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  • How to Play
    The map is currently published on EU and US servers. Alternatively you can download it from the following link but the map is protected so the simplest way to play it is to drag & drop the map file on your starcraft2 esecutable.
    Download from SC2Nibbits

    Here is the release video

    Quick Description
    This map is freely inspired to but all the game will be transported to the starcraft universe.
    That means that all DK units, rooms and spells will be converted in SC2 units, giving them similar roles and abilities as they had in the original game.

    Developement Diaries

    Wanted features
    - Dungeon Keeper 2 remake with some changes
    - Different gameplays (Invaders defense, Versus, Coop, Training)
    - Selectable premade map
    - Map editor with ability to share maps inside or outside the game
    - Campaign


    My project page on sc2mapster contains a fully detailed list of single features


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