an issue selecting it as an entry. If the version was submitted before the contest deadline I will update the entry to be based on that instead of what is currently there.
Thanks everyone for the reviews :)
Oh, and user reviews will close on Sunday night at midnight. We'll announce winners next week. I'm failing pretty badly at these deadlines I set right now, but work things came up that I didn't realize were the same week as this.
Care to upload some maps of your own?
kannon... you forgot to update its entry that's why.
More exactly the entry does not auto update.
I also have the same problem. But i actually submitted my 2nd version b4 the contest closed. But it shows the 1st version which was unplayable.
I really do agree with hexodus, I myself am definitely guilty of reviews based to much on the looks of the map, something that is even only mildly noticeably in gameplay, let only effecting the gameplay. If a map looks awesome is it going to make a fairer game. I was personally hoping for reviews that would help improve playability of my maps. Because of the setup of SC2 it is hard to even play someone elses map downloaded from here, so most people either only look at the images of the map, or open it in the editor (something that does not truly give insight into the playability of the map, other than maybe seeing glaring mistakes.)
I don't think you should consider the user-reviews too strongly when determining the winner(s) of this contest. Having looked through a significant amount of reviews it seems the majority of people are happy to give out glowing reviews of any map that looks nice and is symmetrical (claiming it's balanced).
The reality is, the editor is an incredibly simple tool to use, and anyone with eyes can make a map that looks really nice. Therefore, the only way to effectively separate the good maps from the bad is to look at the layout and structure.
In regards to this, the majority of the reviews I've read focus far too much on the appearance of the map and then just claim it's balanced because it's symmetrical, however there is far more to balance than just symmetry.
Most of the reviews so far have proven their authors incompetent at providing legitimate feedback in regards to proper map balance, and thus should just be ignored. There are some horribly imbalanced maps receiving a ton of praise (case in point, the currently featured map; Leiranda).
Regardless, I'll keep submitting reviews for the sake of the few genuinely talented mapmakers who entered this contest.
meh taking too long aint gonna win the keyboard either so whatever gl to all of you.
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I have done no updates since the contest closed, I do not know if it was an error on my part or a glitch in the system, the submission page showed only one version of my map when I submitted it, since I had updated the map prior to this I assumed it would enter the newest version of the map selected, there was no version information on the submission form.
Meh if only I was a map maker.. Most I can do is play the maps and give my reviews for XP -- i'm a Moderator/Admin now so I really don't even need the XP.
Time to spend hours supporting the Nibbits community reviewing the maps (UNBIASED) for everyone =) I'd encourage others to do the same!
What do you mean its not the map submitted? Did you submit multiple versions of the same map to the contest? You should know that a map is kind of locked in when you entered it as an entry. This means that if you updated (e.g. submitted another map, diff version) at a later date, it wouldn't be counted as the entry.
However, if you submitted the map (based on our records) before the date, and simply selected the wrong version, we can correct that.
Again, I could care less about your review in general, my complaint was my map being reviewed is not the map I submitted. Seeing a review about my map having too few minerals in my main bases, because my old version was incomplete does no good to me fixing the issues with current version that has a better amount of minerals.
Yes my new one has minerals blocked that shouldn't thank you for pointing it out I can now fix that, but in the contest I wanted my current versions (the ones submitted) reviewed; not the old versions that I already know things that needed fixing and have fixed. Focus on known issues doesn't help fix my maps...
I've seen all three of your maps you've submitted (and their updates). They got what they deserve. I'm sorry to sound so harsh, but I'm just giving it to you straight. They need work. A lot of work.
You've got the hardest part down (symmetry), now you just need to whip out the paint brush and make your worlds come to life.
Look at other people's maps.
And remember the importance of placing mineral fields appropriately. If you block them off or place them farther away in one base, but not in another, you put that player at a disadvantage. Everything has to be equal in amount and distance.
Seriously, I never said anything about you reviewing badly, nor do I care about your reviews, I am annoyed that my map being reviewed is not the map I submitted. Yes I said that the reviewer in question only seems to give ones and twos, never said they were not deserved, I don't think my map deserves a two, as for the four player issue it only says it is meant for four players, because I have four start locations so someone can play 2v2 if they want to, but you are entitled to your opinion. Now yes my other map you reviewed does deserve a one I only even submitted it to the contest on a whim of having three submissions, personally I didn't even think anyone would bother reviewing it. It is essentially an incomplete idea.
Ok, seriously? To say that I give only 1's and 2's is absurd. I have given multiple maps ratings from 3-5. It just so happens a lot of the maps people entered are broken or imbalanced and I keep finding the same problems from map to map.
What can I say? I guess I make a good critic.
It's funny that you would say that anyway. It's a good thing for you that the version I reviewed is the one that you entered into the contest for review.
I saw your updated version and somehow it manages to be even worse.
In your original upload your map had 36,000 total minerals, only 2 expansions, and was meant (somehow) for 4 players.
To put this in perspective, Lost Temple, a staple in the starcraft community (arguably perfect), has 120,000 minerals, 6 expansions, and a smaller boundary.
Your updated version has a bit more minerals: 30,000 more putting it just over half that of Lost Temple...but now you have 2 main bases where the mineral fields are blocked in by the terrain (and terrible placement) forcing scv's to mine the fields in front entirely before being able to move to the ones behind. Meanwhile, the other two bases are free and clear to rake it in at a much faster rate. It makes me question your actual knowledge of the game.
If you'd like I'll go deeper with my review...
Your xel'naga towers are nearly useless. There's multiple paths that can easily lead around their sight. The waterfall in the middle makes no sense. A waterfall needs a source. Not to mention, the "river" it flows into ends abruptly.
Your map is symmetrical. That is the only good thing I can say about it.
Your updated version gets a 1/5 for being broken.
You want a good rating? Spend some time on your map, and make it good.
Someone apparently got an old version of my map for their review (a guy that only gives ones or twos) and I am kinda annoyed that I have a review on my map based on an old version instead of the one submitted to the contest.
I may actually extend reviews until next Sunday. Didn't schedule this too well and I'm going to be out of town all week so won't have time to review things myself til the weekend.
Will someone please review my map? :o I've asked a load of people but nobody seems to have reviewed it so far :(
Blood and Mud
Please be constructive, this is actually my first Melee map for the game. ^_^
Thank you in advance.
Too bad there's no way to see the current vote standings... I think that would be useful information to have here for the community, even if the decision is only 50% ours..
Ohh alright I see how it works... back to reviewing then :)
id like to say as for tournament standard, it didnt specify past 8 min 2 gas at mains. nothing for expansions etc.
so i figured id make every expansion in the same format of 8 min 2 gas, dont look at the comments and seen mine grouped into sentences with Money Maps, its definatly not.
as for my map star of serenity, i stated earlier i updated it and it uploaded a whole new version as apposed to replacing the existing one.
EDIT: keep the one that Frozenwolf reviewed. its the one i wanted to be.]
and remove the one that doesnt have a review if its casuing alot of problems. sorry for the inconveniance.
anyway its changed the size of the destructable rocks from the main to the 2nd expansion and moved them
We're currently not moderating reviews, so I can't see any reason for them not to show up.
However, Star of Serenity seems to have duplicate submissions: http://sc2.nibbits.com/contests/3/entries/119/
(That list is sorted by least number of reviews, so that people viewing the page find things that need more reviews first)