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  • I have noticed that the Opponent AIs will team up against my ally even on the easy setting.

    I have also noticed that the AI knows where all your bases are. Even when playing with the AI that doesn't have the map hack.

    3rd, the AI's scout will sit there even if its path is blocked and scouts the entire game. I think it should scout once and whatever units you send it will counter.

    The AI also doesn't build defenses or as a terran player, build supply depots in front.

    The AI should also expand at any difficultly, as in easy, and very easy they don't expand, so they run out of minerals then you kill them.

    Update AI strategies to be up to date with the current patch. I would also like to see the AI try to harass you with mutas or reapers.

    Finally, I have noticed that the AI will have its army dance by going back and forth when you attack them. You can also attack their army and back up, attack, back up. Then they will run back to attack their target and you attack them and they try to attack your army. Please have them attack your army rather than run back to attack their target once they get a bit away from it.

    I know its a lot of things to fix, but this is everything I think needs to be fixed. Once this is fixed, I think the AI would be perfect (or near) until the next patch. Other than all that, the AI is good.


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