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  • ok witch maps do you mean? the remakes?
    oh then you must clean up all the modifi blizzard maps or?
    ????????when i modif a blizzard maps i dont make Blizzard Maps to the flag ?

    now tells me the time difference
    or a contradiction?

    why there is no option to delete acc and maps on nibbits?
    when you banned me i hope you delete ALL maps on the acc ExTraxx CrEaToR MCP and PARADOXX
    when you me banned i dont want that my maps on nibbits
    sorry but other people think others

    ?when i download a map on nibbits and i put it on my acc in bnet,i can play it online and then in bnet stand AUTHOR : PARADOXX

    what is now tells me it this is about your views?
    bnet is automatically made in one author, what's the problem when a map changes for themselves?


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