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  • Absolutely, I'd like to expand/probe into some new areas with the site. We have a very nice userbase here and though the prime focus is maps and tools, I'd like to explore other options too and see how they'd go.

    The forums part is 'in progress', as mentioned before this isn't a snap by the fingers option I can implement, since they were all programmed by David himself. So I need to dive into his code and familiarize myself more with Python (helps that I have some programming background).

    I've setup a development version of Nibbits last week which I can wreck/develop on without you guys dealing with a broken site along the way.

    But can you elaborate a bit on 'full map creator control' ?

    Another direction/addition I've bee considering, is adding a WoW section to the site.. But I'm not sure if the same Blizzard userbase that plays WoW is the base that plays WC3/SC/SC2

    - Mag - Nibbits admin
    Mag 26

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