const int terran_open = -1; -1 = random 0+1 are the same = marines + mauraders 2 = fast marines with shield wall 3 = hellion rush ... its broken but you can try it
const int c_difficulty = 0; this changes the amount of workers the AI builds ... expands are also based on the number of workers the AI has so changing this might stop the AI expanding basicly its (build X workers - c_difficulty)
const int c_mineralBonus = 1; increase this to make the AI get more minerals per trip its a multiplier.
const string c_maphack = "false"; false = normal player vision true = they have maphack
NEW IN 7.03 const int c_scared=1; 1 = will get scared 0 = fearless
const int c_retreat=1; 1 = will retreat 0 = never retreat