The upgrade is being forced on me ... hardware failure.
Looking at the CPUs, it's mad to get anything above 4 cores, and so that makes a new CPU very affordable. Games basically max out at 4 cores, so more is just a waste of money.
8 GB RAM ... 4 is doing me well, but it is so inexpensive, may as well get it ... never know, I might want to open 20 maps at one time!
For some weird reason my puter refuses to work in the case. So it is on a wooden board at the moment until I get the new case tomorrow.
Monitor is a humble 24" from a few years ago and the GPU HD5850 is fine.
I'll check Diablo 3 out for sure, but I find games oh so boring now a days.
I recently had a test drive of Linux Mint, Lisa, with the Cinnamon shell and I am very impressed!
With the maps, they are in order of creation. So there is a sense of refined skills in each subsequent map.
Also I've spent many hours bringing all the 12 WOL maps up to spec with the latest Galaxy Editor.
All 12 WOL maps will be rebooted once HOTS Galaxy Editor goes live. The geography will remain but the textures and doodads will be updated.
I think the biggest change over the timeline of the maps is the geography. The most significant improvements are there.
2012 A Swarm Odyssey, has the work effort, so far, of any 10 of my WOL maps! Yes it is that huge a build. It is my major HOTS map. It was the only one, but I changed my mind and decided to release some others ... "Not Gilligan's Island" and on 22 June 2012 "Kira - Tetrakaidecagon" ... the 14 FFA hub-spokes map.
Then there is the backburner "Atlantis" co-production with Vernam7.
2012 A Swarm Odyssey will create a whole new level to my maps, for the sheer work I've put into it. You will see all this when it is released.
Anyway I am glad you like the maps and I am happy they are opensource.
I think this is a good means for me to promote charitable works. I have a strong interest in human rights issues.
I like to use SC2 as a vehicle for my beliefs, such as supporting womyns rights, eg Kiva for womyn charity to assist womyn in societies that are typically more unequal than our own (note: Kiva supports men too, and that is equally worthy, though not my particular interest).
SC2 is massive in Korea and the post World War 2 divide of that nation is a war crime. North Korea is an evil regime. I am center-left politically, but North Korea is nothing about rights for the people and all about the rights of the ruling warlords.
North Korea is a prison for Korean people and I for one, say clearly that this is unacceptable.
I am of Nord/Viking/Germanic/Greek/Roman decent, so I look at this from a complete outsiders perspective.
North Korea is a failed state, a danger to its neighbours and a psychopath to its people.
My Unite Korea Now map expresses my concerns.
As for the Chinese "Communists", they ought to put the rights of the North Koreans ahead of their own political interests. It is shameful that advanced persons like the Chinese are supporting such evil.
China today is not Communist at all, but a Capitalist one party state. North Korea is a Warlord hell hole.
The resolution NEEDS to be peaceful. That Koreans, some 25 million in the North suffer is a poor reflection upon us all.
The game between Red and Blue was really interesting to watch as an observer. Screenshot 10, when blue won the major battle at the border was the turning point in the war.
Kiva DOT ORG is a 14 player FFA map. In the following screenshots only 12 players are visible, SC2 CTD at 13 and the 14th was me as the observer. Powered by Vernam7 SC2Allin1.
To give you an idea of the map ... to be released this Friday 22 June 2012 !!!
what kind of FPS you get when you have this resolution + 12 players at ultra? i am wondering......this map is huge and if you use gt ai, its even harder for your system, i know you have a good new PC, but this is bad ass if you get more than 40fps
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
I will add a blurb to each map in the slideshow when I have time.
really nice update!
but try to find a way to make everyone also downloadable seperetly!
by clicking maybe on the image?
damn those gorgeous maps are 'wasted' in skirmishes, we must find the time this summer and make at least 1 campaign map, that will explore the details of it!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Too much work for separate downloads ... I'm lazy haha! Also updates of the map pack are months apart, so getting the new map pack means getting the latest of all the maps in one go.
Oh you are Charlemagne!
You changed of username right? I did the same last month ;)
I was thinking that some of your maps has a similar look to Charlemagne map pack.
Now I understand! You have magic power and you are 2 different guy at the same time ^^
Nice job! I always loved the artistic touch on your maps. ;)
Happy Easter everyone!
Sorry that the Easter Map Pack isn't up yet.
Yesterday the PSU failed. I bought a new one today and then I found I had no video sync.
Well I got it to work kinda, mainboard is sitting on the edge of the case, on a t-shirt.
I will *try* to sort the maps now, but if I don't, it is only coz there is another hardware failure.
Thanks for your understanding.
Hi PandaZerg.
What was your previous username?
Easter Map Pack is currently being uploaded.
Easter Map Pack now available for download !!!
I was doing some software testing yesterday and the PSU just failed silently. Though that is a very dramatic photo!
Here is my new power supply:
7 year warranty and modulated connections.
I am going to build a new system. Here is the case I hope to buy tomorrow:
A new 4 core AMD and 8 GB ram this week too.
My current system is four years old and I use it extensively so a new build is in order.
cool stuff mate!
your new system will be usefull for hots and map editor and if you are into it diablo3
The upgrade is being forced on me ... hardware failure.
Looking at the CPUs, it's mad to get anything above 4 cores, and so that makes a new CPU very affordable. Games basically max out at 4 cores, so more is just a waste of money.
8 GB RAM ... 4 is doing me well, but it is so inexpensive, may as well get it ... never know, I might want to open 20 maps at one time!
For some weird reason my puter refuses to work in the case. So it is on a wooden board at the moment until I get the new case tomorrow.
Monitor is a humble 24" from a few years ago and the GPU HD5850 is fine.
I'll check Diablo 3 out for sure, but I find games oh so boring now a days.
I recently had a test drive of Linux Mint, Lisa, with the Cinnamon shell and I am very impressed!
Having just the one computer is a challenge to keep it going. It is a real work horse.
I must say, I am happy to have the net back. Doesn't feel nice to lose the net.
I took some time to look at all of your maps individually with the Galaxy editor.
By FAR, my favorite is Firefox Ubuntu. SO nice. Very artistic imo.
Today, I will test ubuntu and vortex for playing. Gonna test others later.
Very good job! Must have been long to do.
My last username was DivadYug.
DivadYug its you?
I told you I would like to change of username 1 month or 2 ago. You told me to contact "mag". So I did.
It's me ^^
i dont remember what i eat yesterday do you expect to remember that 2 months ago!? lol
anyways this map i didnt played yet yet but i seen it too in map editor and i was impressed once more.
With the maps, they are in order of creation. So there is a sense of refined skills in each subsequent map.
Also I've spent many hours bringing all the 12 WOL maps up to spec with the latest Galaxy Editor.
All 12 WOL maps will be rebooted once HOTS Galaxy Editor goes live. The geography will remain but the textures and doodads will be updated.
I think the biggest change over the timeline of the maps is the geography. The most significant improvements are there.
2012 A Swarm Odyssey, has the work effort, so far, of any 10 of my WOL maps! Yes it is that huge a build. It is my major HOTS map. It was the only one, but I changed my mind and decided to release some others ... "Not Gilligan's Island" and on 22 June 2012 "Kira - Tetrakaidecagon" ... the 14 FFA hub-spokes map.
Then there is the backburner "Atlantis" co-production with Vernam7.
2012 A Swarm Odyssey will create a whole new level to my maps, for the sheer work I've put into it. You will see all this when it is released.
Anyway I am glad you like the maps and I am happy they are opensource.
I think this is a good means for me to promote charitable works. I have a strong interest in human rights issues.
A new map pack will be released: Friday 22 June 2012
This will feature two new maps. Beta previews:
Kiva dot org - a massive 14 player FFA or teams.
Unite Korea Now - a 1 v1 or 2 v 2, "D Day style liberate map"
More info at:
MAP: Unite Korea Now - war !!!
22 story telling screenshots, first 5 here, rest at:
Long loading time, for the images, but well worth it!
Two opposing ideas. One blue and one red. Settings, "insane", powered by Vernam7 SC2Allin1.
Blue represents the forces of democracy and red that of a dictatorship. Who will win?
See the reports from the front lines, in 22 images that tell the story of this war.
Red declared war on blue. Blue had been isolated in luxury, but will they be able to respond? Blue sends in advanced forces to secure the border.

Blue air transports re-enforcements.

Blue tries to land forces again.

Blue sends in a commando raid.

Red wins battle after battle.
amazing stuff once more man!
i like that you dare to pick a very "sensitive" political-national problem and turn it into a map!
Thanks Vernam7.
I like to use SC2 as a vehicle for my beliefs, such as supporting womyns rights, eg Kiva for womyn charity to assist womyn in societies that are typically more unequal than our own (note: Kiva supports men too, and that is equally worthy, though not my particular interest).
SC2 is massive in Korea and the post World War 2 divide of that nation is a war crime. North Korea is an evil regime. I am center-left politically, but North Korea is nothing about rights for the people and all about the rights of the ruling warlords.
North Korea is a prison for Korean people and I for one, say clearly that this is unacceptable.
I am of Nord/Viking/Germanic/Greek/Roman decent, so I look at this from a complete outsiders perspective.
North Korea is a failed state, a danger to its neighbours and a psychopath to its people.
My Unite Korea Now map expresses my concerns.
As for the Chinese "Communists", they ought to put the rights of the North Koreans ahead of their own political interests. It is shameful that advanced persons like the Chinese are supporting such evil.
China today is not Communist at all, but a Capitalist one party state. North Korea is a Warlord hell hole.
The resolution NEEDS to be peaceful. That Koreans, some 25 million in the North suffer is a poor reflection upon us all.
The game between Red and Blue was really interesting to watch as an observer. Screenshot 10, when blue won the major battle at the border was the turning point in the war.
Red would win the next major battle, but with such loses that it could no longer sustain the fight.
The map is well balanced and I like the idea of a non-conventional design that still works like this.
It is a fun map to play and thanks to your SC2Allin1, many persons get to enjoy SC2 without the control freaks Blizzard.
Game play screenshots.
Kiva DOT ORG is a 14 player FFA map. In the following screenshots only 12 players are visible, SC2 CTD at 13 and the 14th was me as the observer. Powered by Vernam7 SC2Allin1.
To give you an idea of the map ... to be released this Friday 22 June 2012 !!!
Larger images at:
what kind of FPS you get when you have this resolution + 12 players at ultra? i am wondering......this map is huge and if you use gt ai, its even harder for your system, i know you have a good new PC, but this is bad ass if you get more than 40fps
I don't experience any lag. It is all fast. I don't use Green Tea.
I am mindful however of FPS and "Kiva DOT ORG" only has some vegetation, birds, and fog. It is all about the gameplay of 14 sides.
I hope that even on mid-range computers, this map will be playable at acceptable levels, eg FPS and quality.
This is a gamers map, not for the computer that does the office spreadsheets! :P
Let me know if you wish, once you have the map!
Oh and, yeah, I love my new computer build ... it is awesome!!!
Download: Kiva DOT ORG artypixelle map pack
Released Friday 22 June 2012
What is new: added two maps,
1. Kiva DOT ORG - 14 player FFA or teams (promoting the charity Kiva, especially womyns rights. I support Kiva!).
2. Unite Korea Now - 1v1 or 2v2 invasion/liberation map. (Korea ... some place in Asian where one or two persons might play Starcraft 2!)
Tell your friends and have fun!
New web presentation layout for artypixelle.
I will add a blurb to each map in the slideshow when I have time.
really nice update!
but try to find a way to make everyone also downloadable seperetly!
by clicking maybe on the image?
damn those gorgeous maps are 'wasted' in skirmishes, we must find the time this summer and make at least 1 campaign map, that will explore the details of it!
Thanks for the compliment.
Too much work for separate downloads ... I'm lazy haha! Also updates of the map pack are months apart, so getting the new map pack means getting the latest of all the maps in one go.
Artypixelle is retiring - no more maps - as at 31 December 2015.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the exciting early days of SC2. It was so much fun.
Why retire? Well other interests in my life are more important now, people I know AFK, my music and my social lifestyle.
I wish to say a special thanks to Vernam7, who in many ways, to many, was Mr Starcraft ... thank you.
Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen.