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  • With the maps, they are in order of creation. So there is a sense of refined skills in each subsequent map.

    Also I've spent many hours bringing all the 12 WOL maps up to spec with the latest Galaxy Editor.

    All 12 WOL maps will be rebooted once HOTS Galaxy Editor goes live. The geography will remain but the textures and doodads will be updated.

    I think the biggest change over the timeline of the maps is the geography. The most significant improvements are there.

    2012 A Swarm Odyssey, has the work effort, so far, of any 10 of my WOL maps! Yes it is that huge a build. It is my major HOTS map. It was the only one, but I changed my mind and decided to release some others ... "Not Gilligan's Island" and on 22 June 2012 "Kira - Tetrakaidecagon" ... the 14 FFA hub-spokes map.

    Then there is the backburner "Atlantis" co-production with Vernam7.

    2012 A Swarm Odyssey will create a whole new level to my maps, for the sheer work I've put into it. You will see all this when it is released.

    Anyway I am glad you like the maps and I am happy they are opensource.

    I think this is a good means for me to promote charitable works. I have a strong interest in human rights issues.

    opensource Starcraft 2 maps:

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