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  • A program like this is possible. What you would first have to do is to check out whether sc2 has command line parameters that allows you to insert a username and password and then start the game with the user logged in and in the menus. This would make the program easier to create.

    If sc2 does not have this kind of functionality you would have to break into the process and directly inject the username and password (while the process was at the login screen), then press the login button. However Blizzard may find this as against their EULA, so i would advise against it.

    Another thing you can do is create a program which will run in the background and simulate keystrokes when the login screen is active. However, this method would expose the username to your client. It may also be prone to glitches.

    Your biggest problem would be clients attempting to find the text file that contains your sc2 accounts and passwords, however a clever programmer would be able to protect against this.

    Zakushocause the guy making it for you could easily make so that when you put acc and pass it would send to his email that information and yet still work doing its job for you and you would even give out the other acc and pass making that guy "rich" in sc2 accounts.

    A programmer who did this would find themselves without a job, and unable to find any other job in the future.


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