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  • besides that there are allready lot of wikis ideas aout there, it has to be something trully uniqe - new that will attract content managers.

    I think that is a potential opportunity. You are right with regards to the time factor. The opportunity exists that there may be persons looking to do something like this. They don't program or script or do maps, but a wiki is for them.

    I guess maybe placing a "positions vacant" sign may reveal if such will work.

    As for the launcher-lan ... lol, I look forward to 'them there ol fireworks', I mean release! ;)

    With regards to passing traffic, it all boils down to participation. If a person doesn't feel there is an opportunity to somehow participate, then they will likely not post.

    Thus ideas like the wiki and WOW have innate potential.

    opensource Starcraft 2 maps:

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