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  • Turdburgler
    Turd, Yucie is right, I've seen the Ai running away after seeing a few units and it will sometimes retreat all the way back to its base, if I follow it while it retreats, it's usually cake to take him out if he doesn't have much defense in his base.

    No that's intended functionality. The idea being, he's hopefully going to rally with a few additional troops at his base/fight somewhere where it's his advantage or have defences at his base.

    If he attacked a much larger force outright rather than retreating he's going to end up a lot worse.

    I've had the AI dance around in front of my base (not fully retreating, just moving back a few steps and then recalculating, it seems) for long periods of time with V7, but never saw it in V6. I looked through the code a bit to try to figure out what was going on, but it didn't look like it was caused by your battle logic so I decided to let you handle it :P

    The first time I played V7, the AI even danced around on the side of my base on Metalopolis while I picked them off with Stalkers from the high ground.

    As for my request, I'd like to see the AI build more production buildings as their minerals get too high.

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