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  • Hi,

    Here's my situation. I run an Internet Cafe. I want to offer SC2 to the customers that walk in here, but most of them haven't purchased SC2 (which is why they're coming to a cafe - they want to try it out).

    I can purchase the game and make several Battlenet IDs to go along with them, but the problem is, I can't walk over to the computer and log the customer in every time someone wants to play SC2. And obviously, I can't GIVE them the Battlenet ID and PW to everyone. What I'd like to have is a launcher of some sort that does this: I create a txt file or something that has the battlenet ID and PW. When I launch the launcher, it reads the ID and PW, and passes it to Battlenet, without the customer ever seeing it. So, the customer clicks the SC2 Launcher icon, after some loading, the next thing they see, is the game menu (since they've already logged in silently to Battlenet).

    Is this something that can be done?

    Thanks so much.

    Registered User

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