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  • Thanks to everyone for your input.

    Djordje - I've already created a macro (with AutoIT) that basically logins in the battlenet ID and password by setting a sleep time. The problem with it, as you pointed out, is if there's a patch, or a machine that begins to load slower or faster, then it gets out of whack. It's also a real possibility that the password actually gets thrown in the clear text field for ID if the timing is off. Not a solid solution and it would actually make me more paranoid than just standing behind everyone and typing in the info myself.

    If there is a launcher created and it's reading off of a text file, I'm not worried. I've hardened every one of the computers in the LAN through software and personal tweaks. There's no way to open explorer, my computer, any folder, command prompt, etc. I've even removed the START button off of all the machines. For internet access, I've blocked the ability to download, right-click save-as, etc. The only thing you can do on my computers is click the icons that I've prepared on the desktop (which are almost all shortcuts to batch files on partitions that are inaccessible to the user) and browse the internet. USB devices are rejected by the operating system. I've taken out the cd rom and floppy. BIOS is password protected. The computer case is trip wired with a pocket air horn in case anyone tries to open it.

    This isn't pertinent to this conversation, but I was a desktop engineer for a major telecommunications company for 7 years. Last year, I held a contest for 1 month. Anyone that could hack into my machine would get $1,000.00 in cash. They could try anything, except open the case (and if they did that, they'd get shot.)

    Anyways, back to my request. I know there's the worry that the developer could easily re-route the info to a different server as well as the Battlenet server. There's a lot of testing that's done before I put anything onto my desktops and DeepFreeze them. I would hope that any of you clever folks that comes up with this, would have it in code form so I can compile it myself.

    I don't think there's anyone that's comes to this forum that would be so silly to double click an EXE file without looking at the code first. That's just ridiculous.

    Registered User

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